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Une approche géographique de l'intégrisme/traditionalisme catholique français permet de relativiser la place de la France dans l'intégrisme/traditionalisme catholique. Elle permet aussi de repérer trois réseaux distincts, en partie reliés... more
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      20th century FranceSedevacantismCatholic Church HistoryXXe Siècle
Answer to the objection: if Vatican II popes do not possess papal authority, how is the mission of the Church being accomplished? Isn't ecclesiastical jurisdiction a necessary condition for legitimate apostolate? How do sedevacantist... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilRoman CatholicismCatholic TraditionalismSedevacantism
Estudio en profundidad sobre como debe entenderse la actual vacancia de la Sede Apostolica y que debe hacerse al respecto.
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Le sédévacantisme s'est développé dans le catholicisme français depuis le milieu des années 1960. Expression particulière d'un mouvement international, lié à la contestation de Vatican II, son histoire, cléricale mais aussi laïque, peut... more
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      History of Roman Catholicism20th century FranceSedevacantismCatholic Church History
La déposition du pape hérétique. Lieux théologiques, modèles canoniques, enjeux constitutionnels, C. Dounot, N. Warembourg, B. Bernabé (dir.), Paris, Mare & Martin, 2019, p. 131-165.
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      Canon LawTheologyTraditionalismChurch History
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      HistoriaSedevacantismChihuahuahistoria de la Iglesia
Cyrille Dounot a publié une critique acerbe sur mon livre "La crise de l'autorité dans l'Eglise" (éd. Pierre-Guillaume de Roux, Paris 2019). Ce papier est une réponse canonique et théologique à ses arguments.
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      Canon LawTridentine CatholicismTraditionalismHeresy
A tradução para o português deste texto desconcertante e provocador do perenialista norte-americano Whitall Perry (1920-2005) integra a antologia “Filosofia Perene e Cristianismo: ante o desafio da modernidade”, organizada e editada por... more
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      PerennialismHistória e Cultura da ReligiãoSedevacantismCristianismo
This is a rough translation of part of Banez' commentary on question 1, article 10 of the second part of the second part of St. Thomas' Summa Theologiae. It deals with the question of whether the pope loses his office by embracing... more
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      EcclesiologyThomismScholastic PhilosophySedevacantism
El Concilio Vaticano II (CVII) trajo consigo una revolución al interior de la Iglesia católica romana. Este evento decisivo generó transformaciones pastorales, rituales y doctrinales diversas. En breves palabras, a partir del cvii la... more
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      History of ReligionStudy of ReligionsSedevacantismHistoria Regional
Pope Francis I is Petrus Romanus. Little matters whether he chose the very name used by St. Malachy in his prophecies or not. Petrus would be a first, since the times of the Apostle; Francis is also a first. Francis I can be what the name... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
Ho letto anch'io, come molti di voi, l'articolo ( dell'amico Andrea Giacobazzi che ho trovato storicamente molto stimolante e nelle sue... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilSedevacantismNeomodernism