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Speaking is a fundamental and yet demanding skill to be mastered by learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Compared to other language skills, speaking has been given less attention in second language acquisition, research,... more
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      Applied LinguisticsIranian EFL learnersQuasi-Experimental DesignBackground Knowledge
Healthy population makes healthy nation and fewer burdens to society. The nurse play an important role in making this possible by educating and creating awareness in the community. Knee joint pain is the most frequent complaint among the... more
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      Quasi-Experimental DesignGeriatric populationpain numeric rating scale
Background: Community health workers (CHWs) have proven to be successful in mobilizing rural populations to utilize primary health services where they can be supported by skilled health workers. This study assessed the cost-effectiveness... more
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      Quasi-Experimental DesignCommunity health workers (CHWs)
Background: Pressure ulcers (PUs) are areas of localised tissue destruction that occur as a soft tissue gets compressed over a bony prominence and an external skin surface for a prolonged period of time. Treatment of ulcers of the sort... more
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      Early InterventionHumanitarian InterventionInterventional cardiologyPressure ulcers
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of narrative therapy on mental health of addicts' wives treated in the addiction treatment centers in Khomeini Shahr. Methodology: This study was conducted based on the... more
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      AddictionMental HealthNarrative TherapyPublic mental health
Path-turn strategy is anchored from the concept of Scaffolding where teacher initially gives path to solve the problem followed by student's turn to do the task. It is a gradual transition from grounded learning to independent knowledge... more
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      Thematic AnalysisQuasi-Experimental Design
Resumen El objetivo de la presente investigación fue mejorar el nivel literal de comprensión lectora por medio del uso de la técnica "lo que sé, lo que quiero saber, y lo que aprendí". Esta investigación cuali-cuantitativa de diseño... more
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      Quasi-Experimental DesignQualitative and Quantitative Research MethodsPrevious KnowledgeExperimental Group
A teaching-learning sequence on a socio-scientific issue: Analysis and evaluation of its implementation in the classroom) This study investigates the effectiveness of a teaching-learning sequence on mining to improve understanding of the... more
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      Nature of science and technologyScientific LiteracyCiencia tecnología y sociedadQuasi-Experimental Design
The advantages of modeling the unreliability of outcomes when evaluating the comparative effectiveness of health interventions is illustrated. Adding an action-research intervention component to a regular summer job program for youth was... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingMeasurement Error ModellingQuasi-Experimental DesignComparative Effectiveness Research
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of maker-centred learning methodology on the motivation of secondary school students towards science learning using a quasi-experimental design pretest-posttest. For this purpose, a... more
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      MotivationScience LearningQuasi-Experimental DesignSecondary School