Forest soil nutrition
Recent papers in Forest soil nutrition
and total counts) correlated negatively. The overall assessment of soil activity, the soil respiration, did not correlate with either. Significant correlations were found between the principal components of pH, CLPP, EAA, and culturable... more
Phosphorus (P) is one of the major constituents in energy metabolism and biosynthesis of nucleic acids and cell membranes with an important role in regulation of a number of enzymes. Soil phosphorous is an important macronutrient for... more
The spatial distributions of contaminant metals (Hg, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu) and a metalloid (As) in vegetable plots and paddy fields located near a large scale Pb/Zn smelter in Hunan province, China, were investigated. Soil located 4 km from the... more
Introduction The Oslofjord region in SE-Norway has been subject to steady glacio-isostatic uplift during the whole Holocene. The final retreat of the ice at the termination of the last glacial took place in this area between 13,900... more
A study was carried out to determine the effects of organic, inorganic fertilizers and integrated soil fertility management and irrigation levels (1,000, 750 and 500 ml per planting station) on coffee growth. There were no significant... more
Many physical, chemical, mineralogical, and biological soil properties can be affected by forest fires. The effects are chiefly a result of burn severity, which consists of peak temperatures and duration of the fire. Climate, vegetation,... more
Aun cuando la aplicación de fertilizantes en las plantaciones forestales es una práctica común en el manejo silvícola, la utilización de fertilizantes aún no está bien integrada en la silvicultura. La fertilización se utiliza como una... more
Forty five soil samples were collected from the four pedons of the hill areas at Chittagong University based on the depth of soil horizon. Soil profiles on hill top were relatively well developed and belonged to Ultisols according to USDA... more
Simple tests of structural stability are needed for evaluating the ease with which soils slake and erode when in contact with water. In a laboratory study, we related the percolation stability (PS) of 22 Nigerian soils to land use, soil... more
High intensity forest fires in Mediterranean ecosystems probably have long-term effects on the organic matter (OM) of the forest soils. Therefore, we analyzed the quality and quantity of humic materials extracted from the A horizons (0-15... more
Soil amendment with organic materials prior to aorestation as well as the use of mycorrhizal inoculation, are advisable practices in aorestation of semiarid areas. In this work, the eect of both organic amendment and mycorrhizal treatment... more
A novel Gram-negative, catalase-and oxidase-positive, strictly aerobic, non spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain JSM 083058 T , was isolated from non-saline forest soil in Hunan Province, China. Growth occurred with 0-8%... more
''Close-to-nature forest stands'' are one central key in the project ''Future oriented Forest Management'' financially supported by the German Ministry for Science and Research (BMBF). The determination of ecological as well as economical... more
In Ethiopia, plantation forestry for the purpose of soil conservation and wood production is established mainly on degraded mountain slopes. These forests with a rotation age of 12-34 years consist of mainly exotic tree species; and have... more
The long-term effect of compost treatment on soil microbial respiration, microbial biomass carbon (C mic ) and biomass nitrogen (N mic ), soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil total nitrogen (STN) was studied in six degraded forests, Lower... more
The attribution of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission to organic and inorganic N fertilizers requires understanding of how these inputs affect the two biological processes, i.e. denitrification and nitrification. Contradictory findings have... more
In forest and conservation nurseries in the Pacific Northwest USA, seedling production can be limited by root diseases caused by fungi in the genera Fusarium Link:Fr., Cylindrocarpon Wollenw., Phytophthora de Barry, and Pythium Pringsh.... more
Extensive forest areas were ameliorated by large-scale liming in the last years in order to prevent proceeding acidification and degradation of forest soils. The hitherto knowledge of liming effects on the function of forest soils still... more
An experiment involving the addition of simulated acid rain to two Canadian Shield orthic humo-ferric podzolic forest soils was carried out in the field and in the laboratory. Soils were subjected to treatments of pH 5.7, 3.5, and 2.0... more
Potential nitrogen mineralization rate Community level physiological profiles a b s t r a c t Soil microbial communities are of crucial importance for the functioning of ecosystems developing in post-mining areas. The objective of this... more
In the mountainous areas of Eastern Spain, soils have been cultivated in terraced orchards for centuries, although in the last decades, almond orchards are being abandoned. For this study, we selected four locations in SE Spain, with a... more
Two of the National Parks of the only Biosphere Reserve in the Caribbean Islands, the Jaragua–Bahoruco–Enriquillo reserve, occur mostly within the Pedernales province (Dominican Republic). In these National Parks, Jaragua and Bahoruco,... more
