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Tracking of ground targets presents a number of challenges. Target trajectories meet various motion constraints. Substantial non-homogenous clutter is usually present. In multitarget situations measurement assignment may be... more
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      Information FusionData AssociationProbabilistic Data AssociationSimulation Study
We present a multimodal detection and tracking algorithm for sensors composed of a camera mounted between two microphones. Target localization is performed on color-based change detection in the video modality and on Time Difference of... more
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      Kalman FilterSource LocalizationChange detectionSensor Fusion
A particle filter (PF) is a recursive numerical technique which uses random sampling to approximate the optimal solution to target tracking problems involving nonlinearities and/or non-Gaussianity. A set of particle filtering methods for... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringMonte Carlo MethodsTarget TrackingSampling methods
The Integrated Probabilistic Data Association (IPDA) type filters provide estimates of the underlying target probability of existence /perceivability/visibility as well as track state maintenance. These quantities are conveniently used as... more
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      Target TrackingProbabilistic Data AssociationMarkov chainDetection Probability
In many radar and sonar tracking systems, the target state typically includes target position and velocity components that are estimated from a time sequence of target position and Doppler measurements. The use of measured Doppler... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringProbabilityState EstimationNonlinear filters
Joint PDA approach is very effective in tracking multiple targets in data association environment, with clutter measurements and missed detections. Joint IPDA has built upon this by including the probability of target existence as a track... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringProbabilityBayesian estimationTarget Tracking
Abstract| F or the problem of tracking multiple targets the Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) approach h a s shown to be very e ective in handling clutter and missed detections. The JPDA, however, tends to coalesce neighbouring... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMonte Carlo SimulationNeural Networks
Over the recent past, significant attention has been focused on the use of multiple sensors for target tracking over a large geographic area, as using a single sensor with a very large range is highly impractical. In addition, data from... more
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      PdaMulti Sensor Data FusionMultiple Target TrackingMTT
This paper deals with the problem of tracking a single maneuvering target from multiple platforms in the cluttered environment. A new solution based on H 1 filtering is presented to relax the requirement of a prior knowledge of the noise... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySignal ProcessingMonte Carlo Simulation
This paper consider the nonlinear state estimate problem for tracking maneuvering targets. Two methods are introduced to overcome the difficulty of non-linear model. The first method uses Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) which includes 2,... more
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      Computational ComplexityComputer NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksState Estimation
In this letter, we compare the complexity and efficiency of several methods used for multiuser detection in a synchronous code-division multiple-access system. Various methods are discussed, including decision-feedback (DF) detection,... more
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      Computational ComplexityTabu SearchComputer SimulationGroup Decision Making
The Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) method for multiuser detection in synchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communication channels is extended to asynchronous CDMA, where a Kalman filter or smoother is employed to track... more
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      Distributed ComputingProbabilityKalman FilterKalman Filtering
In many radar or sonar tracking systems, where the state of interest typically includes target position and velocity components, target Doppler measurements may be available in addition to the target position measurements. Using... more
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      Data AssociationNonlinear FilterProbabilistic Data AssociationMulti-target Tracking
This paper consider the nonlinear state estimate problem for tracking maneuvering targets. Two methods are introduced to overcome the difficulty of non-linear model. The first method uses Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) which includes 2,... more
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      Computational ComplexityState EstimationSensor NetworkSecond Order
The Maximum Likelihood Probabilistic Data Association (ML-PDA) tracking algorithm is effective in tracking Very Low Observable targets (i.e., very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) targets in a high false alarm environment). However, the... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringGeneticsComputational ComplexityGenetic Algorithms
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      Aerospace EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationGeomatic EngineeringProbabilistic Data Association
In many tracking scenarios, the amplitude of target returns are stronger than those coming from false alarms. This information can be used to improve the multi-target state estimation by obtaining more accurate target and false alarm... more
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      MultidisciplinaryState EstimationFeature trackingData Association
A Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) method is proposed in this letter for multiuser detection over synchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communication channels. PDA models the undecided user signals as binary random... more
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      Distributed ComputingIterative MethodsProbabilityComputer Simulation
This paper presents sensor and data rate control algorithms for tracking maneuvering targets. The manuevering target is modeled as a jump Markov linear system. We present novel extensions of the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM), Particle... more
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      Optimal ControlDynamic programmingMultidisciplinaryProbability
