Santorini eruption dates
Recent papers in Santorini eruption dates
Large, explosive, caldera-forming eruptions are amongst the most destructive phenomena on the planet, but the processes that allow the large bodies of crystal-poor silicic magma that feed them to assemble in the shallow crust are still... more
The biblical Exodus was one of history’s most dramatic events. This paper synthesizes the biblical account, historic knowledge, mythology, information about Thera Volcano, and astronomy into a detailed narrative of what happened.... more
The Troubled Island….15 years later 1 J. Driessen I hope you all have read the TR -we don't make any money on it but I don't want to repeat the argument and detail here! The manuscript of the Troubled Island was appropriately completed by... more
The Birth of Jesus in 12 B.C. concluded that Jesus of Nazareth was born either during, or near to, the first two weeks in October, 12 B.C. This date is more than eleven years earlier than the traditional date, and it implies his death... more
Radiocarbon dating of the Theran eruption has placed the event between 1627 and 1600 BC at the 95% confidence level. The art and pottery motifs at the site of Akrotiri, buried under the tephra, were dated by archaeologists to the Late... more
Matrikelnummer: 0411263 Betreut von: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.phil. Manfred Lehner im Rahmen des SE 507.010 "Chronologieprobleme" im WS 2012/13 Abbildung 2: Schematische Karte der Ägäis und des östlichen Mittelmeerraumes: Manning 1999, Fig.... more
Israel as a political entity began with the man named Israel – Abraham’s grandson Jacob. It is ‘Israel’s people’ whom pharaoh Merneptah boasts of defeating on his victory stele. This paper briefly explains how I’ve reached that conclusion.
Hesiod gives two precise timelines: astronomical (‘generations of gods’) and archaeological (‘generations of humans’). Greek tradition confirms the Thera eruption date about 1530 BCE. Eusebius’ and Parian dating of three earliest kingdoms... more
Memory and identity in LC I/LM IA Thera as reflected in settlement patterns and ceramic production The settlement patterns and ceramic production in LC I/ LM IA Thera are two subjects about which new evidence has emerged during the... more
Despite many recent attempts to settle the dispute concerning the absolute date of the Minoan Santorini eruption, there are still differences between some archaeologists and scientists on the absolute dates and the reliability of... more
BULLETIN OF THE EGYPTOLOGICAL SEMINAR 19 2015 The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold
The volcanic mega event of the Minoan Santorini eruption constitutes a time anchor in the 2nd millennium BCE that is inherently independent of archaeology and political history. It was a geological event. Yet the dimension of time in... more
This paper deals with the relationship between Egypt and Retenu, its main Asiatic neighbor, in the period from the Fifteenth Dynasty till to the end of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Recent archaeological research at Tell el-Dab‘a disproves the... more
The evidence analyses the words written by Plato which are preserved in Plato's Critias document. It tracks down the source of the disaster which struck the Minoans and provides conclusions that link in with Moses involvement with the... more
The most discussed natural catastrophe in the Mediterranean region is the major eruption of the Thera volcano. The third Thera and the Aegean World (1989) conference reached some agreement on its relative chronology: the catastrophe came... more
The Greek mythology reflected several floods including one referred to about 1530 BCE, one among possible dates of the Thera eruption, but not mentioned the flood in about 1627 BCE
The River Nile catchment is considered the major source of nutrient-rich freshwater and sediment draining into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Thus, exceptional high-resolution record from the Nile Littoral Cell likely traces changes in... more
Pohromy, ktoré menili ľudské dejiny Veľké prírodné katastrofy ročník XXV cena|3,50 € pre predplatiteľov cena 2,80 € 8|2014 Vedeckopopulárny mesačník o dejinách SKAZA POMPEJÍ PLUS AUGUSTUS: prvý rímsky cisár a jeho... more
Disagreements on the dating of finds in the southern Levant are common between “Biblical archeologists” who rely heavily upon ancient documents such as found in the Bible and “Levantine archeologists” who adhere to a more secular approach... more
The works of a pumice quarry at Ftellos on Thera revealed the remains of some pre-eruption buildings. The first period of the excavation there lead to the discovery of a dug out building consisting of more than two rooms circular or... more
Mythical flood of Deucalion might be the Santorini eruption
Plinian ash found in late Minoan (LM) Akrotiri is contemporary with the LMIA destruction on central Crete and that the ashes overlying these deposits in Akrotiri are, in turn, contemporaneous with the LMIB destruction in eastern Crete. It... more
Centuries of Darkness website: Internet Notes and Papers C,
The story of Joseph might be interpreted as an evidence of the early date of the Thera eruption
AHMES Archaeological Heritage & Multidisciplinary Egyptological Studies 1 The series AHMES was created within the Institute for Ancient Mediterranean Studies (ISMA) of National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and reflects the... more
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The easy answer to that is, it depends largely on when Thera erupted, when it is said that the Minoan civilization went into demise and what caused that and what is meant by demise.