Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)
Recent papers in Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)
Dans la présente étude, je propose de montrer le concept d'arguments naturels, et comment ils ont des mauvais effets sur le langage. Ce qui impliquera, après avoir exécuté une analyse historique, qu'il existerait un lien essentiel entre... more
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
This paper examines Medea's and Jason's use of rhetorical devices in attempting to maintain control of their situation. This paper also explores the possibility of a feminine hero in a society that celebrates male heroism.
This narrative on pedagogy presents language as a tool for resistance and rhetoric as a means for interrupting social oppressions. In particular, I draw attention to one approach I have used in the Professional Writing classroom to teach... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This book examines the history of ethnic minorities--particularly Chicano/as and Latino/as--in the field of composition and rhetoric; the connections between composition and major US historical movements toward inclusiveness in education;... more
This is the syllabus for CAS 201, Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, taught to Penn State undergraduates and CAS majors. Approximately 100 students are enrolled in this lecture course.
Since the beginning of the 21 st century, art in " publicly accessible spaces " (Bengtsen, 2018: 125) has received significant attention within a number of academic fields, including most recently cognitive semiotics, which integrates... more
cours rhétorique et argumentation, département LEA, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne nouvelle
Manipulation: Rhetorical Strategies in the Works of Jupiter Hammon "We cannot have the oppressors telling the oppressed how to rid themselves of the oppressor." -Kwame Ture
Nous publions ici la préface et des extraits de la seconde édition : De la Rhétorique, ou De la composition oratoire et littéraire par Auguste Baron, deuxième édition, Bruxelles — Librairie Polytechnique d’Aug. Decq, 1853 [1re éd. 1849,... more
Abstract Onomatopoeias (<old Greek ὀνοματοποιία; ὄνομα ‘name’, ποιέω ‘I make’) are mimetic elements representing sounds and lexicalizations of sounds (to smack). A large set of problems and studies (based on repositories: Gubern and... more
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
The article deals with the study of President Sādāt’s speech at the Knesset, highlighting some strategies adopted to convince his audiences of the logic and necessity to initiate a peace process in the Middle East. We have chosen to... more
V prispevku raziskujemo stične točke med učiteljevo avtoriteto in retori- ko kot posebno obliko jezikovne rabe v pedagoškem procesu. Izhajajoč iz odnosnega pojmovanja avtoritete izpostavljamo njeno retorično naravo in opozarjamo na... more
The basis of this essay is to bring light to the fact that the academic and affective needs of emergent bilinguals, as it relates to bilingual/bicultural education, teaching methods, and assessment of student's literacy development in... more
Plato and Aristotle are key figures in the study of rhetoric. Classical period had been known as the era where rhetoric emerged as the influential language existence. Experts on rhetoric had discussed deeply about the history of rhetoric... more
This paper aims to discuss how environment, language and rhetoric interplay in the postcolonial context, in particular by focusing on Making India Awesome (2015), a recent collection of essays in which journalist and novelist Chetan... more
In the light of Halliday's Ideational Grammatical Metaphor, Rhetoric and Critical Discourse Analysis, the major objectives of this study are to investigate and analyze Barack Obama's 2012 five speeches, which amount to 19383 words, from... more
Recensione di Aristotele, Retorica. Introduzione, traduzione e commento di S. GASTALDI («Classici» 36), Carocci Editore, Roma 2014, pp. 637, «ΠΗΓΗ / FONS. Revista de estudios sobre la civilización clásica y su recepción» I (2016), pp.... more
When I mention my shotgun, some people nod knowingly and say, “Good home defense gun.” And I explain, “No, not exactly,” or “Really, no, not at all.” I keep it locked up, unloaded, inaccessible. If somebody wants to break into my home... more
«Io sono innamorato della parola ‘lacuna’; parola squisitamente latina […] Nelle sue tre sillabe si condensa tutto ciò che di bello ed esem-plare ha per me l’antica lingua di Roma: robustezza, pregnanza sonora e semantica, e una capacità... more
Drawing on overarching methodological frameworks of Hallidayan grammatical metaphor, Fairclough's perspective on critical discourse analysis and rhetoric, this study attempts to posit a novel, integrated and practical approach to... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
In this work, different occurrences of the connective (land" in some Basque proverbs gathered in the 16 th and 19 th centuries are studied. {:And" appears in grammatically definable types of constructions beyond pragmatic ambiguity; the... more
In this chapter, I provide suggestions as to how communication practices of executive government institutions could be conceptualised and operationalised for a discourse analytic study. I delineate several competing ways in which scholars... more
Paper exposes and details the usage of rhetoric & propaganda. Knowing this also exposes the purposes and motives involved in the creation of such texts. Which, in turn, leads us to information about the true authorship of these texts.... more
This paper lays out the terms of inquiry for my Spring 2016 seminar at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, “Embodied Writing and Rhetoric.” It grows out of release time granted by UPRM for “A Comparative Inquiry on the Role of... more
Si esamina lo scambio epistolare fra Federico II e il Comune di Bologna, in merito alla prigionia di Re Enzo, figlio dell'imperatore, detenuto a Bologna dopo la battaglia della Fossalta del 1249. Esempi rilevanti di ars dictandi le due... more
[Absurd and Ridicule. Irony and deductio ad absurdum in the Rhetoric] Irony is at the base of the Socratic speculative process, in which the interlocutor is in a way "ridiculed". Ridicule carries on functions similar to those of absurd in... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
This paper examines whether and to what extent data-driven learning (DDL) activities can improve the lexico-grammatical use of abstract nouns in L2 writing. A topic-based corpus was compiled to develop concordance learning activities, and... more
This essay expands the rhetoric of economics conversation started by economist Deirdre McCloskey. Through a close engagement with Michel Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France from 1975 to 1979, concerning the dual problematics of... more