Security Issues
Recent papers in Security Issues
Cloud Computing is a type of internet based computing which provides services via the internet and accesses the resources within the user enterprise either in a private-own-cloud or on a third-party server On Demand. The model is... more
NoSQL databases outperform the traditional RDBMS due to their faster retrieval of large volumes of data, scalability, and high performance. The need for these databases has been increasing in recent years because data collection is... more
The popularity of the Mobile Database is increasing day by day as people need information even on the move in the fast changing world. This database technology permits employees using mobile devices to connect to their corporate networks,... more
Ethics is a study of moral issues in the fields of individual and collective interaction. The term is also sometimes used more generally to describe issues in arts and sciences, religious beliefs and cultural priorities. The professional... more
Cloud computing is an architecture for providing computing service via the internet on demand and pay per use access to a pool of shared resources namely networks, storage, servers, services and applications, without physically acquiring... more
Note Décembre 2014 Face à la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire dans l'espace Sahara-Sahel, consécutive à la crise libyenne, les espaces transfrontaliers ont fait l'objet d'une approche sécuritaire de la part d'acteurs régionaux et... more
The Internet of Things (IoT), an emerging research area and talk of the scientific world. Today, the Internet connectivity is widely available and the cost of connection is drastically decreasing. The number of devices connected to... more
E-commerce is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories:... more
Security is an important issue in the actual educational context where e-learning increases in popularity and increasingly more people are taking online courses. The e-learning platforms are today production systems that need to be... more
Social media is playing a prominent part in people's lives now-a-days. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ etc. have emerged as the popular social media websites. Since its inception in 2004, Facebook has emerged as the most popular... more
MANET has been around for more than two decades. Ad hoc network deployment, ability to cater emergent requirements on-the-spot and providing infrastructure less utility makes Ad hoc networks a play field for testing dynamics and... more
Without the need of an infrastructure, low-cost, auto-managed, flexible and low power consumer, wireless communication is becoming emerging technology. It shows great binder for present as well as future hi-tech applications. Increasing... more
Abstract: In recent years wireless sensor networks has gained a lot of attention and is used in number of commercial and military applications including home automation, building structure monitoring, battlefield monitoring and... more
Internet of Things (IoT) can be found everywhere in our life. They find application at homes for control and reporting in emergency clinics and for adjustment reporting in various conditions, counteracting fires and in various other... more
Cloud computing is a technique to deliver software, storage and processing. It increases system's capability without changing the existing infrastructure, educating new people or taking license for the softwares. It improves the existing... more
Cloud computing is a technique to deliver software, storage and processing. It increases system's capability without changing the existing infrastructure, educating new people or taking license for the softwares. It improves the existing... more
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a growing technology during last decade. It provides the audio, video streaming facility on successful implementation in the network. However, it provides the text transport facility over the... more
Cloud computing is a technique to deliver software, storage and processing. It increases system's capability without changing the existing infrastructure, educating new people or taking license for the softwares. It improves the existing... more
Cloud computing is utility-based computing provides many benefits to its clients but security is one aspect which is delaying its adoptions. Security challenges include data security, network security and infrastructure security. Data... more
Cloud computing is a model which uses the mixture concept of " software-as-a-service " and " utility co mputing " , and provides various on-demand services in a convenient way requested end users. It is internet based where resources are... more
"Integracja europejska. Wprowadzenie, praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Macieja Perkowskiego - to nowoczesny podręcznik akademicki, adresowany do studentów i słuchaczy studiów podyplomowych kierunków: prawo, administracja, ekonomia,... more
Présentation séminaire Promédiation Centre 4S - Septembre 2015
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) is top area of research. MANET is self-configured, self- administered and self-organized network. In MANET, nodes are not bodily connected to each other, but the communication can takes place if nodes are in... more
— Without the need of an infrastructure, low-cost, auto-managed, flexible and low power consumer, wireless communication is becoming emerging technology. It shows great binder for present as well as future hi-tech applications. Increasing... more
The Internet of Things (IoT), an emerging research area and talk of the scientific world. Today, the Internet connectivity is widely available and the cost of connection is drastically decreasing. The number of devices connected to... more
mgr Katarzyna Skiert-Andrzejuk, Im bliżej Azji, tym bliżej wyzwań dla bezpieczeństwa [recenzja książki Bliżej Azji. Współczesne wyzwania dla bezpieczeństwa]
Without the need of an infrastructure, low-cost, auto-managed, flexible and low power consumer, wireless communication is becoming emerging technology. It shows great binder for present as well as future hi-tech applications. Increasing... more
The Computer Network technology is developing rapidly and the recent advances have introduced a new technology for wireless communication over the internet in future in MANET. It becomes the popular research topic in recent years.... more
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Advancements instructions and other services. However, as more organizations continue to embrace technology in their online operations, the risk of information security attacks cannot education institutions have a... more
Wireless sensor networks determine probable in military, environments, health and commercial applications. The process of transferring of information from a remote sensor node to other nodes in a network holds importance for such... more
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are wireless networks consisted of mobile free nodes that can move anywhere at any time without the need to any fixed infrastructure or any centralized administration. In this category of networks existing... more
In this paper a meticulous analysis of applicable literature on “Security in Grid Computing” is turned out. The intension of this survey is to bring out the recently available security models and authorization mechanisms in Grid... more
Security is an important issue in the actual educational context where e-learning increases in popularity and increasingly more people are taking online courses. The e-learning platforms are today production systems that need to be... more
Książka jest ósmym tomem wydanym w ramach w serii edytorskiej „Władza – Elity – Przywództwo”. Prezentuje wyniki kolejnego etapu badań prowadzonych przez międzynarodowy zespół badawczy projektu naukowego Elity polityczne Kaukazu... more
Over the last years many solutions have been proposed for facial expression analyses for emotion assessment, some of which claim high recognition accuracy in real time, even on natural expressions. However, in most (if not all) cases,... more