Problem solving (Education)
Recent papers in Problem solving (Education)
Using the notion of relentless consistency, we are exploring an approach for providing advice to teachers on characteristics and structure of tasks and lessons, the creation of sequences of learning experiences and the classroom culture... more
Altı Şapkalı Düşünme Tekniğinin temelinde, düşüncelerimizi altı farklı bakışı simgeleyen farklı renklerdeki şapkaları takarak ortaya koymak ve yaratıcılığımızı geliştirmek yatıyor.
3 Epistemische Struktur
4 Heuristische Struktur
5 Hypothesen
6 Kompliziertheit und Komplexität
7 Varietät
8 Begrenzung und Redundanz
9 Entropie
10 Redundanzprinzip
12 Langzeitgedächtnis
4 Heuristische Struktur
5 Hypothesen
6 Kompliziertheit und Komplexität
7 Varietät
8 Begrenzung und Redundanz
9 Entropie
10 Redundanzprinzip
12 Langzeitgedächtnis
Constantijn was de eerste keizer die het christendom openlijk bevoordeelde. De grote vraag voor historici is echter in hoeverre hij zich echt tot het christelijke geloof bekeerde.
Le note che seguono sono il frutto della riflessione condotta da un (ex) insegnante di scuola primaria durante gli anni di attività in classe, con riferimento a molte letture e in modo particolare a un testo, purtroppo non più presente... more
Professor Peyton Wilde has an enviable life teaching sociology at an idyllic liberal arts college—yet she is troubled by a sense of fading inspiration. One day an invitation arrives. Peyton has been selected to attend a luxurious... more
Our presentation considers the problems associated with assessment of problem-solving group work. In the experience carried out in our own classrooms with students aged 15-17 the assessment of open-ended group work is possible by means of... more
An update of the different methods for solving mathematical problems was carried out, making a comparison between the methods of Polya, Schoenfeld and other authors. In addition, the use of Microsoft Excel was implemented as a motivating... more
In this article, the effect of regular sports activities on the problem-solving approaches performed by high school students when they encountered said the problem was analyzed. Six hundred male high school students participated in the... more
Öz Çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul öğrencilerinin problem çözme ve problem çözme strateji kullanım düzeylerini araştırmaktır. Çalışma, 2014-2015 eğitim öğretim yılının ikinci döneminde, Türkiye'nin Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunan iki ilden kolay... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
The skills considered most essential in our modern societies are often called 21st-century skills. Problem solving is clearly one of them. Students will be expected to work in novel environments, face problems they have never seen and... more
Given the importance of problem analysis and problem solving in engineering education, it is worth exploring the current state of research in the field. Highlighted is the focus on cognition within the existing literature and a... more
Stoikiometri larutan merupakan konsep yang sulit dipelajari karena terdiri dari konsep-konsep yang abstrak, terutama tantangan dalam menafsirkan simbol-simbol dalam reaksi kimia. Siswa sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mentransfer... more
Tout le monde connaît la suite de Fibonacci et le problème de reproduction des lapins qui lui a donné naissance. Cependant Léonard de Pise est certainement un des plus grands mathématiciens de son temps, un de ceux, en particulier, qui... more
Studijní opora je jedním z výstupu projektu ESF OP VK. Číslo Prioritní osy: 7.2 Oblast podpory: 7.2.2 -Vysokoškolské vzdělávání Příjemce: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě Název projektu: Podpora terciárního vzdělávání studentů se... more
รายงานที่คณะกลุ่มแปดได้ทำขึ้นมีความเกี่ยวข้องกับกับเรื่อง วิเคราะห์ปัญหาการใช้นวัตกรรมและเทคโนโลยีในการจัดการเรียนการสอน ซึ่งรายงานนี้เป็นการศึกษางานวิจัยที่มีการวิเคราะห์สภาพปัญหาการใช้นวัฒกรรมและการใช้เทคโนโลยีในการจัดการเรียนการสอน... more
This article provides a brief overview of challenging tasks, describing what they are, how teachers can use them in classrooms and introduces two example tasks.
In this communication we analyse the representations used by grade 3 students and how they relate to mathematics reasoning on a mathematical problem. Data were collected through audio and video recording in the classroom as well as... more
The paper investigates how communication tasks were implemented in an otherwise teacher-centered educational context characteristic of Japanese public schools. Tasks had to be introduced slowly and support systems were required... more
This chapter focuses on environments that support the fostering of SDML. This research drew on constructionism as theoretical lens and its implementation by means of microworlds. The aim of this chapter is to determine what features of... more
An effective educational leadership philosophy involves mindful adherence to a set of approaches and core beliefs about teaching, learning and work environments. Educational philosophies are as diverse and unique as the individuals who... more
Regular contributors James and Toby Russo return with a sixth principle for educationally-rich mathematical games—almost all mathematical games have the potential to be transformed into an investigation. This article builds on their... more
The study was conducted in order to examine opinions and experiences of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teachers in Turkey on use of robotics in education as well as to guide ICT teachers who are to use these... more
The natural evolution of STEM classes and the material sciences as well as the human predisposition to financial, material, and economic subjects, sometimes leaves the arts and study of creativity on the sideline of priorities. This... more
Engaging problems for high school students. Author: Boyan Kostadinov
Per gli studiosi di Psicologia Cognitiva e di Scienze della Comunicazione. Il riassunto è stato integrato con appunti personali, potrebbe non essere attendibile per chi non è iscritto al corso di Scienze della Comunicazione a Bologna.
Ioan Codreanu, Mihaela Cojocnean, Simona Pop, Gyuszi Szép Lucrarea prezenta este utila elevilor interesati de matematica de performanta, continand temele de algebra necesare pentru pregatirea diverselor concursuri scolare: multimi,... more
La investigación elaboró un panorama conceptual para establecer elementos de la formulación y solución creativa de problemas como capacidades cognitivas orientadas hacia una reflexión pedagógica y didáctica para la disciplina del diseño... more
Toplumsal etkileşimin olduğu her yerde, anlaşmazlıkların olması doğal ve kaçınılmazdır. Kişiler, gruplar ve toplumlar arası anlaşmazlıklar; doğru bir biçimde yönetildiğinde gelişimin, ilerlemenin, dönüşümün, barışın ve bütünleşmenin hem... more
Only knowledge is not sufficient to make students succeed in the world. Students need to attain 21 st century skills like problem-solving, creativity, innovation, metacognition, communication etc. to endure in the modern world.... more
Interdisciplinary competence is important in academia for both employability and sustainable development. However, to date, there are no specific interdisciplinary education models and, naturally, no empirical studies to assess them.... more