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This report has a brief history on the origins of the Reading Marathon Room, a self-access English learning centre in Morioka Junior College under Iwate Prefectural University. The report describes the services of the Room and the duties... more
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    • Self Access Language Learning
Despite vocabulary size being widely recognized as a key predictor of L2 reading and listening proficiency, it could be argued that many students within English conversation schools in Japan (eikaiwa) are not given sufficient... more
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      Learner AutonomyVocabulary LearningSelf Access Language LearningEikaiwa
Image segmentation and classification are the two main fundamental steps in pattern recognition. To perform medical image segmentation or classification with deep learning models, it requires training on large image dataset with... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyPattern RecognitionClustering and Classification Methods
To Pinterest or not to Pinterest? – that is the question: Evaluating the usefulness of Pinterest as online self-access material at Southampton Solent University, UK. Whistance (2015) puts forward that the use of Pinterest at... more
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      Higher EducationOnline LearningMaterials developmentSocial Media and Higher Education
We believe strongly in the value of new participatory research methods as a way of stimulating high-quality learning of facts and skills, and awareness of new attitudes to improve people’s sexual health. Such methods would include... more
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      Positive PsychologyEducational TechnologySexual and Reproductive HealthTraining and Development
Keywords: advising, written feedback, self-directed learning Advising in language learning is being recognized as a growing field within second and foreign language teaching and applied linguistics, with two books devoted to its theory... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducational TechnologyLearner AutonomyLanguage Advising
It is generally accepted that autonomy is a matter of degree, or degrees, which fluctuate and therefore it could be assumed that the way in which language teaching and learning is approached can make a significant difference to the degree... more
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      Learner AutonomyAssessment in Higher EducationSelf Access Language Learning
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional approaches to education and forced educators to adopt and adapt technologies to allow institutions to remain open, offer courses and other services to enable students to continue their... more
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      Composition and RhetoricPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Academic WritingOnline Instruction
Upon receiving the attention from ministry of education in Thailand, the concept of enhancing learner autonomy by using self-access learning center has long been developed since 2004. However, there are several issues to be considered due... more
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      Autonomous learningSelf Access Language Learning
It has become almost axiomatic in English Language teaching that to succeed in their studies students need to be not only effective learners within the classroom but also outside and beyond it. While teachers can reinforce learning to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducational TechnologyPhonologyTeacher Education
This paper reviews the resources available for Sanskrit self-pedagogy along with an approach to learning Sanskrit through in-depth reading of classical poetic stanzas that is based on traditional approaches to learning Sanskrit. A first... more
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      SanskritLanguage PedagogySanskrit Grammar and LinguisticsPāṇini
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      Learner Centered ApproachTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageSelf Access Language Learning
This article sets out to highlight the features of the Self-Access and Reflection (SAR) record, an integrated online platform of the freshmen presentation course. The primary objective is to promote reflection and self-access learning... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningIndependent learning
This study takes place at a university of international studies in Japan. Incoming freshman students' previous experiences with learning leaves them largely unprepared to direct their own language studies in an autonomous way. The... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-directed learningSelf-AccessLanguage Advising
This paper examines 12 factors that can develop learner motivation in a self-access learning environment.
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      Motivation (Psychology)Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingLanguage Learning
This book chapter discusses the opportunities offered by internet television, its pitfalls and the strategies that teachers and learners may use to maximise its benefits to L2 vocabulary acquisition.