The phylogeny of the genera Periconiella, Ramichloridium, Rhinocladiella and Veronaea was explored by means of partial sequences of the 28S (LSU) rRNA gene and the ITS region (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2). Based on the LSU sequence data,... more
A root window-based, enzyme-imprinted, membrane system has been modified to enable visualization of the activities of hydrolytic enzymes (acid phosphatase, aminopeptidase, chitinase, and b-glucosidase) in situ in forest soils. The... more
The impact of four coniferous tree species and their corresponding soil factors on N transformation rates and presence of ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) was studied in an acid pine forest soil (Appelscha, The Netherlands). Pine soil had... more
A new actinomycetes isolate ERI-26 was recovered from Nilgiri forest soil of Western Ghats and screened for its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Cultural characteristics were assessed in different culture... more
Soil is a complex mixture of mineral nutrients, organic matter, water, air and living organisms. The primary nutrients for plant growth are organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In order to find the status of pH, organic... more
Several aluminium toxicity indices were applied to acid soils developed from various parent materials (granodiorite, slate and limestone) and sustaining various tree species (Quercus robur, Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus nitens), in... more
The influence of forest stand composition on soil was investigated by comparing the forest floor (FH) and upper mineral soil (0-20 cm) nutritional properties of jack pine and aspen stands on two soil types of contrasting fertility, a... more
The effect of the amendment with alginite, an organic rock originating from the biomass of fossilized unicellular algae, on microbial activity of forest soils was tested using a pot experiment. Five variants of soil-alginite mixtures were... more
Mechanized harvesting procedures for typical forest vehicles were analysed to examine soil stresses and displacements occurring in soil profiles and to reveal changes in physical properties of forest soils. All field experiments were... more
Conversion of the tropical forest to pasture results in changes in the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter (SOM) and other physical and chemical soil properties. Most studies concerning the carbon (C) cycle have focused on... more
To understand the soil microbial activities and community structures in different forests in a sand-dune ecosystem, we conducted a study of 2 topographic conditions, upland and lowland, under a Casuarina forest. As well, in the lowland... more
The decomposition rate of fresh plant litter may decrease from ca. 0.1% per day in fresh litter to 0.00001 per day or lower in more completely decomposed material. This is due to changes in its organic-matter quality as the recalcitrant... more
the two forest types examined with abundant AM hosts. Specifically, nitrate addition led to BRSP decreases in SMBW and increases in SMRO forests. Changes in BRSP accounted for a small fraction of the changes in SOC; appearing to increase... more
Soil organic matter is known to contain a stable fraction with an old radiocarbon age. Size and stabilisation processes leading to the formation of this old soil carbon pool are still unclear. Our study aims to differentiate old organic... more
We studied stand structures and soil properties in an old-growth forest and two 30-yr-old second-growth stands. In the old-growth forest, the total density and basal area average 1566 trees >1.25 m height ha −1 and 46.73 m 2 ha −1. The... more
In this special section of Biogeochemistry, we present results from a snow manipulation experiment in the northern hardwood forest ecosystem at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, U.S.A. Snow is... more
This paper defines landscape-scale patterns in the character of natural organic matter (NOM) and tests for relationships to catchment soil, vegetation and topography. The drainage network of a boreal catchment, subcatchment size 0.12-78... more
The study was conducted on alluvial-meadow, maroon-forest soils and vertisols with Virginia tobacco. The total content of lead and cadmium is measured through decomposition by HF, HClO4, and HNO3 acids. A solution of 0.005 M... more
The effects of pyrogenic carbon on the microbial diversity of forest soils were examined by comparing two soil types, fire-impacted and non-impacted, that were incubated with laboratory-generated biochars. Molecular and culture-dependent... more
Soil organic carbon (C) is a complex set of pools, and to understand its dynamics it is necessary to know which of these pools are active at a given moment, and which act as passive, due to either physical protection or biochemical... more
In Brazil, no tillage (NT) is a soil conservation practice now widely adopted by farmers, including smallholders. The effect of NT and conventional tillage (disc ploughing followed by two light disc harrowings, CT) was investigated on the... more
We report the rapid acidification of forest soils in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. After 30 years, soil to a depth of 25 cm has decreased from a pH (measured in 0.01 M CaCl 2) of 4.8 to 3.1. At the 50-cm depth, it... more