Psychological Help Seeking
Recent papers in Psychological Help Seeking
À l’image des hommes en général, les professionnels de l’urgence (policiers, ambulanciers, pompiers, militaires), lorsque confrontés à des difficultés de nature psychosociale, hésitent à formuler une demande d’aide vers les services... more
Aim: Conformity to traditional masculine gender norms may deter men’s help-seeking and/or impact the services men engage. Despite proliferating research, current evidence has not been evaluated systematically. This review summarises... more
Cet article concerne la validation française de l’Inventory of Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services (Inventaire d’attitudes envers le recours aux services de santé mentale; IARSSM). Cet outil a pour objectif de mesurer les... more
Özet Türkiye’de psikolojik yardım uygulamalarının geçmişi 1950’li yıllara dayanmaktadır. Psikolojik yardım günümüzde çoğunlukla klinik ortamlarda gerçekleşmekle birlikte eğitim, adalet, endüstri, sosyal hizmet ve din hizmeti... more
Objective. To examine whether self-stigma of seeking psychological help and being male would be associated with an increased likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder. Method. A multi-national sample of 360 individuals with... more
The aim of this research is to determine the variables that qualify the help seeking behavior (willingness to seek counseling) of Turkish university students. A total of 5829 college students (2974 females, 2841 males, 14 unknown) from... more
The discourse about men of color in higher education centers on their lower enrollment, persistence, and graduation rates. This paper draws from validation theory to understand how two men of color programs helped 41 Black, Latino, Asian... more
Introduction: Distressed individuals are often reluctant to seek help (Biddle et al., 2004); when they do, they are more likely to seek help from family and friends instead of mental health professionals (Ashley, 2005). Given the rising... more
The attitude toward seeking professional psychological help is an important concept in the literature related to psychological help-seeking behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate the attitudes of pre-service teachers toward... more
Статтю присвячено профілактиці гострого і хронічного стресу. Описано численні стратегії самозбереження, відновлення, подолання віддалених наслідків травматизації. Проаналізовано форми організації часу, що сприяють профілактиці вигорання,... more
Delays in seeking help often result in dire consequences. In this cross-sectional study, we explored whether rumination and mindfulness were potential predictors of help-seeking. One hundred and seventy-nine students in Singapore (Mean... more
Dentro del marco de la creciente demanda por inclusión en la educación superior, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar los tipos de apoyos que requieren los estudiantes universitarios a nivel académico para enfrentar con... more
This study drew on epidemiological data from a large urban school district to evaluate the implementation of a school-based mental health (SBMH) prevention initiative at 15 high schools. The purpose of this research was to measure the... more
Sažetak Studentski život često podrazumijeva odvajanje od doma, roditelja i roditeljske podrške, te nerijetko za studente predstavlja prilično izazovan, težak i stresan period. Iz ovih razloga, studenti postaju korisnici usluga... more
Objective University students experience common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress along with poor‐sleep quality. This study explores the relationships between these concepts and help‐seeking intention in a... more
The study was conducted in real conditions while assisting military medical staff. Our psychological team working on a voluntary basis participated in the rehabilitation and psychological assessment of thousands of soldiers during the... more
The internet has been an increasingly researched resource for mental health support. However past methodologies have been limited to quantitative and mixed method studies. The present research 4 used a qualitative thematic analysis to... more
Seeking help from an outgroup can be difficult, especially when the outgroup is known to stereotype the ingroup negatively and the potential recipient cares strongly about its social image. However, we ask whether even highly identified... more
This research aims to reveal to what extent university students' attitudes towards their psychological help seeking and hopelessness predict theirlife satisfaction. Participants of the study consist of 359 university students, including... more
In Italia la percentuale di persone che ha chiesto una consultazione psicologica si aggira intorno al 3-5,5% e il minor contatto con i servizi si osserva tra i 18 e i 25 anni. Gli atteggiamenti negativi nei confronti della richiesta di... more