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This document was created for a course at Seoul National University in the Spring 2019 semester. In this document, there are references to the “eTL” which hosts files needed for the training exercises. The eTL is the university’s online... more
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      Archaeological GISGIS and Landscape ArchaeologyGIS Applications in ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology, Field Archaeology, Archaeological GIS
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      Computer ScienceData MiningDatabase SystemsNoSQL
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      Remote SensingArchaeological GISGeoreferencingImage Registration
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      Sistemas de Información GeograficaQgisCRECIDASMedición de caudales
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementQgisQgis Mapping
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      Geo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSQgis
La Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (GRD) es un proceso social cuyo fin último es prevenir, reducir y controlar permanentemente los factores de riesgo ante situaciones de desastre. (Lozano Cortijo, 2011). Dando inicio a la GRD del Barrio... more
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      Sistemas de Información GeograficaQgisGestión del riesgoSismos
Accuracy assessment for the satellite image classification
ArcGIS 10.5
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      Landscape EcologyAssessmentClustering and Classification MethodsSupervised Learning
Que tal adicionar uma camada de fundo do oceano para ilustrar seus projetos de mapeamento? Basemaps São camadas de imagem utilizadas em serviços da ESRI como ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Server e ArcGIS Desktop. A utilização dessas camadas base... more
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Esse tutorial se destina à utilização dos dados da base DataGeo no QGIS. Nessa base são disponibilizados para visualização os dados oficiais do Estado de São Paulo quanto a relevo, mananciais, solos, geologia, vegetação, hidrologia,... more
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      Remote sensing and GISQgisQGIS Tutorial
Edition et manipulation de données OSM sous QGIS :
- OSMEditorRemoteControl
- Quick OSM

Mise à jour des données d'OSM avec l'éditeur JOSM :
- Digitalisation
- Qualification
- Validation
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      OpenstreetmapQgisWebmappingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Tutoriel de cartographie avec le logiciel de SIG gratuit QGIS :
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      GeographyHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesWeb GIS
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      Sistemas de Información GeograficaMANEJO DE CUENCASQgisAnalisis Espacial
The aim of this paper is to highlight the main benefits of using the Qfield app in archaeological jobs. In particular this article provides examples to use Qfield in open area excavation, Archaeological survey and impact assessment (HIA)... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological surveyQgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Greenways are paths for pedestrians and cyclists with universal accessibility built on the platforms of abandoned railways. In Spain, more than 2.900 km has been executed with the technical supervision of the Spanish Railways Foundation.... more
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      GreenwaysQgisHistory of RailroadsCivil Engineering Heritage
Eine Anleitung mit Screenshots zur Einbindung und Optimierung von WMS-Diensten in QGIS am Beispiel des Digitalen Geländemodells DGM1 für Brandenburg.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological GIS
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      GeographyEarth SciencesGeografiaTutorials
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      Archaeological GISRemote sensing and GISOpensourceLiDAR for Landscape Archaeology
Ante el supuesto aumento del volumen de agua precipitada por evento de lluvia, se realizó para la Ciudad de Salta un estudio para determinar cómo varían las Curvas de Intensidad – Duración – Frecuencia (Curvas IDF) construidas en dos... more
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      ClimatologyQgisModelos MatematicosLluvias Argentina
Sobre o TauDEM O TauDEM (Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models) é um conjunto de ferramentas para construção de análises hidrológicas com base no Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE). Principais Destaques Desenvolvimento de... more
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      Watershed HydrologyGeoprocessamentoGeoprocessingHidrologia
Steps for the instalation of 'Landscape Connectivity Toolbox':
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      ArchaeologyConservation BiologyLandscape ArchaeologyBiology
A Calculadora Raster permite realizar operações em arquivos raster através de expressões. A operação que vamos utilizar tem o objetivo de trocar um valor de pixel por outro, conservando os demais. A fórmula utilizada para esse processo é... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeoprocessingSAGA GISQgis
Pela sua versatilidade, o QGIS apresenta ao usuário inúmeras possibilidades de aplicação e configuração. Com o intuito de auxiliar no reconhecimento de suas ferramentas, disponibilizamos este breve manual que descreve as principais... more
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    • Qgis
Este artigo representa uma continuidade ao tema sobre Sistema de Referência de Coordenadas no QGIS. Hoje vamos tratar dos Sistemas de Coordenadas personalizados para compatibilizar dados em SAD 1969 de forma correta no SIG. Após a... more
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      OpensourceGeospatial AnalysisQgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Some examples of how the new android application is facilitating the work of the archaeologist on the field
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      MappingGeospatial AnalysisQgisArcheology
In the last few years SfM has taken on a more important part in the research and documentation of archaeological sites. The benefits of 3D documentation are manifold: areas and contexts can be recorded quickly, true to scale and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology3D GISDigital Archaeology
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      Historical GeographyHistorical GISLandscape History3D visualisation
Ce document est un guide de référence pédagogique. Il va vous permettre d'avoir les notions de base en Python et de débuter la programmation sous QGIS. Il ne liste pas tous les cas d’utilisation possibles, mais donne une bonne idée... more
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      QgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
يتم القاء الضوء عن اهم برامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ومنها ArcGIS - QGIS والفرق الاساسي بينهم وتاريخ ونشأة برنامج ARCGIS ومكوناته الاساسية
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      ArcGISQgisComponentsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Esse material tem como objetivo demonstrar os passos para o georreferenciamento de cartas topográficas no QGIS. Esse procedimento de georreferenciamento é padrão, podendo ser repetido para qualquer carta topográfica, mapa, figura, imagem... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeografiaCartografiaSistemas de Informação Geográfica
En vistas de la obra civil de ensanchamiento de las RN N° 9 y 34, tramo de 70 km que va desde el empalme con RN N° 16 hasta la localidad de Cabeza de Buey (Salta-Argentina), se establece la línea de base ambiental y se recomienda acerca... more
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      Soil ErosionSistemas de Información GeograficaQgisGestión del riesgo
Tutorial para o uso do compositor de impressão do QGIS.
