Problem Posing in Mathematics
Recent papers in Problem Posing in Mathematics
In the 21st century, creativity has been emphasized as one of the crucial skills needed to tackle challenges stemming from technology advancement and rapid changes in society and the labor market. Therefore, various countries include the... more
Our presentation considers the problems associated with assessment of problem-solving group work. In the experience carried out in our own classrooms with students aged 15-17 the assessment of open-ended group work is possible by means of... more
The aim of this study is to examine the views of pre-service mathematics teacher on mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The study will contribute to the determination of how, where, when and for what purpose pre-service... more
As an introduction to the special issue on problem posing, the paper presents a brief overview of the research done on this topic in mathematics education. Starting from this overview, the authors acknowledge important issues that need to... more
Esercizi e problemi con soluzioni e svolgimenti Seconda edizione aggiornata 2013 Con il moltiplicarsi dei corsi di laurea nei quali è presente l’esame propedeutico di Matematica Generale si è assistito a una proliferazione di... more
Los Programas de Estudio de Matemática en Costa Rica, proponen la Resolución de Problemas en contextos reales como estrategia metodológica principal y el Planteamiento de Problemas como uno de los cinco procesos matemáticos. Así, este... more
This international review offers current findings on the art and science of problem posing and its multiple contributions to mathematics teaching, learning, training, and curriculum design. Diverse perspectives on problem posing frame the... more
The Solve Equation X^p+Y^q=Z^w / 01/2022
Every even integer > 2 is the sum of two prime numbers
& equivalent
Each odd integer > 5 is the sum of three prime numbers
& equivalent
Each odd integer > 5 is the sum of three prime numbers
The Riemann zeta function is one of the most Leonhard Euler important and fascinating functions in mathematics. Analyzing the matter of conjecture of Riemann divide our analysis in the zeta function and in the proof of conjecture, which... more
Matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di setiap tingkatan sekolah, mulai dari sekolah dasar sampai perguruan tinggi. Matematika merupakan ilmu yang mempunyai peran penting dalam memajukan daya pikir manusia yang mendasari... more
Here are two related conjectures, each called the twin prime conjecture. The first version states that there are an infinite number of pairs of twin primes (Guy 1994, p. 19). It is not known if there are an infinite number of such primes... more
In this paper, we describe the process of students’ self-assessment of their creativity and its development in the context of posing mathematical problems, presuming that such a process would support the development of their creativity.... more
For any intuitionistic multi-fuzzy set A = { < x , µ A (x) , ν A (x) > : x∈X} of an universe set X, we study the set [A] (α, β) called the (α, β)–lower cut of A. It is the crisp multi-set { x∈X : µ i (x) ≤ α i , ν i (x) ≥ β i , ∀i } of X.... more
La invención de problemas es una actividad con valor reconocido dentro de la experiencia matemática educativa, por otra parte, desde el punto de vista de la investigación la caracterización de problemas matemáticos planteados por... more
With the Generalized Theorem of Lagrange
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33819.39208
Research Proposal
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33819.39208
Research Proposal
The links between the mathematical and cognitive models that interact during problem solving are explored with the purpose of developing a reference framework for designing problem-posing tasks. When the process of solving is a successful... more
This article provides an illustration of the explanatory and discovery functions of proof with an original geometric conjecture made by Clough, a Grade 11 student in relation to Viviani's theorem. After logically explaining (proving) the... more
Cele 100 de variante oficiale
Learning models that can improve critical thinking, skills collaborate, communicate, and creative thinking are needed in the 21st-century education era. Critical and creative thinking are the two essential competencies of the four skills... more
This paper is the author's personal side project and is of no affiliation to any institution or courses. The paper is a rookie attempt to deriving mathematical expressions of the well-known puzzle, the bridge and torch problem. The... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of modelling, collabora-tive and game-based learning on geometry success in third-grade students. These approaches were applied to geometry instruction in nature on the success of... more
Problem solving and problem posing are leading mathematical activities that stimulate mathematical thinking. From the theoretical point of view, these activities are very complex, partly due to the various issues that describe/define... more
El talento matemático ha sido estudiado generalmente empleando tareas de resolución de problemas y pocas investigaciones abordan el tema mediante actividades de invención de problemas. Por tanto, en este documento se presenta un estudio... more
This paper concerns the role of mathematical problems in the epistemology of Jean Cavaillès. Most occurrences of the term “problem” in his texts refer to mathematical problems, in the sense in which mathematicians themselves use the term:... more
Cele 100 de variante oficiale
This paper presents the results of an experiment in which 4 th to 6 th graders with above average mathematical abilities modified a given problem. The experiment found evidence of links between problem posing and cognitive flexibility.... more
In this small paper we will give you some problems for solution! Have fun!
The purpose of this research are to reviewing: degree of student activity, degree of student problem solving, and degree of creativity student problem solving, on learning use STAD with problem posing model aid two dimentional figure... more
This paper reviews the conclusions of a few studies focused on cognitive flexibility of 4 to 6 graders in relation to their problem posing abilities. It seems that, in problem posing situations, high achievers in mathematics develop... more
Too few students consider mathematics to be interesting, not to mention enjoyable or challenging. Integrating strategy games into mathematics classes can make them more exiting, enabling students to learn or practice various topics in a... more
The aim of this paper is to study the class of β-normal spaces. The relationships among s-normal spaces, p-normal spaces and β-normal spaces are investigated. Moreover, we study the forms of generalized β-closed functions. We obtain... more
The Wiles proof on the Frey curve is true, but Frey hypothesis inconsistent; the Fermat’s proof is reduced to few pages. Appendix: The error of the curve of Frey, and Fermat's demonstration Notebook on the Wiles deception. The... more
A look into students’ misconceptions help explain the very low geometric thinking and may assist teachers in correcting errors to aid students in reaching a higher van Hiele geometric thinking level. In this study, students’ geometric... more
Mihaela Berindeanu, Gyuszi Szep Lucrarea cuprinde exercitii si probleme structurate in functie de itemii programei de olimpiada, clasa a VIII-a. La fiecare capitol exista o parte de teorie urmata de exercitii rezolvate si apoi exercitii... more
Keywords The purpose of this study, to determine problem-posing skills and algebraic thinking levels and whether there is a relationship between problem-posing skills and algebraic thinking levels. In this research, correlation was used... more
This paper explores a 1949 geometry exam question, generalizing it by 'looking back' at the solution in Polya style, as well as considering some interesting variations of it, including an optimization problem that is solved purely... more
In the present study we explore changes in perceptions of our class of prospective mathematics teachers (PTs) regarding their mathematical knowledge. The PTs engaged in problem posing activities in geometry, using the “What If Not?”... more
We present a simple, fully probabilistic, Bayesian solution to -sample omnibus tests for comparison, with the Behrens-Fisher problem as a special case, which is free from the many defects found in the standard, classical, frequentist,... more