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Presentación realizada en el Ministerio de Educación del Perú sobre el movimiento "Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas" a funcionarios de la Alta Dirección.
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      Religion and PoliticsEvangelical movementsDerechos HumanosNeopentecostalismo
Sunday Times 13 July 2014 In Justine McCarthy's article about Joyce McSharry, who was separated from her mother in the Bethany Home in 1951, the solicitor David Phelan of Hayes & Sons disclaimed knowledge of an irregular 'Adoption... more
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      Irish StudiesSingle MothersIrish PoliticsProtestantism
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesReligious ConversionIslamic Studies
A strong link between religion and national identity has been particularly important in the study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe during the 20th century. The study of religion and its changes came into the focus of anthropological and... more
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      Balkan StudiesReligious ConversionEvangelical movementsReligious Experience
Blog post: With his brother, F.F. Bosworth, B.B. Bosworth played a significant role in divine healing revival meetings and Pentecostal church history. Unfortunately, there's little known about his contributions. When he and F.F. died in... more
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      History of MissionsPentecostal TheologyChurch HistoryEvangelicalism
Η Ιηαλία ηον 16 ο αιώνα Η απώλεια ηηρ ιζοπποπίαρ και οι θπηζκεςηικοί κπαδαζμοί Σν ζύζηεκα ηζνξξνπίαο πνπ είρε επηηεπρζεί ζηελ ηηαιηθή ρεξζόλεζν κε ηελ Δηξήλε ηνπ Lodi ην 1454 θαη ηελ ακπληηθή ζπκκαρία αλάκεζα ζηε Βελεηία, ην Μηιάλν θαη ηε... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance Studies
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      ChristianityEvangelical movementsKorean ReligionsQuebec
The book is an excellent short account of:
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      Twentieth Century StudiesAmerican ReligionTwentieth Century History and CultureTwentieth Century (History)
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionAnthropology
Este capítulo apresenta uma abordagem sobre a trajetória da relação entre protestantes/evangélicos e política no Brasil. Foca-se na dimensão político-institucional ou relativa ao estado desse itinerário e identifica a pulverização... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsPentecostalism
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      Diplomatic HistoryEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsHistory of US Foreign Relations
Extending social anthropologist Mary Douglas’s theory of purity and danger, this article employs a form of textual and discourse analysis and draws on subcultural identity theory. The article argues that one central aspect of social... more
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      Discourse AnalysisChristianitySocial TheoryAnthropology
Oxford. Cambridge. Harvard. Princeton. Yale… These schools are recognized as some of the most respected universities in the English-speaking world. George Whitefield, John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, D.L. Moody… These... more
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_Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community_ examines how the widespread adoption of a pop-rock-style congregational music shapes the way evangelical Christians understand worship. The book... more
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      Church MusicPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicEthnomusicology
Copyright © 2018 by Roscoe Barnes III #FFBosworth This is a snippet of research on Evangelist William Marrion Branham (1909-1965) and the famous “Pillar of Fire” photograph that was taken in Dallas, Texas. This short article... more
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      BiographyPentecostal TheologyChurch HistoryEvangelicalism
Francesco Toppi, Pastor, historian, General Superintendent of Assemblies of God in Italy, (1928-2014)
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      History of ReligionItalian StudiesHistory of ReligionsPentecostal Theology
Christians, more than ever, need a basic introduction to Bible doctrine that is systematic and true to Scripture. This book is a popular introduction to the study of Bible doctrine firmly in the evangelical tradition. Each chapter covers... more
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      ChristianityHome SchoolingChristian EducationReligious Education
Présentation de mon projet de thèse.
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      ProtestantismEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsEvangelical Theology
Why did John Wesley leave the halls of academia at Oxford to become a Church of England missionary in the newly established colony of Georgia? Was his ministry in America a success or failure? These questions—which have engaged numerous... more
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      PatristicsColonial AmericaEarly ChurchEighteenth-Century British History and Culture
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      History of FundamentalismEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsFundamentalism
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The subject of this dissertation is the confessional revivalist organisation Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftels en (EFS-approximately the Swedish Evangelical Mission Society) between 1856 and 1910. EFS was founded in 1856 in a Pietistic... more
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      HistorySecularizationChurch HistoryEvangelical movements
Many today are seeing the need and importance of teaching Christian apologetics in a variety of different settings. This is intended to help fulfill that need. Following Dr. Norman Geisler’s Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True,... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsPhilosophy
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      SecularizationChurch HistoryEvangelical movements
Біблійна герменевтика ґрунтується на богодухновенності та христоцентричності Св. Письма. Обидва ці положення виведені завдяки найголовнішому способу тлумачення сакральних текстів – герменевтичному колу. В Євангеліях за допомогою... more
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      Medieval LiteratureByzantine LiteratureHermeneuticsEvangelical movements
What are the sources of authority for evangelical Christians in their debates and practices? Evangelicals often refer to the Bible, but is is not their sole source. Practical results are also important, as are personal feelings and... more
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      Social MediaHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonEvangelicalismEvangelical movements
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      Practical theologyEvangelicalismJustification and evidenceEvangelical movements
This article continues the story of the history of Pentecostalism in Tasmania from 1930-1935.
