Security Service
Recent papers in Security Service
The period of the eighties is the main subject of my story. The aim is to analyze the crisis in the functioning of the Belgian State and society, which culminated at the end of 1985, and to provide background facts. This is a crisis that... more
Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and... more
The article examines in detail the process of setting up the security services of Latvia in the period prior to and after regaining full independence. The author emphasizes that a successful transition towards a consolidated democracy... more
Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and... more
Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and... more
In this article we present a survey of secure ad hoc routing protocols for wireless networks. Ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. Attacks on ad hoc... more
Obóz Pracy w Świętochłowicach był, obok obozu w Mysłowicach, największym obozem w powojennym województwie śląskim. Od końca lutego do 20 listopada 1945 r. w obozie zmarło co najmniej 1855 osadzonych (tyle aktów zgonu więźniów,... more
Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and... more
Artykuł zawiera analizę 150 akt tajnych współpracowników aparatu bezpieczeństwa z lat 1945–1956 zachowanych w zasobie archiwum IPN w Katowicach. Omówiona została specyfika tych akt jako źródeł historycznych – ich niekompletność,... more
E-Governance is basically the use of internet expertise as a tool for exchanging information, providing services and transacting with people, businesses and other areas of government. E-Governance provides a sound approach to reinforce... more
The article examines in detail the process of setting up the security services of Latvia in the period prior to and after gaining full independence with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The author emphasizes that a successful... more
This paper presents an XKMS-based key management system architecture and a service modeling using java crypto technologies and XML security mechanism.
Józef Lebenbaum z Lund i Andrzej Wirga z Moguncji, którzy przekazali księdzu Blachnickiemu informacje na temat działalności Gontarczyków mieli również przekazać komplet dokumentacji świadczącej o ich wywiadowczym charakterze. Albo ten... more
Since security is of critical importance for modern storage systems, it is imperative to protect stored data from being tampered or disclosed. Although an increasing number of secure storage systems have been developed, there is no way to... more
In most commercial electronic contract management applications available today, different customized code base has to be developed, deployed and operated to support each tenant. Few advanced commercial electronic contract management... more
In most commercial electronic contract management applications available today, different customized code base has to be developed, deployed and operated to support each tenant. Few advanced commercial electronic contract management... more
Recently, computer networks faced a big challenge, which is that various malicious attacks are growing daily. Intrusion detection is one of the leading research problems in network and computer security. This paper investigates and... more
Nowadays, network operators face the challenge to host millions of devices having various needs. With the traditional connectivity management in EPS/LTE accesses, security services such as confidentiality and integrity protection are... more