Russian Art
Recent papers in Russian Art
Русское искусство XVIII века : учебник для бакалавриата и магистратуры / Т. В. Ильина, Е. Ю. Станюкович-Денисова. — М. : Издательство Юрайт, 2015. — 611 с. — Серия : Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс. ISBN 978-5-9916-3527-1 Учебник... more
In 1897 Russia had its debut at the Venice International Art Exhibition, with a group show commissioned by the State Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg and curated by Ilya Repin. Based on Russian and Italian unpublished archival... more
Where could St. Petersburgers see and learn about works of art in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? Most scholarly literature about this period dwells on the absence of art on public view in Russia's capital, relieved only by... more
"Drawing Bodies and Passions of the Soul" is about how Dmitry's fragmentary compositions or, as he sometimes calls them, body-part images relate to drawing manuals that were printed in seventeenth-eighteenth-century Europe. "I didn't... more
This project comprises 30 pieces (18"x18" each for exhibition) that play on Suprematist variations of Kazimir Malevich's "Spring Garden in Blossom" (1904) after glitch treatment and magnification of the digital reproduction of the painting.
In 1834, Anatoly Demidov gave Karl Brullov’s The Last Day of Pompeii to Nicholas I as a gift. The article interprets this incident in the context of Demidov’s complex relationship with the emperor, understood as an implicit polemic... more
Статья посвящена судьбе художника Льва Николаевича Петухова (1888–1921), талантливого графика и иллюстратора эпохи модерна, прожившего короткую жизнь и почти полностью выпавшего из культурной памяти. Публикуется его жизнеописание,... more
This paper concerns the art and artistic legacy of Eghishe Tadevosian (1870-1936), the famous Armenian painter who was active in Russia, Armenia, Georgia.
Rencontre entre Catherine II, pour qui l'architecture n'est pas seulement une affaire de prestige mais une oeuvre personnelle, et de l'architecte parisien, cousin de Blondel, ayant passé par le voyage d'Italie... L'article examine le... more
В статье освещена история строительства загородного дома Агафона Фаберже в Осиновой роще (Левашове). Предпринята попытка формирования целостного представления о здании, систематизации истории его создания. Особое внимание уделено чертам... more
A Psicologia de Vygotski e a vanguarda russa: relações possíveis Luana M. Wedekin, UNISUL/UFSC Introdução: Lev Semenovich Vygotski 1 (1896-1934) foi o líder da corrente da psicologia histórico-cultural, surgida na Rússia logo após a... more
Још од краја 19. века у српској науци се сматра да је обнова српског издаваштва започела 1726. године. После Другог светског рата појавиле су се штуре информације о постојању неког илустрованог црквеног календара штампаног 1719. Та књига... more
Kotlomanov A.O. Twilight Biennale: Russian art life as if it mattered. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2018, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 320–324. (In Russian) Котломанов А.О. Сумерки биеннале: российская художественная жизнь, как если бы она имела значение... more
The article deals with the history of research and preservation of ancient frescoes in the USSR after the revolution, Researchers of the Zubovsky Institute organize expeditions to the Russian North in the first months after the... more
The article focuses on selected examples of the 19th century iconography of Ivan Krylov. Depictions of the poet are considered within the representational tradition that originated in the age of Enlightenment and reflected the... more
A problem of perfection at art is analyzed in the article according to paradigm of the art market as a system of cultural, economic and social interactions of the art world. The author finds out the vitality of the artwork not only as its... more
"The History of Peter the Great’s Reign" by Nikolaj Ustrjalov and its reverberation in visual arts: On the issue of truth and verisimilitude in science and art The article considers the research approach Nikolaj Ustrjalov takes in his... more
These Pixelscapes were found within a photograph of Kazimir Malevich (Ukranian-born artist, 1878-1935) via magnification, filter treatment (halftone) and isolation of the pixel(s) in Photoshop. Malevich founded the art movement,... more
L'articolo ripercorre la nascita e lo sviluppo del sottogenere del paesaggio industriale sovietico dal 1917 fino alla prima metà degli anni '30.
