Gender Roles
Recent papers in Gender Roles
Author: Kirsten Laurel Guidero Publisher: CBE International Evangelicalism can find a foothold in renewed practices of reading Scripture. This article first illustrates the larger problems haunting evangelical patterns of reading... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
This cross-sectional study tested a conceptual model of women's HIV/AIDS protective behaviors using gender roles, relationship power strategies, and precautionary sexual self-efficacy as predictors in a predominantly Black and Latina... more
This research examines the mutual influence of race and victim drinking on college students' domestic violence attributions. Participants were 200, predominately White, middle-class college students. They read a vignette depicting a... more
A community sample of psychologically abused women (N = 93; 83 Anglo, 4 Hispanic, 4 African-American, 1 Native American, 1 "Other") in 3 groups (psychological abuse only, with moderate violence, with severe violence) received payment for... more
Deze essay gaat over hoe de Islamitische Revolutie in 1979 de genderrollen in de Iraanse filmindustrie heeft beïnvloed.
Personal humorous remarks may be avoided in certain conversations out of fear of introducing and reinforcing undesirable assumptions. Teases directed at others and self-targeted humor are perhaps the most vulnerable in this regard. Unless... more
Several studies have shown that male subjects report lower pain intensity to female compared to male experimenters. The present experiment examined whether experimenter gender also modulated autonomic pain responses. Sixty-four students... more
The current studies were conducted to examine two questions regarding the development of an ethic of care versus an ethic of justice, where the former is associated with being female and the latter is associated with being male. First,... more
Boys and girls establish relatively stable gender stereotyped behavior patterns by middle childhood. Parentreport questionnaires measuring children's gender-related behavior enable researchers to conduct large-scale screenings of... more
In scores of experimental animal studies on sex-di-Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (N Å 31) and their unaffected sisters or female cousins (N Å morphic behavioral development, the effects of exoge-15) participated in a... more
This study used content analysis to examine if themes related to ambivalent sexism emerged when female students wrote an essay answering the question "What does it mean to be a woman?" and examined the relationship between Ambivalent... more
RESUMEN Mientras me encontraba desarrollando mi tesis doctoral, aprecié que el tradicional re-parto de tareas seguía apareciendo en muchas ocasiones a pesar de encontrarnos en unas décadas de grandes avances en la representación de... more
In the present study we analyzed cultural variations of managerial gender typing, i.e., that managers are perceived as possessing traits that are part of the masculine stereotype. Management students of both sexes from three different... more
is a widely shared notion that gender stereotyping is the root cause of the disadvantage women face in their advancement to managerial positions, and this situation is more pronounced in societies with low levels of femininity or gender... more
Author: Amos Yong Publisher: CBE International Is there a way forward beyond the dominant complementarian discourse at this nexus where a predominantly white North American evangelical Christianity has met racial and ethnic others,... more
This article reviews all published studies reporting tests for sex differences in well-being. Women were found to report greater happiness and life satisfaction than men. This sex difference was explained in terms of men's and women's... more
Despite dramatically narrowing gender gaps, women remain underrepresented in mathematics and math-related fields. Parents can shape expectations and interests, which may predict later differences in achievement and occupational choices.... more
Essay in anthology, Kitchen Culture in America: Popular Representations of Food, Gender, and Race (Penn Press, 2000), edited by Sherrie Inness
A general theory of domain identification is used to describe achievement barriers still faced by women in advanced quantitative areas and by African Americans in school. The theory assumes that sustained school success requires... more
Abstract: This study explores how young women's definitions of empowerment relate to their reception of The Girls Next Door, a popular reality show that documents the life and fun times of Hugh Hefner's three sexy, live-in girlfriends.... more
This study examines the relationship between the Evangelical gender role ideologies termed Complementarianism and Egalitarianism and conversation-and conformityorientation communication patterns stemming from the general theory of family... more
Although previous findings indicate that frequent television viewing is associated with holding more stereotypical attitudes about gender, no studies have examined this connection among Latino youth, who are frequent viewers of both... more
In this study we explored the effects of respondent gender and the specific gender combination (i.e., cross-and same-gender dyads) on perceptions of a sexual encounter between a teacher and an adolescent student. Respondents (120 male and... more
El análisis realiza un breve recorrido por las principales teorías de evolución socio-cognitiva y su relación con la creación de las normas, instituciones, la cultura y la moral. La relación entre los roles sociales y la moral crean los... more
The purpose of this study was to examine gender role socialization as a function of parenting experience in an actual toy play situation and as a function of adults' perceptions of typically gender-stereotyped children's toys.... more
This study investigated whether television domestic comedies' depictions of gender roles within the family have changed in the past 40 years. Ten domestic comedies were selected based on their popularity and the inclusion of siblings.... more
Open and Distance Learning could not only help in gender equality and women empowerment, but also may facilitate the effectiveness and strengthening of women education. However, there is little knowledge on how gender roles affect... more
This study applied the gender role model of socialization theory, the developmental aging theory, and the topic salience perspective to the investigation of parent-child value transmissions. Specifically, we examined whether the... more
The data are in; women are still insignificant. Even after more than a decade of experience with UNSCR 1325, women have made only insignificant gains in peace processes. While the UN has repeatedly renewed its commitment to “mainstream”... more
A szakdolgozat középpontjában Margaret Mitchell Elfújta a szél című regénye és a belőle készült filmváltozat áll. Laura Mulvey Vizuális élvezet és narratív film című tanulmányán keresztül azon narratívpoétikai technikák megvalósításának... more
{Ashley Little, Franklin and Marshall College} Notions of mothering, nurturing, and providing are often equated with the "nature" of women. This "nature" designation conflates biological function with expression, thus restricting women to... more
Background: There has been interest in the relationship between homosexuality, gender role and suicide risk. Though homosexuals are more likely to identify as cross-gender, research has not simultaneously examined sexual orientation and... more
Empirical research supports the existence of sex differences in pain; yet these differences are poorly understood. Although biological mechanisms have been posited to explain variability, results of pain modeling manipulations suggest... more
This study examines the relationship between the Evangelical gender role ideologies termed Complementarianism and Egalitarianism and mothering and career aspirations among Evangelical female college students. We surveyed 134 women from... more
Gender-related aspects of self-perception were explored for 24 anatomical males consisting of three matched groups of transsexuals, heterosexuals, and homosexuals. MacKenzie's Diagnostic Criteria Scale ratings were used to confirm group... more