Sacred and divine kingship
Recent papers in Sacred and divine kingship
In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more
In this paper, I argue that the Norman Anonymous's Christocentric idea of kingship constitutes essentially a variety of that ancient conception of royal mediation which is hallmarked by the Hellenic and early Imperial idea of nomos... more
The chief aim of this essay is to posit a well-known Mesopotamian royal and divine epithet, ušumgallu "great dragon," as the source behind Ezekiel's enigmatic description of Pharaoh in 29.3, hattannīn haggādôl, "the great dragon." This... more
This essay explores intimate relationships between Buddhism and power in contemporary Thailand. Considering practices like divination and spirit mediumship as well as more orthodox contexts like kingship and the monkhood, it argues that... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical connotation of the idea of our digital body surviving the death of our natural body, advocated by such evangelists of digital afterlife as Bell and Gemmel. For this purpose, I will... more
Following a piece published in the previous issue of this journal analysing the nature of sacred kingship in 17th century Ayutthaya, this article proceeds to show how these tensions in the performance of royal office shaped King Narai's... more
For almost three thousand years, Egypt and Mesopotamia were each ruled by the single sacred office of kingship. Though geographically near, these ancient civilizations were culturally distinct, and scholars have historically contrasted... more
see articles' section below for my two articles in the volume. Abstract: ""Nicht erst seit dem Einsturz des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln sind Archive und ihre Rolle als Träger von Erinnerung, Repräsentation, Wissenskonstruktion... more
Compte-rendu de lecture de Gilles Boileau:
Politique et rituel dans la Chine ancienne, L'Homme 2015
Politique et rituel dans la Chine ancienne, L'Homme 2015
This chapter focuses on history writing about the Eastern Tibetan kingdom of Nangchen based on newly published local chronicles that legitimize Nangchen as an autonomous power centre, opposing official state views on its peripherality.... more
The fi xed fi gures of kingship expressed in the rituals, and the fl exible event-and actor-based depictions presented in the " royal " narratives off er two contrasting portrayals of kingship in Nepal. We aim at outlining their internal... more
in: Coppens, Filip; Janák, Jiří; Vymazalová, Hana (eds), 7th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: Royal versus Divine Authority, Acquisition, Legitimization and Renewal of Power. Prague, June 26-28, 2013 (KSG 4.4), WIesbaden (2015),... more
The Ernst Kantorowicz’s personal writings are held at the Leo Baeck Institute Archives in New York City. The “Phases of Medieval Rulership” is a little corpus of unknown pages where the German historian had drafted in the 40’s of the 20th... more
"The Roman principia with chapels of the Standards, the Genius castrorum and the Imperial cult in Egypt are of special interest. There were some examples of principia with such chapels and temples. As a rule, these monuments were built... more
Our current understanding of Balinese political mechanisms during the pre-colonial period is imbalanced. Most recent studies either emphasize the performative ritual aspects of Balinese courts or the genealogical texts to reconstruct the... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of kingship in the Ancient Near Eastern civilizations, understand the implications of the office and the function of kings before to see its application to the time of the Old Testament world.
Pocos hombres han dejado una huella tan grande en su paso por la historia y la política como Luis XIV de Francia. El llamado rey sol encarna el punto álgido del absolutismo monárquico, desenlace insoslayable de una Francia devastada por... more
Explores Aquinas’s attempt to show that kingship is both the best and safest form of government and the implications of his teachings for classical rationalism. Aquinas’s alternative to the Socratic tradition attempts to reorient the... more
The essays in Reading the Gospel of John’s Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs seek to interpret John’s Jesus as part of Second Temple Jewish messianic expectations. The Fourth Gospel is rarely... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
Kings of Disaster is a comparative, ethnographic study of the political systems of the the Bari, Lulubo, Lokoya, Pari and Lotuho, peoples who inhabit the East Bank of the Nile in Equatoria, South Sudan. The political systems are... more
Last year, I stumbled upon an intriguing piece of The Lord of the Rings / The Last Kingdom crossover fanfiction, entitled “The Heredity and Magnanimity of King Alfred”. In this Aragorn/Alfred mashup, fanfiction author Freikugels sketches... more
Dans une perspective ethnologique, il s’agit de comprendre comment les Moundang du sud-ouest du Tchad, dont le dispositif rituel relève de la royauté sacrée, se convertissent aux Religions du Livre musulmanes et chrétiennes. De fait, deux... more
One of the most interesting features of political tradition of pre-modern Northeast India was the presence of local powers tracing their descent from demonic beings. Historical evidence suggests that the demonic royal genealogy was... more
The Bible is the only corpus including explicit anti-monarchial texts. This paper will focus on the Law of the King (Deut 17: 14-20) in an attempt to distinguish between two layers found in it: an anti-Assyrian – anti-imperialistic law... more
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
Ordo sacerdotum aestimatur deorum <ordine, ut deus> maximus quisque. Maximus videtur Rex, dein Dialis, post hunc Martialis, quarto loco Quirinalis, quinto pontifex maximus. Itaque in soliis Rex supra omnis accumbat licet; Dialis supra... more