Relative Density
Recent papers in Relative Density
A process for interconnecting a three-dimensional pattern of self-propagating polymer waveguides was used to form micro-truss structures with two new unit cell architectures. The structures were formed using a two-dimensional mask with a... more
The possibility of producing titanium alloy Ti ? 6Al ? 4V with minimal residual porosity from mixtures of elemental powders by the method of pressing and sintering without hot deformation during or after sintering was investigated.... more
Three underwater stereo-video techniques were used to sample the relative densities and species richness of temperate reef fish assemblages at three reef locations and two habitats (high-and low-relief reef) within Hamelin Bay,... more
The effects of plantain starch obtained from the unripe fruit of the plantMusa paradisiaca L. (Musaceae) on the mechanical and disintegration properties of paracetamol tablets have been investigated in comparison with the effects of corn... more
We studied seasonal variation in population attributes of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi over 2 years in four sites of temperate grasslands of the Argentinean Flooding Pampas. The sites represent a wide range of soil conditions,... more
Empirical equations for estimating bubblepoint pressure, oil FVF at bubblepoint pressure, and total FVF for Middle East crude oils were derived as a function of reservoir temperature, total surface gas relative density, solution GOR, and... more
The suppression of agricultural pests has often been proposed as an important service of natural enemy diversity, but few experiments have tested this assertion. In this study we present empirical evidence that increasing the richness of... more
Gadolinium oxide homogeneously mixed with uranium oxide nuclear fuel is used as burnable poison in modem LWR. Solid solutions of UOz with Gd20, additions of between 5 and 10 wt% have been prepared according to the following routes: (a)... more
We investigate the random walk properties of a class of two-dimensional lattices with two different types of columns and discuss the dependence of the properties on the densities and detailed arrangements of the columns. We show that the... more
In the present work polyurethane foams containing variable concentrations of nano-sized clay and esparto wool were prepared and studied, with the objective of developing new multi-scalar rigid foams. The addition of montmorillonite clay... more
Perovskite powders of La 0.3 Sr 0.7 CoO 3−d were prepared by the thermal decomposition of precursor complexes derived from nitrate solutions using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a complexing agent. The calcination temperature... more
Microstructural, magnetothermal and dielectric properties of YCrO 3 powders prepared by combustion and solid state methods have been studied by a combination of XRD, specific heat, magnetization and permittivity measurements. The TEM and... more
One key strategy for increasing the application potential for biodegradable plastics lies in improving the physical and mechanical characteristics, which can be attained by inducing a cellular morphology in the pure polymer with the aid... more
The present work deals with studies on the manufacturing and investigation of mechanical and wear behavior of aluminum alloy matrix composites (AAMCs), produced using powder metallurgy technique of ball milled mixing in a high energy... more
We present here both linear regressions and multivariate analyses correlating three global neuropsychological tests with a number of structural and neurochemical measurements performed on a prospective series of 15 patients with... more
A comprehensive compositional and characterization study was carried out on five seed oils from varieties of the melons Citrullus lanatus and C. colocynth in order to evaluate their suitability for large-scale exploitation as edible... more
This research is to investigate the effects of deformable panels on reducing the seaward displacement, settlement and tilting of caisson quay walls. In this regard, a series of shaking table 1-g tests are performed for a 1 25 scaled-down... more
Estimation of the temperature field in the powder bed in selective laser sintering process is a key issue for understanding the sintering/binding mechanisms and for optimising the technique. Heat transfer may be strongly affected by... more
Zirconium carbide (ZrC) and hafnium carbide (HfC) powders were produced by the carbothermal reduction reaction of carbon and the corresponding metal oxide (ZrO 2 and HfO 2 , respectively). Solution-based processing was used to achieve a... more
The distribution and abundance of thirteen species of regular sea urchin were assessed on Sosoikula and Nukubuco reefs, Fiji. Their morphology and behavior were contrasted relative to wave activity, water depth, substratum composition,... more
Experimental data on the drying behavior of suspension droplets is limited, despite its importance in industrial applications for material processing, chemical or the food industry involving spray dryers. This fact is particularly... more
The interesting properties of metal foams as light weight, good energy absorption, low thermal conductivity, recyclability have spurred new process developments with the goal to obtain materials with a good relation between properties and... more
