Property Tax
Recent papers in Property Tax
This paper contributes to two strands in the property tax literature. One thread considers the effects of full disclosure requirements or ''truth in taxation'' on the rate of property tax growth. The second studies the determinants of... more
The Authors would like to thank the World Bank and Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) each for partial funding of the project ‘Improving Fiscal Health of Indian Cities’, which initiated the research on estimation of fiscal... more
W Polsce od lat toczy się dyskusja nad kształtem systemu opodatkowania nierucho-mości. Poddając krytyce uzależnienie wysokości podatku od powierzchni nieruchomości, po-stuluje się wprowadzenie tzw. podatku ad valorem. Niestety, mimo... more
The purpose of this paper is to quantify the property value impacts of a change in environmental quality by using the hedonic price model. In particular, we focus on the impact of the presence of land…lls on nearby residential real estate... more
This book presents an in-depth analysis of key recommendations of the consecutive state finance commissions (SFCs) across states of India in the local and national perspective. It reviews the working of SFCs and their critical role in... more
Do you think that sales taxes are a fair way for the state to generate revenue? Why or why not? As described in The Texas Tribune article "How Texas lawmakers tax swap plan could affect Texans", there was a proposal in the 2019... more
This book makes the case for a Site Value Tax in Ireland
Given the large size of India’s population, housing has become a general necessity but it also has the potential to pull the economy on a faster growth track. Housing construction sector is one of the most important and fastest growing... more
W Polsce na system opodatkowania nieruchomości składają się trzy podatki: podatek od nieru-chomości, podatek rolny i podatek leśny. System ten ma jednak wiele mankamentów, w związku z czym od lat postuluje się wprowadzenie radykalnych... more
We present a three-phase segmentation analysis designed to highlight the heterogeneity of forest ownership values and attitudes toward government control, privacy, and environmental protection held by a sample of Massachusetts private... more
Shahan-shah. The writer identifies himself as "Meyam, the steward (and) ruler of the houses of the illustrious, successful Peroz Shahanshah". If the era indeed began in A.D. 233, the year 239 should correspond to A.D. 471,... more
Hasil riil penanganan akuntansi keuangan daerah di Kabupaten Banjarnegara pada waktu itu mendapat hasil pemeriksaan wajar tanpa pengecualian dengan bahasa penjelas dari Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI.
The development of green building has received the attention of various levels of government around the globe, including from local authorities. There are two main categories of incentives provided by local authorities as a means of... more
U radu se izlaže ekonomska i pravna priroda poreza na imovinu. Na početku dajemo pregled komparativne prakse u pogledu poreza na imovinu, a zatim razmatramo način na koji se tim porezom upravlja u Srbiji, uzimajući u obzir i pravni okvir... more
Much contemporary economic growth in Africa is driven by urban service sectors including construction and real estate. This manifests in rapidly transforming landscapes and the proliferation of valuable property in the continent’s booming... more
Salah satu daerah yang telah siap mendaerahkan PBB Perkotaan adalah Surabaya. Melalui Perda Nomor 10 Tahun 2010 tentang Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perkotaan serta Perwali Nomor 73 Tahun 2010 tentang Klasifikasi dan Penetapan Nilai Jual Obyek... more
Since its birth, property taxation has been a major source of revenue. Taxation in general, is an important conduit to generate revenue and also a tool to redistribute wealth. It can act as a tool to manage land use, urban density and... more
... which took off especially after 1982, began to integrate the neighborhood into the economic and cultural circuits of the emerging global city. ... of citywide and global economic trends in the neighborhood gentrification market, it... more
Urbanization and cities are expected to play an important role in Sri Lanka’s ongoing transition to become an upper middle-income country. Theory and international experience have long recognized urban areas as important engines of... more
Despite the growing demand for infrastructure and social services resulting from urbanization and decentralization, many urban local governments in developing countries are failing to generate sufficient own revenues to meet this demand.... more
A short mock analysis on the effects of Stamp Duty Land Tax. Graded 68%
To tap the tremendous potential for improved revenue, equity and efficiency in developing countries, countries must undertake strategic property tax reform to improve tax base coverage, property valuations, collections, enforcement and... more
The rapid growth in Albania’s urban population and urban areas during the last 20 years has not been accompanied by the development of a stable financial system for local governments. As a result they have had difficulty providing the... more
FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE- Transitional Input Value Added Tax FACTS: Petitioner was a real estate developer that bought from the national government a parcel of land that used to be the... more
Pemerintah pusat belum menyerahkan pengelolaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) sektor Pertambangan, Perkebunan, dan Perhutanan (P3) kepada pemerintah daerah. Ini tiada lain, karena penerimaan dari P3 potensial bahkan melampaui (PAD)... more
The property tax is considered to be a good tax for local governments, mainly because of the connection between the types of services funded at the local level and the benefit to property values. Yet, property tax revenues rarely account... more
The present work presents results of a research about the taxation of the rural property in the State of São Paulo. From an analysis on the structures of the State and its role in the reiteration of the private property as an isolated... more
This is an exercise taking the tithe applotments for the whole Parish and reclassifying it by property valuation and occupier. For values between £42 and £10, 32, 6% £10 to £5, 128, £24 £5 to £3, 132, £25 £3 to 8 shillings, 245, 45%,... more
This paper reviews the literature and evidence on the most appropriate structure of regional and local taxes in developing countries. A good subnational tax system is critical to an effective and sustainable system of intergovernmental... more
Целта на настоящата статия е да се изследват ролята и фискалното значение на данъка върху недвижимите имоти в България. Разгледани са характеристиките на данъка като един от найподходящите методи за акумулиране на ресурси на местно ниво с... more
Major taxation reforms over the past decade have been interpreted as facilitating the transformation of Lagos: once widely seen as a city in permanent crisis, it is now seen by some observers as a beacon of megacity development. Most... more
Taxation policy and incentives play a vital role in wind-based distributed generation projects viability. In this paper, a thorough techno-economical evaluation of wind-based distributed generation projects is conducted to investigate the... more
Although still predominantly rural, Rwanda is one of the world's fastest-urbanizing countries. This paper considers the Rwandan Patriotic Front's (RPF) approach to urban development in the context of intense pressure on land and a stated... more
The growth of Africa's towns and cities has outpaced local authority capacity in terms of management, infrastructure, and financing. Many African towns and cities are now facing a governance crisis. Accordingly, the capability and... more
This study evaluates the revenue productivity of Ghana’s overall tax system and of individual taxes on the basis of estimates of tax buoyancies and elasticities. It also looks at the links between the tax reform of 1983-1993 and revenue... more
Harizah Kamel, Big no for vacancy tax, «The Malaysian Reserve», 17 August 2020, p. 7.