Riot Grrrl
Recent papers in Riot Grrrl
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Australian media depictions of young women are currently influenced by what Angela McRobbie calls "postfeminism"--that women are content, and that feminism is finished. Yet media representations of young women are also inherently... more
""Women working in digital media and sonic arts have been oftentimes overlooked for their male counterparts.The representation of women in many sonic arts academic programs and associated conferences seems to be drastically less than... more
""Women working in digital media and sonic arts have been oftentimes overlooked for their male counterparts.The representation of women in many sonic arts academic programs and associated conferences seems to be drastically less than... more
The game of Psychic Dictionary exists 1) as it has been consistently performed, 2) as it is remembered by me, and (perhaps) others. For the purposes of this exploration, the congealing of these two definitions—indeed their existence as... more
The aggressive chords of Riot Grrrl's punk rock feminism emerged out of the United States of the early 1990's. Young women voiced their frustration with inequality with their loud and even obnoxious punk rock rebellion. Possibly as a... more
The history of grunge and the meaning of its musical expression has suffered as a result of its early categorization as a hyper-masculinized and hetero-sexualized rock genre. This unfortunate classification at the hands of rock journalism... more
This article draws on material from the Riot Grrrl Collection at New York University’s Fayles Library to examine the culture of ‘zine’ production in riot grrrl communities in the United States during the 1990s. After investigating the... more
This essay analyzes the musical performances of Leslie Mah, biracial lead guitarist and backup vocalist for the legendary all-female, queercore punk band Tribe 8, whose members broke up in 2005 after fifteen years together. Inspired by... more
Feminist history comprises a myriad of movements and identities spanning generations of individuals. Its substance is preserved and transmitted in innumerable ways, including through oral histories, independent bookstores, infoshops,... more
The 'Grunge' phenomena of the late eighties and early nineties has often been depicted as a product of socio-economic troubles in the American Northwest, and viewed in the context of a globalising society (Larsen 2008). Many of the... more
Tracing discursive formations of subaltern groups can uncover tactical choices that bring to light particular group motives. Drawing upon Lawrence Grossberg’s conception of “sensibilities,” an analysis of queercore, a punk-inflected queer... more
The article investigates areas of knowledge production in contemporary queer-feminist punk countercultures in/from the US and draws a connec-tion from countercultural accounts to academic anti-social queer theory. Based on the thesis that... more
Review of Kate Eichhorn's provocative book, The Archival Turn in Feminism (2013 hc; 2014 pb).
The act of material zine-making has been associated with young women as a mode of communication and community formation since the Riot Grrrl movement of the 1990s. This paper seeks to explore the connection young women have to the... more
The legend of Pussy Riot has spread since their arrest, trial, and incarceration for 'hooliganism.' The last charge stemmed from an improvised protest performance at a Moscow Russian Orthodox church. They have been labeled prisoners of... more
In this thesis I propose a range of ways in which music, as an affective mode of communication, is able to reach out and connect with audiences across multiple and diverse socio-cultural milieus. In order to understand music's social... more
1990-luvun alussa Yhdysvalloista kantautui aggressiivisen punkrock-feminismin eli Riot Grrrl-liikkeen riitasointuja. Nuoret naiset valjastivat epätasa-arvoon turhautumisensa äänekkään ja nenäkkäänkin punkrock-kapinan kolmisointuihin. Ehkä... more
Previous research demonstrates how activists who do not identify as feminist sometimes engage in “implicitly feminist practices.” In this paper, I extend this research by asking: Do self-identified feminists also employ such implicit... more
Ejercicio de artículo de divulgación (inédito) que se centra en el movimiento "Riot Grrrl" relacionándolo con el concepto de sororidad propuesto por Marcela Lagarde.
The exhibition included works by Miranda July with Shauna McGarry (Joanie 4 Jackie); LTTR; Stephanie Syjuco (The Counterfeit Crochet Project); Tammie Rae Carland; Vaginal Davis, Nao Bustamante, SWOON with Tenessee Jane Watson; subRosa;... more
Abstract This work aims to understand how the continuity subcultural participation (Hodkinson, 2011) is present in women who are involved with Riot Grrrl and the Girls Rock Camps in Brazil. As methodology, the researcher Gabriela Gelain... more
Tracing a genealogy of feminist avant-garde aesthetics from punk feminist author Kathy Acker’s 1979 novel Blood and Guts in High School to riot grrrl performer and activist Kathleen Hanna’s music and zine writing of the 1990s, I argue... more
In dem Essay geht es einerseits um die historische Verortung des Begriffs Lady(festes), der Entstehung und den Grundprinzipien der Veranstaltungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den US-amerikanischen und den deutschsprachigen Raum.... more
OF THE THESIS grunge feminism: performing gender paradox in queered plays of hypertexuality by Ann Linnea Zeiner Master of Arts in History San Diego State University, 2015 The history of grunge and the meaning of its musical expression... more
Subcultures have long been theorized as the domain of the young. Illustrating this connection, studies of the varieties of subcultural participation often use the terms ‘subcultures’ and ‘youth cultures’ interchangeably (e.g. see Epstein... more
Anknüpfend an mein Referat zum Text „Rock & Sexuality“ von Simon Frith und Angela McRobbie, möchte ich mich im Folgenden ausführlicher mit dem Thema Gender Studies auseinandersetzten. Speziell möchte ich die Riot-Grrrl-Bewegung der 1990er... more