Статья посвящена рассмотрению отличительных особенностей парадного и камерного вариантов изображения в русском искусстве XVIII века. Данный вопрос ранее привлекал внимание исследователей, однако выявление конкретных характеристик,... more
В.Э. Борисов-Мусатов – один из самых значительных мастеров русского символизма. Его поиски в области колорита, линий, построения пространства, техники увенчались многими находками неизвестных ранее приёмов изображения. Художнику удалось... more
The Russian artist Vera Mukhina (1889-1953) is most widely known as the artist of the grandiose stainless-steel sculpture Worker and Collective Farm Woman (1937). The sculptural group originally was installed on top of the Soviet... more
The Window to the Soul : Eyes in Art History (from Painting to Photography / from Da Vinci to Korda) by Vladimir Alexander Smith/ Abstract According to scientists: “the eyes really are a window to the soul, patterns in the iris can... more
This review examines recently published works by Russian scholars in the field of artistic stone carving, namely, the reference book by N. M. Mavrodina, Works of Russian Stone-Carving Art in Collections outside Russia (2019), and the... more
Vladimirov, a trained battle artist observed the revolution in Russia and its aftermath up close and changed his style to convey the anguish of ordinary people in difficult times. The online text is a preliminary version. Please consult... more
Статья посвящена подробному исследованию художественных принципов, свойственных портретной живописи сентиментализма. Внимательное рассмотрение женских портретов, созданных И.-Б.Лампи-Старшим, В.Л.Боровиковским и М.-Э.Виже-Лебрен,... more
Ice as Element: German Vinogradov’s performance "Songs of the Glacial Toad" focuses on a series of performances by the Russian visual artist, poet and musician German Vinogradov (b. 1957). The performances took place in an ice-hole on a... more
Лазарева, Е.А. Виктор Пивоваров: Траектория полетов. – Москва: BREUS, 2017. – 120 с., ил. — (Новые классики; вып. 1) ISBN 978-5-9904620-0-7 Viktor Pivovarov (born in 1937) is a unique figure in contemporary Russian Art. Ekaterina... more
Pavel Golubev. Constantin Somov: Lady, Taking Off the Mask (Constantin Somov: Dama, snimai︠u︡shchai︠a︡ masku). Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2019. 212 p. ISBN 978-54448-1153-5. Body, gender, sexuality, and the problem of their... more
Радуга принадлежит к числу распространенных мотивов в искусстве Константина Андреевича Сомова (1869–1939). «Семицветную красавицу», как называл радугу сам художник, можно видеть в произведениях всех периодов его творчества. В предлагаемой... more
Nikolái Roerich fue un destacado pintor ruso de principios del siglo XX que contaba con un profundo interés por el pasado remoto de su nación. Es conocido principalmente por su colaboración con Stravinsky en el ballet Rito de primavera,... more
Catalogo della mostra dedicata a Viktor Ladviščenko (Виктор Михайлович Ладвищенко), pittore monumentalista sovietico. Il testo espone in ordine cronologico e ragionato tutte le opere, fin'ora rintracciate, del maestro di Leningrado,... more
For years it was believed that the Basket of Flowers Egg by Fabergé had no pearls, until an examination by the Royal Collection Trust staff in 2019 proved the opposite.
The historiography of nineteenth-century Russian art has long been preoccupied with categories. This panel considers three artists who defy categorization. Instead of inserting their work into circumscribed stylistic boxes, it explores... more
каталог выставок проекта 2018-2019 гг.
This paper provides a brief introduction of the relationship between dissidence and religion in the post-Soviet context through the figure of the holy fool and positions the behavioral paradigm of foolishness-for-Christ in relation to the... more
Основополагающими инструментами новой иконографии были выбраны портреты-типы протагонистов революции: рабочего и крестьянина. Социальному портрету-типу рабочего в этом языке должно было принадлежать первостепенное значение, поскольку... more
There was a discontent among Russian men in the nineteenth century that sometimes did not stem from poverty, loss, or the threat of war, but instead arose from trying to negotiate the paradoxical prescriptions for masculinity which... more
Ознакомительная версия. Автор статей и составитель альбома Д. Ю. Кривошей, автор аннотаций к предметам каталога М. И. Вилькин. — М.: ООО «Буки Веди», 2021. – 160 с.: ил. Альбом посвящен искусству златоустовской гравюры на стали периода... more
Котломанов А.О. Реализм после живописи: новые / старые тенденции в российском искусстве // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2016. Вып. 2. С. 138—143. Kotlomanov A.O. Realism after painting: new / old tendencies in... more