Russian Jewish history and culture
Recent papers in Russian Jewish history and culture
The article examines the interwar period in the life and work of two architects, Usher Chiter (1899–1967) and Elyukim Maltz (1898–1973), both graduates of the Odessa School of Architecture.During that time the architects were doing work... more
The essay explores the presentations of the Frankfurt Judengasse within German-Jewish history and memory of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It argues that the perception of the ghetto past among the German-Jewish middle... more
במאמר זה מוצג מחקר הבוחן את תפיסותיהם של יהודים עולים מצפון הקווקז ומזרחו (היהודים ההרריים) בנוגע למקומם ומעמדם בחברה הישראלית. עלייה ותהליכי השתלבות של עולים במדינה חדשה מלווים בקשיים הנובעים מהבדלי תרבות ומנטליות. מצב זה יכול להביא... more
This article describes the historical character of the nearly forgotten Russian itinerant preacher, Zvi Hirsch Dainow (1832–1877), the Maggid of Slutsk, and follows the broader dispute he awakened, and its impact on Jewish politics in the... more
If you are a Jewish genealogist, chances are you have encountered the dreaded brick wall – the seemingly impenetrable barrier beyond which lie untold generations of unknown ancestors who represent a proud Jewish heritage that has become... more
The veil of Moses : Jewish themes in Russian literature of the romantic era / by Mikhail Weisskopf ; translated by Judith Roby. pages ; cm.-(Studia Judaeoslavica ; vol. 5) iSbn 978-90-04-23501-4 (hardback : alkaline paper)-iSbn (invalid)... more
WOMEN IN THE VISUAl ARTS Consultmg Ed1tor: Judith Margolis AJ..o m rh1s ~~ ue· 01alogut' w11h iundamenldhsl men A nldle philo.,opher re5pond!> to temm,.;t )t>Wlsh philo5ophy
Sokolov I. Russian and foreign tea-trade companies on the tea-market of the Russian Empire: 1790-s – 1920-s (their trade marks, seals and terminology). – Moscow, 2013. – 203 p. – ISBN 978-5-9973-2501-5 This guide is a list of the most... more
I am posting the Preface from our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida -- The Life Legends and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." We invite all interested readers, especially descendants of the Shpoler Zeida, to contact us with... more
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
For centuries, Jews have sought their yichus by connecting themselves to rabbinical families, either through marriage or by a paper trail. Thanks to recent advances in genetic genealogy and DNA technology, this is now possible to do for... more
"The Garden of Hidden Delights of the Russian-Jewish Avant-Garde". Special Issue: Jewish Underground Culture in the late Soviet Union. East European Jewish Affairs. Volume 48, 2018 - Issue 1, pp. 78-89. *** What is the Russian-Jewish... more
An Account of the Relationship between the Russian Tsarist Government and the Jews in the Late Russian Empire
The following article is an excerpt from a chapter of our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida – The Life, Legends, and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." The chapter is entitled: "Mysteries of the Shpoler Zeida Family." Our... more
В книге в научно-популярной форме рассказывается об истории евреев в Перми и их культуре. Помимо общих сведений об этногенезе, материальной и духовной культуре этого народа читателю представлен расширенный очерк по истории евреев в Перми,... more
The purpose of this article is to summarize the progress made on the Baal Shem Tov Y-DNA research study. It presents our current understanding of one of the lineages descending from the Baal Shem Tov, the Vulis family, based upon our... more
The Jewish intelligentsia and Russian Marxism I. Communism and intellectuals 2. Party affiliation Russia 3. Socialist parties 4. Jews in Russia I. Title 30 1 .5'g2 JN65g8.A I ISBN 0-333-23206-2 This book is sold subject to the standard... more
One of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism is Liqquṭei tefilot (1822–1827), composed by R. Nathan Sternhartz of Nemirov, which established a whole new genre in Bratslav literature. This article discusses the book's... more
In this issue of The Shpoler Zeida Newsletter, we provide several chapter previews from our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida -- The Life, Legends, and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." This issue includes a preview of our... more
Sokolov I.A. Tea and tea trade in Russia: 1790 – 1919: [Monograph]. – Prod. the 2nd, reslave. and additional – M, 2012. – 499 pages. – ISBN 978-5-9973-2074-4 (INFO) ""This monograph is the first complex history work about tea and tea... more
The intersection between the Eastern European rabbinate and Russian religious thought has yet to be addressed adequately in academic scholarship. A key example of this intersection was Rabbi Shmuel Alexandrov (1865-1941), a maverick rabbi... more
Karaite Pies and Samurai Swords: The Karaite Theme in David Shrayer-Petrov’s Life, Fiction, and Memoirs.” Kwartalnik Historii Żydów / Jewish History Quarterly 3 (2021): 857-876. David Shrayer-Petrov came across the East European Karaites... more
published without the knowledge of the author - . not proofread by the author. an updated and corrected version of the article will appear in my book - Wrestling with the Esoteric (2017) הדברים נדפסו שלא בידיעתי וללא הגהה מצידי. אין... more
Ни в одной сфере – ни в периодике, ни, естественно, в научной литературе, ни даже в области книгоиздания – «еврейское» печатное слово на русском языке в обозримой временной перспективе не имеет никаких шансов стать самоокупаемым.... more
Sokolov I.A. The History of Tea: new documents and materials [Limited edition] (DEMO) Издание вводит в научный оборот документы и материалы по истории чая. Представлены рецепты XIX в. в которых чай смешивается с алкогольными напитками,... more
The entire project of modern Jewish art music can be characterized as an ongoing search for an answer to the question of how to define the genre of Jewish music horizontally – belonging to the “Oriental” East or Christian West – and... more
Soon after the end of WW2, Rabbi Nathan-Neta' Olevskii, a great scholar of Jewish Law living in Moscow and a keen observer of Soviet Jewry, became aware that many Jewish women whose husbands had disappeared during the war were re-marrying... more
In late-eighteenth century, the three-stage partition (1772, 1793, and 1795) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth between Russia, Prussia and Austria not only gave the Tsarist Empire control over a great portion of Eastern Europe, it... more
Рецензия на книгу: Брикер, Борис; Вишевский, Анатолий. Мы не говорим на идиш. Черновцы: Meridian Czernowitz, 2021. ISBN 978-617-8024-14-7 Review of the book by Boris Briker and Anatoly Vishevsky on their life in Czernowitz (Ukraine,... more
Jonatan Meir, “The Politics of Printing the Book Sefer Likutei Tefilot" This essay discusses one of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism – Likutei Tefilot, composed by R. Nathan Sternharz of Nemirov between 1822 and... more
In the Beilis trial of 1913 false accusations of ritual murder were leveled against the entire corpus of Torah teaching, the Jewish people generally, and the Chassidic movement specifically. A show of unity, humanity and truth frustrated... more