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      Remote SensingQgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
O Processo Analítico Hierárquico (AHP – Analytic Hierarchy Process) é um método popularmente empregado em análises em ambiente SIG quando diversas variáveis são envolvidas em determinado estudo. O presente tutorial demonstra a aplicação... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeografiaAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)Qgis
A propriedade se firma na história como instituição que viabiliza a organização da sociedade capitalista com suas inerentes relações de poder. Atualmente no Brasil, o Cartório de Registro de Imóveis (CRI) assegura o direito de... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeoprocessingGeoprocessamento E Análise EspacialQgis
Anais de Artigos Científicos na área de Computação promovida pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie em associação com outras Instituições de Ensino.
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      Software EngineeringProgramming LanguagesOpen Source SoftwareSoftware Development
This study provides a model to rate and visualize the bicycle redistribution of Citi Bike, the bikeshare system that operates in New York City. The share of rebalanced bicycles in proportion to total rides sharply decreased in the spring... more
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      Open Source SoftwareOpen DataR programming languageMapping
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      ArchaeologyRemote SensingArchaeological Graphics & IllustrationIllustration
Esse tutorial tem como objetivo exemplificar passo-a-passo como ralizar a geração de NDVI a partir de imagens Landsat 8. O Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada popularmente conhecido pela sigla em inglês NDVI (Normalized... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeoprocessamento aplicado as questões AmbientaisGeografiaCartografia
مشروع تخرج: شهد مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية الحرة ومفتوحة المصدر في العقود القليلة الماضية معدل نمو مرتفع للغاية. وبدأت هذه البرمجيات تلعب دور حيوي وهام في المجال الأكاديمي والبحث العملي، كما في المجال المهني. ونظراً لقلة وندرة المصادر... more
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      مشروع تخرجQgisهندسة مدنيةGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
SfM spielt seit einiger Zeit eine immer stärkere Rolle bei der Erforschung und Dokumentation von archäologischen Fundstellen . Die Vorteile die die 3D-Dokumentation mit sich bringt, liegen oft auf der Hand: Flächen und Befunde können... more
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      ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeological GIS
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      QgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
QGIS (previously known as Quantum GIS) is a free and open-source cross platform desktop geographic information system (GIS) application that supports viewing, editing, and analysis of geospatial data. Optimum route is introduced for... more
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      QgisOptimum Route Identification
Esse tutorial tem como objetivo atualizar os usuários dos dados da missão TRMM quanto aos procedimentos de manipulação e visualização de dados em ambiente SIG. A Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) é uma missão espacial realizada... more
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      GeoprocessamentoGeoprocessamento aplicado as questões AmbientaisGeografiaCartografia
Welcome to the Intermediate Unit on Spatial Analysis. By now you should be adept in data collection techniques and have a solid foundation in analysis with QGIS. In this unit we will be focusing again on InaSAFE and QGIS skills that aid... more
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      Data AnalysisEbookEbooksTutorial
Future runoff prediction is linked to a prior knowledge of future probable precipitation amounts. Hydrological models are a way that can enable transforming observed precipitations into stream flow. In this work a GIS based hydrologic... more
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      Remote SensingHydrologySoil and Water Assesment Tool (SWAT)Qgis
Support material for course "Mapeando datos con QGIS" taught at the Escuela de Sistemas of the Universidad Autónóma de Coahuila, from 19 to 21 of april 2016.
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      QgisUsing GIS in educationGeographic Information Systems (GIS)