Political Clientelism
Recent papers in Political Clientelism
Pointing to a number of informal dynamics in small societies that are supposed to enhance cooperation and consensus, traditional studies on power-sharing posit that small states are ‘most likely’ candidates for stable, multiethnic... more
The purpose of this article is to highlight the clientelistic strategies and informal practices that the ruling political parties in Albania use during the elections to ensure an unfair advantage in their favour over the opposition... more
Nigeria’s democracy is under threat following growing trend of vote buying and selling in elections. Capacity, competence and character are not parameters for assessing electoral candidates. Cash-for-vote or ‘see and buy’ is emerging as... more
The central question in this volume is, what is the relationship between clientelism and democracy? The traditional answer to this question has been that clientelism is a vestige of authoritarian regimes that undermines democratic... more
Whilst often mentioned and sometimes hammered out, the “economic origins” of the revolution have mostly been ignored. Why is that so? The article attempts to explain this surprising oversight. The emphasis on what was at stake with “the... more
The article explores the conditions under which incumbent leaders in initially competitive political systems manage to offset democratic resistance and establish an authoritarian regime. Autocratisationthe transition from a competitive... more
How does neopatrimonialism, a form of governance in some African countries, affect the prospects for economic development?
The paper uncovers determinants of turnout in Iran by studying the role of institutional and socio-economic variables in parliamentary politics since the 2000s. The paper argues that Iran’s electoral system has dichotomized the pattern of... more
El libro responde a la necesidad de indagar en el funcionamiento real de las democracias latinoamericanas, analizando las reglas informales de intercambio político y de distribución de recursos en Colombia y México. Desde distintas... more
Este artículo reexamina la idea de Lijphart (1997) de que el voto obligatorio sea un instrumento efectivo para reducir la desigualdad del ingreso con un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental basado en la técnica de matching. Los... more
In elections around the world, candidates seek to influence voters' choices using a variety of intermediaries and by relying on either positive electoral inducements or coercive strategies. What explains candidates' choices among... more
In this article, Kurt Bassuener assesses the Biden administration's recent strong advocacy for the "Open Balkan" initiative, championed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in the context of the current security crisis in Bosnia and... more
Contemporary analysis of clientelism aims to revisit the core of the concept in order to study its potencial capacity for making work the relationships between social groups and the State. The paper is about a PH D research in wich is... more
The text looks into the importance of sate capture for the stability of hybrid regimes from the Serbian post-2000 perspective. It argues for an integration of these two research fields. Part one gives a list extractive institutions... more
Last year, independent and secular segments of civil society ran against the established traditional political parties in Lebanon’s parliamentary elections. While their campaign elicited much hope, the results were disappointing. Why did... more
Conventional models of clientelism often assume poor voters have little or no choice over which local broker to turn to for help. Yet communities in many clientelistic settings are marked by multiple brokers who compete for a following.... more
«Il ponderoso 'carteggio' intercorso tra Donato Di Marzo e Giustino Fortunato, [...] copre il ventennio 1891-1910, un periodo particolarmente intenso della storia dell'Italia unita, che, segnato - come è noto - da una serie di grandi temi... more
This paper is an initial assessment of the current efforts at institutionalizing political party reforms. Specifically, it will provide an overview of current debates, within and initiatives of, two political parties in the area of party... more
O presente trabalho busca construir um perfil social dos juízes de paz eleitos, entre 1848 e 1871, no 1º Distrito da Freguesia do Arroio Grande, Sul da Província de São Pedro do Rio Grande. A partir desse estudo de caso, pretendemos... more
El objetivo general del curso es explorar los principales enfoques y núcleos de debate propios de la antropología política como especialidad disciplinar. El programa se propone discutir ejes claves del área, incluyendo un panorama sobre... more
In 2004, an unlikely combination of rural insurgent groups and urban gangs fought over the fate of President Aristide and brought Haiti to the brink of civil war. Ten years on, the country is still plagued by instances of armed violence.... more
"There is a striking contrast between the dissemination of the concept of neopatrimonial rule in Africa and its more parsimonious mobilisation outside the continent. The increasing assimilation of the African neopatrimonial state to... more
Focusing exclusively on external forces risks producing an over-generalized account of a ubiquitous neoliberalism, which insufficiently accounts for the profusion of local variegations that currently comprise the neoliberal project as a... more
Assessment of AFBiH capabilities, performance, handicaps and weaknesses, including politicization in the ranks and potential fracture along ethnic lines under pressure.
""Anti-vote-buying campaigns led by NGOs and political elites denounce the practice as a crass economic transaction detrimental to democracy. Do potential clients stigmatize vote buying to the same degree, or does the mass public have a... more
This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and... more
Ghana's fourth attempt at constitutional democratic governance which started in 1992 has been plagued with negative acts of political vigilantism. Political vigilante groups play a key role in securing electoral victory for their parties.... more
This is my HD thesis in Polish. Short version of this book in English was published under the title "Social Bonds in the Political Culture in Kyrgyzstan". This pdf file includes: table of contents and summary in English and Russian,... more
Whereas the belief that political parties are necessary elements of democracy is widespread in political science, it is in fact empirically false. Six small Pacific island democracies function without parties, and several explanations for... more
he article discusses the concepts of democracy and political participation through different perspectives aimed at pointing out the limitations as well as the contributions of some of those concepts for the analysis of Latin-American... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
The aim of this paper is to systematize existing research on media reporting related to various aspects of citizenship, and to contribute with a primary analysis of media content, in order to define how the leading print media in four... more
In the 1974 October Working Papers, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (1970-1981) announced that the government would launch an ambitious developmental project to populate the desert outside the Nile River Valley. Sadat hoped that this new... more
Corruption in politics and business is, after war, perhaps the greatest threat to democracy. Academic studies of corruption tend to come from the field of International Relations, analysing systems of formal rules and institutions. This... more
Questo volume invita a considerare la questione siriana, con le sue molteplici sfaccettature e rappresentazioni, come un laboratorio per comprendere l’intera area mediterranea alle prese con scommesse epocali che caratterizzeranno... more
Este libro que nos adentra en la etapa virreinal del Perú, en una etapa poco estudiada como es el siglo XVII. El texto se aboca a analizar la conformación y funcionamiento de la corte virreinal peruana, la cual fue una representación a... more
This chapter will investigate the relationship between elections and democratic development in the Philippines. It will trace the emergence and institutionalization of electoral politics at various junctures in Philippine history.... more
A comienzos de enero de 1875, el rey Alfonso XII de Borbón llegó a España.