In many tracking scenarios, the amplitude of target returns are stronger than those coming from false alarms. This information can be used to improve the multi-target state estimation by obtaining more accurate target and false alarm... more
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      MultidisciplinaryState EstimationFeature trackingData Association
A two-dimensional target can be effectively and efficiently tracked from angle-only measurements only if the observing platform is sufficiently maneuvering. Covert passive sonar TMA problem is a common application, and, for that, a... more
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      Target TrackingCramer Rao Lower BoundObservabilityFisher information
This paper consider the nonlinear state estimate problem for tracking maneuvering targets. Two methods are introduced to overcome the difficulty of non-linear model. The first method uses Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) which includes 2,... more
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      Computational ComplexityComputer NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksState Estimation
Modern radar systems have considerable flexibility in their modes of operation. In particular, it is possible to modify the waveform on a pulse to pulse basis, and electronically steered phased arrays can quickly point the radar beam in... more
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      Target TrackingPhased ArrayProbabilistic Data AssociationBeam steering
This paper discusses the point process formalism of multiple target tracking problems. Finite point processes are defined as random elements in the spaces of finite sequences with their orders ignored, rather than as random integer-valued... more
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      Data MiningProbabilitySensor ArraysData Fusion
In this paper several turbo receivers for Interleave-Division Multiple-Access (IDMA) systems will be discussed. The multiple access system model is presented first. The optimal, Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) algorithm, is then presented. It... more
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      CodingSimulationInformation TransferBit Error Rate
A Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) method is proposed in this letter for multiuser detection over synchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) communication channels. PDA models the undecided user signals as binary random... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SimulationMaximum LikelihoodMultiuser Detection
Approximately a decade ago the maximum likelihood probabilistic data association (MLPDA) tracking architecture was proposed; it was found, via simulation, to be a very effective (perhaps the only) way to track very low-observable contacts... more
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      Signal ProcessingSensor ArraysUncertaintyMaximum Likelihood
In many radar and sonar tracking systems, the target state typically includes target position and velocity components that are estimated from a time sequence of target position and Doppler measurements. The use of measured Doppler... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringComputer ScienceProbabilityState Estimation
The dynamic programming algorithm, called the Viterbi algorithm (VA), is an algorithm for finding the best path through the nodes of a trellis by minimizing the summed cost. It is widely used in estimation and detection problems in... more
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      Computer ScienceCharacter RecognitionIEEEViterbi algorithm
Abstract—This paper presents sensor and data rate control algo-rithms for tracking maneuvering targets. The manuevering target is modeled as a jump Markov linear system. We present novel extensions of the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM),... more
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      Optimal ControlDynamic programmingMultidisciplinaryProbability
This paper describes a multisensor single target tracking simulator “MUST” developed at CSSIP. MUST is based on a multisensor extended Kalman filter (EKF) which can handle asynchronous nonlinear multiple measurements of target parameters... more
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      Signal ProcessingComputational ModelingMonte Carlo SimulationProbability
The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is a practical alternative to the optimal Bayesian multi-target filter based on finite set statistics. It propagates the PHD function, a first order moment of the full multi-target posterior... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringGeomatic EngineeringFirst-Order LogicData Association
Knowledge area(s) Advanced (sensor-) information processing Descriptor(s) Bayesian estimation Descriptor system False measurements Formation flight Markov chain Missing measurements Multitarget tracking Stochastic hybrid system Sudden... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo SimulationsMonte Carlo Methods
In tracking a single target in clutter, many algorithms have been developed ranging in complexity from nearest neighbor (NN) and probabilistic data association (PDA) to the optimal Bayesian filter. In multiple-target tracking, a number of... more
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      Computational ComplexityComputational ModelingFuzzy LogicComplexity
Object detection and tracking is an essential preliminary task in event analysis systems (e.g. visual surveillance). Typically objects are extracted and tagged, forming representative tracks of their activity. Tagging is usually performed... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage RetrievalObject TrackingVideo Object
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      ModelingProbabilityTrackingFormal method
We present iterative turbo-like equalizers for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems subject to frequency-selective channels with rapid time variation. The proposed equalizers are... more
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      Turbo equalizationOFDMMIMOProcessing
Most target tracking algorithms implicitly assume that target exists. There are only a few techniques that address the target existence problem along with target tracking. For example, (Integrated Probabilistic Data Association) IPDA... more
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      StatisticsState EstimationTarget TrackingBayesian methods
The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is a practical alternative to the optimal Bayesian multi-target filter based on finite set statistics. It propagates the PHD function, a first order moment of the full multi-target posterior... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringGeomatic EngineeringFirst-Order LogicData Association