Policy Networks
Recent papers in Policy Networks
This chapter provides a policy-based reading of the drivers, processes, and long-term ramifications of the outsourcing of military support services that has thus far been all but absent from the literature. Military support services... more
A large historiographic tradition has studied the Brazilian state, yet we know relatively little about its internal dynamics and particularities. The role of informal, personal, and unintentional ties has remained underexplored in most... more
The study of public policy and governance nowadays pays special attention on the network approach. It is a consequence of the fact that our society is now turned into a network society by which public... more
This paper examines the phenomenon of educational policy transfer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is argued that our age has witnessed a phenomenon of “the accelerating transnationalization of policy norms and practices” (Peck and... more
This chapter uses the policy-planning network concept to explain why charter school reform has become a prominent reform strategy, especially in urban districts serving primarily poor children of color. It then identifies components of... more
This article aims to explicate Policy Network Theory through Philosophy of Social Science consideration. The study found that Policy Network Theory is epistemologically and methodologically in accord with Critical Realism perspective. In... more
This article aims to study the theoretical development of Policy Networks Model in the context of structure-agency debate. The question of this study is, is it possible to solve that problem via Policy Networks Model, If it is possible,... more
The article aims to study how the assumption of the urban health as a common can change the contemporary urbanization trends and to face the crisis of planning practices and urban policies. The paper moves from two theoretical... more
(to obtain a copy of this paper, please contact me by mail) This paper deals with the Muslim slave presence within the “Bagno” of Livorno in the 17th century, placing a particular emphasis on aspects of everyday life and relationships... more
El presente documento tiene dos objetivos, en primer lugar tiene como propósito realizar un acercamiento con el ARS para posteriormente vincular su utilidad con el estudio de nuevos modelos de gestión de políticas públicas como lo es el... more
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine Perspektive zu entwickeln, um politische Transnationalisierungsphänomene aus sehr unterschiedlichen empirischen Kontexten in einem gemeinsamen theoretischen Bezugsrahmen zu analysieren. Die... more
Resulta muy difícil entender la política en nuestro mundo actual sin conocer las claves que ayudan a descifrar el complejo sistema de pesos y contrapesos que la accionan. Frente a esta realidad, las redes políticas son la urdimbre que... more
Employing a policy network approach within a multiple theories framework, this paper explicates a unifying analytical framework for examining state-level policy change in educational subsystems. In the politically fluid context of current... more
RU: В ходе исследования автором выявлена обратная корреляция между количеством активных пользователей W eb 2.0 площадок, сервисов, приложений в регионах и явкой на выборах в электоральном цикле 2016 года (чем больше в регионе активных... more
This research explored the rebuilding of a public university, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, in the West African nation of Côte d’Ivoire, destroyed as a result of a highly contested Presidential election. We began by viewing... more
Transnationale Politiknetzwerke bieten sich als attraktives gemeinsames Untersuchungsobjekt von Regierungslehre und Internationalen Beziehungen an, wenn es darum geht, die Folgen von Globalisierungsprozessen für die staatliche... more
Il saggio si inserisce nel dibattito in corso sullo sviluppo delle aree rurali italiane con lo scopo di sostenere come, nella attuale situazione dell'economia, l'unità di riferimento per l'analisi delle trasformazioni economiche e sociali... more
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the state contribute considerably to the unique state of Caribbean politics, yet their relationship is turbulent which prevents effective policymaking. Specifically, the problem this study... more
In questo breve saggio l'autore sviluppa i primi risultati di una ricerca sulla rigenerazione del quartiere di Bagnoli a Napoli, conclusa nel febbraio del 2003, condotta all'interno del Dottorato di ricerca in Sociologia dei Fenomeni... more
The Hague is more and more the legal capital of the world. The Hague municipality and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs successfully promoted the city as such and made it a real global center of justice, peace and security (Eyffinger, 1999)... more
This paper maps the policy actors and their networks in the European Union's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in the Lao People's Democratic Republic... more
Abstract Two important challenges in policy design are better understanding of the design space and consideration of the temporal factors. Moreover, in recent years it has been demonstrated that understanding the complex interactions of... more
This research paper focuses on the analysis of the network that links governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies involved in the process of adapting to climate change in Sudan; to find... more
In this article the author examines the networks of civic initiatives in Saint Petersburg and their inclusion into urban public policy. Th e configuration of institutional environment of urban governance is the key factor that determines... more
This chapter provides a policy-based reading of the drivers, processes, and long-term ramifications of the outsourcing of military support services that has thus far been all but absent from the literature. Military support services... more
The Hague and Geneva are two cities that historically grew into global centers, specialized in specific human rights, peace and justice topics. The aim of this paper is to compare both cities with regard to their local and national... more
While there is broad scholarly agreement that policy-making in the European Union (EU) involves a multitude of public and private actors at different levels of government, there is less agreement whether the EU should be conceptualized as... more
En el turismo las redes sociales se presentan como la materialización de la gobernanza, facilitando el intercambio de recursos entre las partes interesadas y permitiendo la realización de tareas complejas que no pueden... more
El presente artículo se basa en un estudio que muestra la disputa entre proyectos políticos en torno a la gestión del agua en dos acuíferos del centro de México afectados por sobreexplotación. Los casos se refieren al acuífero del Valle... more
Reports are occasional studies that provide support or background information for wider research projects. They include reviews of scientific literature, state of the art reports, and country studies. They are works in progress and offer... more
This chapter will illustrate how an “outside-in” view of policy making may implement a balanced perspective for assessing sustainable outcomes through an integrated Dynamic Performance Management and Governance framework. In the next... more