The distribution and relative density of smooth-coated otters Lutra perspicillata Geoffroy were studied along a 425 km stretch of Chambal river within the National Chambal Sanctuary, Central India, between 1988 and 1992. Sample sites of l... more
The behavior of sodium silicate solutions in an alkaline medium has been studied in the 11.56-9 pH range by adding different amount of hydrochloric acid into a concentrated commercial solution ([Si] = 7 mol/L, Si/Na = 1.71, pH = 11.56).... more
A major operating cost in dense-medium separation is in replacement of lost medium solids. The loss of medium solids, being costly, plays a crucial role in determining the economics of any preparation operation. Coal washeries that employ... more
The potential benefits of providing geocell reinforced sand mattress over clay subgrade with void have been investigated through a series of laboratory scale model tests. The parameters varied in the test programme include, thickness of... more
This paper presents the results of shaking table tests on model reinforced soil retaining walls in the laboratory. The influence of backfill relative density on the seismic response was studied through a series of laboratory model tests... more
Sobre la base de observaciones y colectas se dan a conocer el estado de conservación, densidades relativas, preferencias de hábitat y dieta generalizada de 112 vertebrados de las Lomas de Atiquipa y Mejía en el departamento de Arequipa,... more
Determinar la densidad relativa en suelos granulares gruesos es en general una difícil tarea dentro de la caracterización geotécnica de estos tipos de materiales, debido a que la presencia de partículas de gran tamaño no permiten el uso... more
This paper presents the results from laboratory-model tests on a strip footing supported by a sand bed reinforced with a geocell mattress. The parameters varied in the testing program include pattern of geocell formation, pocket size,... more
Purpose. Pharmaceutical tablets are generally produced by compacting a mixture of several ingredients, including active drugs and excipients. It is of practical importance if the properties of such tablets can be predicted on the basis of... more
The year-round food habits of lynx were studied using radio-telemetry and snow-tracking in the boreal forest of southeastern Norway. The main objectives of the study were to clarify the importance of domestic sheep and small prey species... more
Seed oils from six legume cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris, grown in the Kingdom of Lesotho, were extracted and their physicochemical properties and FA compositions were determined in order to compare their dietary lipids with those in P.... more
The study presented here investigates the effect of density in cementitious mortar on its mechanical properties under quasi-static loading. The reduction in density was achieved through the addition of expanded perlite as a lightweight... more
This article presents the mechanical behaviour of rigid polyurethane foams with relative density (q f /q s) above 0,3. The parameter taken into account is the density, which controls the foam architecture. The mechanical properties of the... more
The note pertains to an experimental study made on circular footings resting on semi-infinite layer of sand reinforced with geotextiles. Using the concept of homogenization of such soils, both analytical and numerical analyses have also... more
The pull-out resistance of reinforcing elements is one of the most significant factors in increasing the bearing capacity of geosynthetic reinforced soils. In this research a new reinforcing element that includes elements (anchors)... more
The theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmm) is a parameter required for the calculation of the aggregate effective specific gravity, asphalt absortion, effective asphalt content and air voids content (Vv), within the design of a hot... more
There is an increasing requirement for geophysical surveys carried out during geotechnical investigations to provide direct information about rock quality or other geotechnical parameters. With the paucity of information to cor-
In this review I will describe the importance of seed banks and thepopulation dynamics of seeds on the distribution of species in salinehabitats. The main questions being examined in this review include: 1.Does the seed bank represent the... more
The calcining and sintering behaviour of fluorapatite synthesised by precipitation has been studied. During the calcination process, in the temperature range 400-9008C, the specific surface area decreases with a rise in temperature. Below... more
Effect of Ag-doping on thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi 2 (Te 0.94 ,Se 0.06 ) 3 is studied. Bulk Bi 2 (Te 0.94 ,Se 0.06 ) 3 sample with single solid solution phase and high relative density (over 95%) is obtained by mechanical... more
The mechanical behaviour of pharmaceutical powders during compaction is analysed using Finite Element Methods (FEM), in which the powder is modelled as an elastic-plastic continuum material. The Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model was chosen... more