Quality in Education
Recent papers in Quality in Education
This article raises the question of quality of school education in India by bringing out the issues of teacher training and mindless privatization in the light of National Education Policy 2019.
This article presents the human development performance of Turkey by dividing major points into two categories as quality education and gender equality. They are essential points in identifying the necessities to reach a more sustainable... more
The present study School Environment and Academic Achievement of standard IX students was probed to find the relationship between School Environment and Academic Achievement of standard IX students. Data for the study were collected using... more
Prof. Rajesh Bojan engages in an interview with Prof.Dr.Darsha Jani, Principal, Smt S R Mehta Arts College.
The role of the school principal is instrumental in quality education. This paper is a qualitative inquiry with an interpretive orientation, investigating the principals' views on teacher under-performance. Semi-structured interviews were... more
Sifat-sifat Aljabar Matriks : Misalkan A, B, dan C matriks, sedangkan m dan n adalah suatu skalar, maka berlaku sifat : 1. (m + n)A = mA + nA 2. m(A + B) = mA + mB 3. A. I = I . A = A 4. A.B B.A 5. (A.B).C = A.(B.C) 6. A.(B+C) =A.B+... more
This is the presentation of the final keynote on the IV Eurasian QA Forum organised online from Kazakhstan by IQAAR on 28 & 29 October 2021. The keynote speech deals with items such as impact, institutional and programme review, new... more
After the 1992 Peace Accords, El Salvador has developed initiatives to improve the education system. However, considering the SDG4 and Education 2030 Agenda, the country still faces challenges in terms of education access, quality and... more
Esta é a apresentação de uma ideia. Vincula a concepção de que trabalhar a qualidade em organizações educativas exige necessariamente o trabalho de projecto com todos os agentes que lhe dão corpo. A urgência de transformação das formas de... more
There is a great interest in educational management and leadership in the 21 st century due to the widespread belief that the quality of these concepts makes a significant difference to education system and learning outcomes. There is... more
In 1996, Ireland's Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector consisted of a relatively small number of community run playgroups in community centres and even fewer private run crèches in large urban areas.
The financial inclusion is a crucial element in the fight against poverty. The ability to take effective decisions regarding the use and management of money with required informed judgments is financial literacy. It enables a person to... more
KEY WORDS ABSTRACT Quality Education, CIPP model, Public School Support Program Education is the fundamental right of every child and it is the duty of the government to ensure that institutions are imparting quality education and also an... more
Guidelines in support of quality textbook development and implementation for primary and secondary education.
In Cameroon, sexuality education is limited to sections of HIV/AIDS sensitization and family planning programs, except in Muslim communities, which teach some form of it in Koranic schools strongly linked to religious values (Centre for... more
Documento del Consejo Nacional de Educación elaborado por la Comisión de Trabajo Educación a distancia (mayo-agosto del 2020), conformada por las y los consejeros: Hugo Díaz Díaz María Isabel León Céspedes Lea Sulmont Haak Mario... more
Contributions on quality assurance in education often argue that a complementary and integrated relation between internal and external evaluation of schools would be advisable. This article sets out to investigate what role internal... more
Eğitim kurumlarının veya programlarının belirli standartlara göre değerlendirilmesi olarak tanımlanabilecek akreditasyon, temelde bir kalite kontrol ve temin süreci olarak, kendi kendini düzenlemenin, denetlemenin bir biçimidir. Süreçte... more
In General Education System Quality Analysis/Diagnosis Framework (GEQAF), UNESCO, 2012
Gerak rotasi beraturan dan gerak rotasi berubah beraturan yang kemudian dikembangkan pada kasus-kasus dinamika rotasi.
Constituye un documento de lineamientos sobre evaluación, basado en el decreto 1290. Fue publicado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia dentro de la Caja Siempre Día E del año 2017. Los temas tratados en el documento son:... more
Meningkatkan mutu pendidikan meupakan hal mutlak yang harus dilakukan oleh semua pihak baik itu pemerintah, sekolah maupun para akademisi yang berkecimpung di dalamnya. Salah satu cara yang bisa ditempuh adalah pemetaan mutu melalui... more
Abstract This study investigated quality management in higher education and the most widely applied models in this field. Also, it examined the feasibility of applying 6Sigma at Bishah College of Technology and the other educational and... more
This study is designed to examine the composite and relative effects of educational input, process variables and learning outcomes on quality of secondary school education among selected employers of labour in south west, Nigeria.... more
The Purposes of this study are to explore the existing quality status and analyze the gaps between existing practices and formal quality assurance and accreditation (QAA) systems, and to assess and tap the institutional learning and... more
Although the country is approaching to become a middle-income country, it is still considered as one of the poorest countries in the world due to various reasons such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption, political instability and so on.... more
Sifat dan persamaan gelombang yang berkaitan dengan perambatan yang memerlukan medium seperti bunyi, gelombang tali dan gelombang air.
Dalton Atom adalah berupa bola yang amat kecil, tidak dapat dibelah, tidak dapat dimusnahkan dan tidak dapat diciptakan.
This study examines violence and its relation to learning outcomes of secondary school students in Cameroon. The study interconnected with educational quality values of accessibility, inclusiveness, favorable learning climate, tolerance,... more
Globalisation is one of the most powerful worldwide forces transforming society. It dominates today's world as a major driver of change. Globalisation has brought about an agglomeration of cultures, where diverse cultures not only... more
Learning infrastructure is a key base for effective teaching and learning in schools. The infrastructure forms a very important component in ensuring successful education. The purpose of the study was to evaluate quality implications of... more
With the underlying hypothesis that the quality of a teacher’s training is directly proportional to the quality of education pupils eventually receive, this essay explores and critiques the basic education teacher training process in... more
بطاقة الأداء المتوازن (BSC) هي إحدى أدوات قياس الأداء التي تحدد الأصول غير الملموسة للمنظمة، وقد بدأ استخدامها مؤخراً كأداة للتخطيط الاستراتيجي(SP) ، ونظرا للهيمنة الطويلة للنهج التقليدي على الإدارة في المؤسسات التعليمية الليبية، فنادراً... more
Η Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας (ΔΟΠ) αποτελεί μια πρόκληση για τα Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα και κυρίως για το νέο διαμορφωμένο περιβάλλον όπου οι υπηρεσίες της ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης αποτελούν βασικό κομμάτι της εξυπηρέτησης του... more
The quality of learning environment in classroom setting is critical to effective teaching and learning process in classroom. This research paper presents the results of study conducted in West Pokot County public Early Childhood... more
El Gobierno de México (2012-2018) impulsó una reforma educativa cuyo objetivo era transformar su complejo sistema educativo para preparar a los alumnos a enfrentarse con éxito a los desafíos del siglo XXI. Partió del supuesto de que, al... more