Public Finance and Budgeting
Recent papers in Public Finance and Budgeting
Nigeria liberalized input distribution and established the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) in 2011 to deliver subsidized inputs to farmers as part of its Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA). Despite the relevance of the GESS... more
As a pathway of improving financial management and accountability in public institutions and services financing; the twentieth-century has brought heightened expectations for what systems of budgeting and finance may be expected to... more
العمومية المؤسسات في المالي التصرف 2 صفحة ة ّ عام مة مقدّ الح عماد متصرف يدري، عام منوبة بجامعة في المالي التصرف ميزانيات ّ المؤس العمومية سات العمومية المؤسسات في المالي التصرف 3... more
The aim of this article is to review selected historical aspects of government budget and budgetary legislation in Poland. Starting with the explanation of the contemporary understanding of the budget, the author explores how this concept... more
The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the effect of special autonomy funds (Otsus) and land and building taxes (PBB) on network capital expenditures (BMJ) in local governments in Aceh during 2015-2018 using... more
States and municipalities across the country are struggling to match revenues with expenditures. Sometimes these governments use traffic fines and fees to help balance the budget more so at the city level than at the state level. This... more
This paper examines the question of whether the U.S. State Department's budget should be cut, and if so, by how much. If its budget increased by the same percentage as the increase in GDP since 2000, it would be 43.3 percent smaller than... more
This research examines the effect of the government size, rebudgeting, previous year cash balance, and budget absorption on end-year cash balance of local governments in Aceh for 2013-2015 periods. Secondary data were extracted from local... more
The most recent indicators about the state of democracy in the Western Balkans point to the worsening of democratic process and a gradual decay of democratic institutions (human rights, media freedoms, electoral process, division of... more
Evaluation of the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper III (GPRSP III)
Cieľom tejto štúdie je analýza rozpočtovej legislatívy a poskytnutie prehľadu ako aj komplexného pohľadu na jednotlivé jej časti. Najdôležitejšou súčasťou rozpočtového práva v SR je predovšetkým zákon o rozpočtových pravidlách verejnej... more
One of the main challenges faced by local governments in developing countries is to allocate scarce resources effectively to achieve the community’s highest priorities. This challenge relates to government’s effort to reduce regional... more