Skip to main content Capítulo publicado en: Florio, Rubén (dir.) Varia et diversa: Sus contactos con la Historia, Mar del Plata, UNMPdP / UNL, 2018, pp. 157-206. // The main purpose of this research is... more
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      Late AntiquityLatin EpicOvid (Classics)Ausonius
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      LucretiusRenaissance PoetryProems
The proem of Lucretius DRN 4 (1-25) has often been considered as a mere repetition of verses DRN 1.926-950. In the present article this view has been contended as μετάθεσις is not applicable since the two units do not coincide at their... more
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Not unlike the other volumes of the series, ELEATICA 7 associates the Eleatic Lectures by Alberto Bernabé to a wide debate with thirteen commentators. One of these comments is mine. My main contention is that the proem has no special... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyParmenidesOrphismThe Eleatics
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      LucretiusRenaissance PoetryProems
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophical DialogueCicero's philosophical worksProems
BAJS 2019 Abstract A woman's life according the the halakhic proems in Tanchuma Buber Ronit Nikolsky Out of the 61 halakhic proems in Tanchuma Buber, 18 are strongly connected to women. Of these 18 there are two types: either the... more
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      MidrashHistorical Development of HalakhahWomen in the Bible and MidrashJewish Feminist Thought
Os primeiros 21 versos da Teogonia de Hesíodo suscitam questões basilares que permeiam todo o proêmio, tornando seu estudo fundamental para a compreensão do poema e da tradição de poesia oral no qual ele se insere. Neles estão contidos... more
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      Jewish StudiesTextual CriticismRabbinicsMidrash
The article examines the five proems (Petihtaot) that lead Midrash Song of Songs Rabbah, and designates them as a later addition and not an integral part of the composition. This is determined by exploration of different perspectives:... more
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      MidrashRabbinic LiteratureBook of Song of SongsRabbinical literature (The Mishnah, Babylonian and Palestinian Talmudim, aggadic midrashim)
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      Renaissance HumanismRenaissance literatureRenaissance HistoriographyLatin historiography