Religion and Economics
Recent papers in Religion and Economics
A long inscription in the Nubian tomb of Pennut of Aniba from the late New Kingdom (about 1150 BCE) records a number of fields donated to support a cult for the statue of the living king in the main temple of Aniba. The first part of the... more
Missionaries have often had strict instructions to stay out of politics. But, politics influenced the ability of missionaries to fulfill their main goals -converting people and assisting the local church. Thus, many missionaries were... more
Many parts of the world have been written off as resistant to development. We may think of most of Africa, parts of Latin America, the Middle East, and a few of the countries in Southeast Asia. Then there is the Pacific, which has shown... more
The short-selling of stocks has long been considered impossible in Islamic finance. This chapter begins by reviewing why. It then moves on to the search to develop Islamic alternatives to conventional short-selling. Several systems have... more
Uñchavṛtti (living by gleaning) and āpaddharma (“exigent dharma”) are two important constructs that eventually made their way into the ancient Brahminic Religious Law (dharmaśāstra) that bespeak some of the economic, social, and political... more
En el contexto de la modernización socio-económica, que reclama pacificación, tanto rural como urbana, e integración armónica de los inmigrantes a la nueva sociedad en formación, se destacan actores laicos que respaldan obras cristianas... more
Most people today are born, grow, learn, work, and live in a world shaped by consumer culture, and this inevitably affects their search for religious and spiritual meaning in life. With this special issue, the Journal of Management,... more
Using regional data for about 180 African provinces, we find that measures of Protestant missionary activity in the past are more correlated with schooling variables today than similar measures of Catholic missionary activity, as previous... more
In this paper the author tries to show that the introduction of Roman Catholicism to the Philippines has effected two fundamental influences, viz., Westernization (in terms of Hispanization and later Americanization), which enables the... more
Modern Muslims are searching for political policies that are based on the Umayyad role model, which was so successful that poverty had been eliminated and not a single individual could be found to accept the zakat ─ the alms. According to... more
Cross-national empirical research consistently suggests that, on average, former British colonies are both more democratic and have more stable democratic transitions. I argue that former British colonies are distinct not because Great... more
Wolfgang Essbach:
Religionssoziologie 2. Entfesselter Markt und Artifizielle Lebenswelt als Wiege neuer Religionen.
Teilband 1, Paderborn (Wilhelm Fink/ Brill) 2019
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Religionssoziologie 2. Entfesselter Markt und Artifizielle Lebenswelt als Wiege neuer Religionen.
Teilband 1, Paderborn (Wilhelm Fink/ Brill) 2019
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Confucian economic ethics is centred around the relationship between moral rightness and economic and other external benefits. It is a consensus that Confucianism gives priority to rightness over benefits. Scholars disagree on whether... more
"Este capitulo ofrece una perspectiva histórica de toda la Iglesia Venezolana, pretendiendo actualizar y destacar los trabajos de CISOR (especificamente los estudios sobre Caracas) en cuanto la organización de las parroquias, los grupos y... more
In recent years, academic interest in the nexus between Pentecostalism, economics, and capitalism has grown significantly. Notably, the vast majority of publications that have addressed this interface are to some degree conceptually... more
This dissertation presents a full-fledged portrait of the muftiate (spiritual administration of Muslims) in modern Russia. Designed initially for the purpose of controlling religious activity, over time the institution of the muftiate was... more
The negative outcomes of industrial capitalism and neoliberalism continue to grow in the twenty-first century, causing many social scientists to look for solutions and alternatives to the status quo. Major ideologies gravitate towards... more
In the context of the rise of reactionary politics across the globe, this book seeks new ways of developing solidarity across religious, political and economic differences. Drawing on an increasingly influential Christian theological... more
A new gold mine has been discovered. The next challenge, with the increase of global trade in the upcoming AEC, is for Indonesian halal certification to go in harmony with regional, if not global, standards. Nevertheless, apart from... more
Religion and Theological thought are increasingly associated with anti-scientific, anti-emancipatory, unjust attitudes and actions. Yet such blanket condemnations fail to understand that the virulent edge of radicalized religion is not... more
This dissertation analyses the industrial transformation of Turkey by focusing on the history of Kayseri’s small town Hacılar which has been showed an extraordinary performance in industry and economic development in the last 40 years.... more
Od sredine sedamdesetih godina 20. veka, jedna religijska pojava (New Age duhovnost) i jedna politička pojava (neoliberalizam), doživele su istovremen uspon. Oba fenomena su duboko obeležila savremenu kulturu. Izronivši iz kontrakulture... more
This study aimed to analyze relation among religion and economy in developing work ethic. the original thesis concerning relation of religion and work ethic initiated by Max Weber in his study entitled Protestant Ethic and Spirit... more
Since the rise of the religious right, scholars have become increasingly interested in studying conservative Protestantism. Not only do conservative Protestants (CPs) make up at least a quarter of the US population; they differ from many... more
Literature on megachurches (Protestant churches with attendance over 2000) concentrates on numbers at the expense of an associated, but more instructive, characteristic: an overriding commitment to growth. Churches of any size can adopt a... more
Le mont Athos est souvent présenté comme un espace coupé du temps et du monde « profane », où des hommes, organisés en autarcie, se consacrent à Dieu. Les archives publiées des monastères athonites tendent à nuancer cette image,... more
Although often ignored, religion has profoundly shaped political and economic conditions around the world. This claim is suggested by three historical divergences: (1) a divergence between Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim... more
В настоящем учебном пособии на основе большого количества фактологического материала рассматривается широкий спектр вопросов социально-экономического, политического и культурного развития исламского мира на современном этапе. Показана... more
Bourdieu makes two salient observations concerning the topic of "religion" (or theology)
This article discusses the Tibetan term dkor, a concept that appears to have become increasingly complex as it developed over the last millennium up until this day. The most basic connotation of the word dkor is "wealth" or "possession",... more
The expansion of Pentecostalism and the process of economic growth in contemporary Ethiopia suggest revisiting the supposed “elective affinity” that Pentecostalism shares with neoliberal globalisation and the “spirit of development.”... more
Chapter in C. Ramble, P. Schwieger, and A. Travers (eds.) 2013: Tibetans who Escaped the Historian's Net: Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications.