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Enfanter, à n’importe quel prix ? L’histoire de l’insémination artificielle et de sa condamnation par l’Église catholique permet d’éclairer le débat actuel sur l’ouverture de l’assistance médicale à la procréation aux femmes seules et aux... more
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      Children and FamiliesGay And Lesbian StudiesNaturalistic FallacyIVF
De 1985 à 2001, l'activité piscicole en Algérie consistait en l'importation de diverses espèces dulçaquicoles : le sandre Sander lucioperca (Percidae), la carpe Cyprinus carpio, la carpe grande bouche Aristichthys nobilis, la carpe... more
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      Fish ReproductionAquacultureReproductive Physiology in FishReproduction and Artificial Insemination
Alla luce dell’ampia portata delle motivazioni utilizzate dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale per dichiarare l’illegittimità del divieto di fecondazione eterologa, ci si interroga se nel nostro ordinamento emergano fondate ragioni per... more
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      Civil LawFamily LawPrivate lawSurrogacy
No presente estudo dispõe-se sobre a abordagem de alguns problemas resultantes do chamamento sucessório do filho nascido mediante técnicas de Procriação Medicamente Assistida. Trataremos do início e do fim da vida, do nascer e do morrer.... more
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      Post MortemDonor ConceptionArtificial inseminationInseminação Post Mortem
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      Civil LawBioethicsFamily LawArtificial reproductive Technology
Entre 1877 et 1897 la Congrégation du Saint-Office eut à examiner cinq dubia concernant le statut moral de la fécondation artificielle appliquée aux êtres humains. Les inquisiteurs romains se formèrent un jugement précis dès le premier... more
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      Gender HistoryHistory of MedicineSocial History of MedicineBiopower and Biopolitics
Ključne riječi: krava, bik, estrus, sjeme, vrijeme osjemenjivanja, spol, proizvodna svojstva, meso i mlijeko, polovica gonjenja. Key words: cow, bull, estrus, semen, time of insemination, sex, production properties, beef and dairy, half... more
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      Beef productionCattle ReproductionDairy productionReproduction and Artificial Insemination
Background and Aim: Lepidium meyenii Walp (Maca) is an herbaceous plant that grows in the Peruvian Andes and it has been widely used as a nutritional supplement and fertility enhancer and has been used in the treatment of a variety of... more
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      Medicinal PlantsAnimal reproductionReproductive healthVeterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology
How to cite this article: Susilowati S, Triana IN, Wurlina W, Arimbi A, Srianto P, Mustofa I (2019) Addition of L-arginine in skim milk extender maintains goat spermatozoa quality in chilled temperature for five days, Veterinary World,... more
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      Animal reproductionVeterinary Obstetrics and GynecologyReproductive Physiology and Artificial InseminationArtificial insemination
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      History of Medicine and the BodyCultural History of the BodyReproduction and Artificial InseminationHistory of the Roman Inquisition
Recent years have illustrated how the reproductive realm is continuously drawing the attention of medical and legal experts worldwide. The availability of technological services to facilitate reproduction has led to serious concerns over... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthInternational LawInternational Human Rights LawWrongful Life
SUMMARY The Cattell Anxiety Scale and the Eysenck Personality Inventory has been used for to study personality and the anxiety in subjects un­ der treatment by an insemination-assisted method, using a bank of sperm. The significative... more
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      Anxiety DisordersSexual and Reproductive HealthReproductionCouple Therapy
Aim: The current study aims to evaluate the reproductive performances of the Borgou cow inseminated on natural or induced estrus with semen from Gir and Girolando at the Okpara Breeding Farm. Materials and Methods: Semen from exotic... more
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      Animal reproductionAnimal BreedingReproducción animalArtificial insemination