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPneumatologyChurch History
Unlike many traditional/historical denominations and church movements, the Vineyard (which is a relatively young movement) does not have a clearly defined or expressed theological basis, beyond a commitment to the Kingdom of God, and five... more
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      LeadershipEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsChurch Leadership
Respect for persons has been widely acknowledged and discussed as a key moral dimension in education and teaching English to speakers of other languages. Christians believe in this value, particularly as it is articulated within scripture... more
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Branding is increasingly acknowledged as a marketing strategy used by transnational religious institutions commonly known as ‘megachurches’. Commentators on this phenomenon often view the branding process as an artificial driver of... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesMusicMedia and Cultural Studies
""Reviews "... Engagingly and accessibly written... deserves wide readership among everyone interested in US religion, ethnicity, organizations and urban culture." -- Choice "...fascinating...offers valuable insights...This book will... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociologySociology of Religion
O livro Cartas entre um Católico e um Evangélico se trata de uma conversa respeitosa entre dois cristãos que analisam e refletem sobre a fé, bem como sobre eventos que ocorreram em igrejas, além de traçarem interpretações a Bíblia,... more
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      ReligionEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsEvangelical Ecclesiology
Michel Foucault conceptualized an understanding of power as enmeshed and formulating a web-like structure within society. He moved from an understanding of power with top- down formalities, as is commonly represented by institutions, into... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEvangelicalismEvangelical movementsBiopower and Biopolitics
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyEast Asian Theology
This article analyzes the ways in which American evangelical Christians have responded to the presidential campaign and presidential administration of Donald Trump, with a particular focus on the faction of politically progressive... more
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      Religion and PoliticsAmerican ReligionEvangelicalismEvangelical movements
Pedagogical Idea: Evangelist [is] used in a general sense of anyone who proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ… The evangelist… moved about in different localities, preaching the [gospel] to those who had not heard the message before.... more
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      Evangelical movementsEvangelismEvangelism and Church GrowthEvangelism and Outreach
Between the 1950s and 1970s a Swiss theologian and educational psychologist, Hans Ferdinand Bürki (1925-­‐ 2002), integrated achievements in theology and psychology in a remarkable career of four decades.... more
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      Christian MysticismEvangelical movementsChristian SpiritualitySoteriology
Defining Moments Is a book of the record of encounters of great revivalists with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. These moments of powerful encounters totally shifted the course of the life of the individuals selected. Johnson... more
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      TheologyMissionary HistoryDoctrine of GodEarly Modern Church History
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the many changes in the present socio-cultural context point to the importance of innovation in churches. A theoretical framework for understanding innovation in churches is presented, featuring 6... more
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      CreativityOrganizational CultureLeadershipCulture
This collection of essays and notes attempts to tread the invisible borders between mythos, the neoliberal-Christian-nationalist 'world view' and socio-political trends in the rise of Trump, the Red Hats and the Evangelicals to political... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
An investigation of the development and character of megachurches in Canada, including some statistics and a case study of The Meeting House, an "irreligious" megachurch in 17 sites across Ontario.
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      SociologySociology of ReligionEmerging ChurchEvangelicalism
"This is how they pray: a dozen clear-eyed, smooth-skinned “brothers” gathered together in a huddle, arms crossing arms over shoulders like the weave of a cable, leaning in on one another and swaying like the long grass up the hill from... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsAmerican ReligionEvangelicalism
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      TheologyChurch HistoryEvangelicalismEvangelical movements
While the dramatic growth of church-planting movements (CPMs) in non-Christian contexts around the world provides ample opportunity to explain their emergence and significance, a missiology of these movements is struggling to keep pace.... more
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      MissiologyHistory of MissionsEvangelical movementsChurch Growth
General William and Catherine Booth accomplished in practical ways what many social reformers merely dreamed of. They had 'buy-in' from the residents of East London who 'owned' their own spiritual and social revolution. Societal changes... more
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      ChristianitySocial WorkPovertyEnglish History
A review of Dan Barker's tome, godless, how an evangelical pastor abandoned fundamentalist faith and embraced so-called New Atheism. Mr. Barker is now codirector of Freedom From Religion Foundation. Barker's justifiable excoriation of his... more
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      AtheismEvolution of ReligionChristian MysticismHistory of Atheism
Evan Roberts is a key historic figure, deeply involved with the remarkable Welsh revival of 1904. This paper analyzes how 10% of the Welsh population became involved in the revival within two years. It also looks at the social impact on... more
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      ChristianityWelshWelsh LiteraturePrayer
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryApocalypticism