Probabilistic reasoning
Recent papers in Probabilistic reasoning
Background-From an affective neuroscience perspective, our understanding of psychiatric illness may be advanced by neuropsychological test paradigms probing emotional processes. Reversal learning is one such process, whereby subjects must... more
The increasing demand of World Wide Web raises the need of predicting the user's web page request. The most widely used approach to predict the web pages is the pattern discovery process of Web usage mining. This process involves... more
We review the applicability of Bayesian networks (BNs) for discovering relations between genes, environment, and disease. By translating probabilistic dependencies among variables into graphical models and vice versa, BNs provide a... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Ante las dificultades probatorias del nexo causal en supuestos de responsabilidad civil o patrimonial el Derecho obliga a que el peso de la incertidumbre recaiga en su conjunto sobre uno solo de los sujetos implicados: sobre el agente... more
Soft computing is likely to play an important role in science and engineering in the future. The successful applications of soft computing and the rapid growth suggest that the impact of soft computing will be felt increasingly in coming... more
This study explores intuitive ideas about chance and probability in children aged 4 to 6. For this, we conducted an exploratory study of an instructional process with 23 pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students who had not received... more
Decision making both on individual and organizational level is always accompanied by the search of other's opinion on the same. With tremendous establishment of opinion rich resources like, reviews, forum discussions, blogs, micro-blogs,... more
You yourself, or what is the same, your experience is such ``coin'' that, while you aren't questioned, it rotates all the time in ``free flight''. And only when you answer the question the ``coin'' falls on one of the sides: ``Yes'' or... more
Verbal phrases denoting uncertainty are of two kinds: positive, suggesting the occurrence of a target outcome, and negative, drawing attention to its nonoccurrence (Teigen & Brun, 1995). This directionality is correlated with, but not... more
Identifying spatio-temporal synchrony in a complex, interacting and oscillatory coupled-system is a challenge. In particular, the characterization of statistical relationships between environmental or biophysical variables with the... more
Soft computing is likely to play an important role in science and engineering in the future. The successful applications of soft computing and the rapid growth suggest that the impact of soft computing will be felt increasingly in coming... more
This paper proposes a definition of a fuzzy partition element based on the homomorphism between type-1 fuzzy sets and the three-valued Kleene algebra. A new clustering method based on the C-means algorithm, using the defined partition, is... more
Presentation of Aristotle's invaluable syllogisms with the even more valuable consolidation of those syllogism.
We provide a scheme for the synchronization of two chaotic mobile robots when a mismatch between the parameter values of the systems to be synchronized is present. We have shown how meta-heuristic optimization can be used to adapt the... more
As we approach the next millennium, and as our problems become too complex to rely only on one discipline to solve them more effectively, multi-disciplinary approaches in the petroleum industry become more of a necessity than professional... more
Disasters from explosive volcanic eruptions are infrequent and experience in emergency planning and mitigation for such events remains limited. The need for urgently developing more robust methods for risk assessment and decision making... more
The NAC gene family encodes a large family of plant-specific transcription factors with diverse roles in various developmental processes and stress responses in plants. Creation of genome wide prediction tools for NAC proteins will have a... more
A new methodology is developed to analyse existing water quality monitoring networks. This methodology incorporates different aspects of monitoring, including vulnerability/probability assessment, environmental health risk, the value of... more
Soft computing is likely to play an important role in science and engineering in the future. The successful applications of soft computing and the rapid growth suggest that the impact of soft computing will be felt increasingly in coming... more
Suppose that two competing norms, N1 and N2, can be identified such that a given person’s response can be interpreted as correct according to N1 but incorrect according to N2. Which of these two norms, if any, should one use to interpret... more
Most so-called “errors” in probabilistic reasoning are in fact not violations of probability theory. Examples of such “errors” include overconfidence bias, conjunction fallacy, and base-rate neglect. Researchers have relied on a very... more
There are certain 'hard cases' of weakness of will that seem to occur, indeed to be common, but are very difficult to give a non-paradoxical account of. It is just not clear how they are possible. This paper is largely an attempt to get... more
Research on probability judgment has traditionally emphasized that people are susceptible to biases because they rely on ''variable substitution'': the assessment of normative variables is replaced by assessment of heuristic, subjective... more
Book review, published 15 March, 1986. SUMMARY: The view of AI science offered by Judea Pearl is thoroughly traditional and standard, and therein lie both this book's strengths and its weaknesses as a monograph, a reference, or a textbook.
This paper defends two theses about probabilistic reasoning. First, although modus ponens has a probabilistic analog, modus tollens does not -the fact that a hypothesis says that an observation is very improbable does not entail that the... more
The idea of probabilities has been described as a “Janus-faced” concept, which can be thought of either in terms of frequencies or in terms of subjective confidence. This dualism contributes to debates about the nature of human... more
Skin colour detection is frequently been used for searching people, face detection, pornographic filtering and hand tracking. The presence of skin or non-skin in digital image can be determined by manipulating pixels' colour and/or... more
This paper attempts to explore the possibility of using sound signatures for vehicle detection and classification purposes. Sound emitted by vehicles are captured for a two lane undivided road carrying moderate traffic. Simultaneous... more
We consider the Multi-Area Economic Dispatch problem (MAEDP) in deregulated power system environment for practical multi-area cases with tie line constraints. Our objective is to generate allocation to the power generators in such a... more
11th International Conference on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (SCAI 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of artificial... more
This chapter discusses the cognitive mechanisms underlying magical beliefs and practices. We first review empirical studies in developmental psychology that address children’s concepts of magic. In particular, these studies focus on how... more
Real-time problem diagnosis in large distributed computer systems and networks is a challenging task that requires fast and accurate inferences from potentially huge data volumes. In this paper, we propose a cost-efficient, adaptive... more
Recent studies indicate that indicative conditionals like "If people wear masks, the spread of Covid-19 will be diminished" require a probabilistic dependency between their antecedents and consequents to be acceptable (Skovgaard-Olsen et... more
A consistent finding in research on conditional reasoning is that individuals are more likely to endorse the valid modus ponens (MP) inference than the equally valid modus tollens (MT) inference. This pattern holds for both abstract task... more
Soft computing is likely to play an important role in science and engineering in the future. The successful applications of soft computing and the rapid growth suggest that the impact of soft computing will be felt increasingly in coming... more