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In the course of election campaigns politicians and political parties try their best to highlight their most favored topics that would help them draw public attention and increase people’s regard for specific political figures. In... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communication
In this comprehensive and highly interdisciplinary handbook, contributors reflect on remix across the broad spectrum of media and culture, with each chapter offering in-depth reflections on the relationship between remix studies and... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesVideo remixRemix
un analisi semiotica e linguistica dell' operazione di montaggio su youtube.
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      Video remixRemix CulturePolitical Remix Video
Remix games are like remix videos, remix music, or remix images in that they are primarily comprised of sampled content. As a working definition, for the purposes of this chapter, remix games may be understood as games that are composed... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesVideo GamesVideo remix
Remix is now considered by many to be a form of derivative work, but such generalizations have resulted in numerous non-commercial remixes being wrongfully accused of copyright infringement. Gallagher argues that remix is a fundamentally... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesVisual Culture
Keywords in Remix Studies consists of twenty-four chapters authored by researchers who share interests in remix studies and remix culture throughout the arts and humanities. The essays reflect on the critical, historical and theoretical... more
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      Video remixKeywordsRemixRemix Culture
In the course of election campaigns politicians and political parties try their best to highlight their most favored topics that would help them draw public attention and increase people’s regard for specific political figures. In... more
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      Political PartiesPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communicationPolitical Communication (Communication)
This essay argues for considering remix—defined as artifacts that employ the semiotic registers of word, sound and image—as an emergent and vital form of cultural expression and communication. After tracing the ways in which the Trump... more
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      RhetoricCritical PedagogyVisual RhetoricCritical Thinking
2014 / June [the 8th version]
[Backup$ Project: Online Free Sharing]
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      Contemporary ArtVideo remixOnline VideoPolitical Remix Video