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      New MediaTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language Learning
This article investigates the validity of the suggestion that internet television can facilitate EFL learners’ acquisition of formulaic sequences (FSs). A quantitative study was conducted to examine the extent to which FS use on internet... more
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      New MediaSecond Language AcquisitionDigital MediaEnglish language
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      Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingSelf Access Language LearningLearner autonomy in language learning
This study investigated attitudes toward self‐access centers (SACs) and readiness for autonomous language learning among Turkish learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). It also explored whether learners' attitudes toward the SACs... more
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      Learner AutonomyTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageSelf Access Language Learning
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageAutonomous learningSelf Access Language Learning
Student staff can play a vital role in any Self-Access Learning Center (SALC) (Gardner & Miller, 1999; Cooker, 2010) and providing training for them is one of the key skills required of people managing SALCs (Gardner & Miller , 2013).... more
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      Self Access Language LearningAcademic Staff DevelopmentThe Management of Staff Training and Developement in an Organisation
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningDimensions of learner autonomy
To address the problem of limited opportunities for practicing second language speaking in interaction, especially delicate interactions requiring pragmatic competence, we describe computer simulations designed for the oral practice of... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language LearningPragmaticsApplied Linguistics
Every autonomous learning process should entail an evaluation of the learner's competencies for autonomy. The dynamic model of learner autonomy described in this paper is a tool designed in order to support the self-assessment and... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningDimensions of learner autonomySelf-Assessment
Web 2.0 technologies have become a ubiquitous component of our daily lives (McBride, 2009), and their immediate exploitation in the field of second/ foreign language education came as no surprise. The present study aims at examining... more
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      Autonomous learningSelf Access Language LearningIndependent learningEdmodo
This paper gives an overview of some perspectives on self-access learning in Japan. Although there seems to be a sudden interest in self-access learning in this part of the world, the author explores some of the reasons that Japan has... more
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      Social learningSelf-AccessLanguage AdvisingSelf Access Language Learning
Usage-based linguistics posits that communicative functions, including pragmatics, are at the core of language (Tomasello, 1992). It is surprising, then, that pragmatics is rarely systematically included in second language curricula... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsIntercultural PragmaticsSelf Access Language Learning
ÖZET Yabancı dil öğrenme süreçlerinde, öğrenici merkezliliği özünde barındıran, öğrenici özerkliği ve bağımsız öğrenme gibi kavramların uygulamadaki en somut yansımalarından biri, bağımsız öğrenme merkezleridir. Ülkemizde özellikle... more
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      Learning StylesSelf Access Language LearningIndependent learning
The paper illustrates some structures and processes established in order to make the Centre for Independent Language Learning, a self-access language centre (SALC) at the Freie Universität Berlin, an autonomous and autonomy fostering... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-AccessSelf Access Language LearningLearner autonomy in language learning
The purpose of advising in language learning is to help learners to think more deeply about the language learning process in order to become more autonomous language learners (Carson & Mynard, 2012). The advising process is negotiated... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearner AutonomySelf-directed learningSelf-Access
Image segmentation and classification are the two main fundamental steps in pattern recognition. To perform medical image segmentation or classification with deep learning models, it requires training on large image dataset with... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyPattern RecognitionClustering and Classification Methods
While self-access learning (self-directed language learning centred on physical language learning spaces) has been popular in several countries since the 1990s, there has been an explosion in the number of self-access spaces opening in... more
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      Global CitizenshipLearning SpacesSelf-AccessSelf Access Language Learning
Writing center self-access libraries have a firm place in North American and non-North American contexts, as do the composition-related materials therein, i.e., rhetorics (e.g., anthologies of paragraphs and essays); however, as the... more
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      TESOLNon-Native English Speaking Professionals in TESOLSecond Language WritingTeaching English As A Foreign Language
The present study aimed to explore the role of English songs in Saudi students' self-learning of English as a foreign language. The study employed one data collection tool which was an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed... more
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      Learning and TeachingEnglish language teachingSelf Access Language LearningSelf Study
In a 4-year longitudinal study, the researchers track nine learners of English at a university in Japan in order to investigate the extent to which they engaged in self-directed language learning outside of class. Drawing on the... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)InterestSelf-directed learningSelf-Access
The International Conference on Self-Access (Encuentro Internacional de Centros de Autoacceso, EICA) was held at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) from the 4th to the 5th August,... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Learner AutonomySelf-regulated LearningLearning environments
"This paper examines a year in the development of a Self Access Learning Center (SALC) at a small public university in Northern Japan. The SALC was established to support language learning as part of the institution's transition from a... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningIndependent learning
Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) is one of several mini theories within Self-Determination Theory, a framework developed by Deci and Ryan (1985) in order to study human motivation. As part of a larger, on-going project, the three... more
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      CommunicationSelf-Determination TheoryLearner AutonomyLanguage Learning
El documento describe la manera de operar de la Academia Raudales de Lenguas Vivas ALVIVAS. Explicita que funciona conforme a mecanismos de cooperación, apoyo mutuo y solidaridad. Deja claro que su cometido es el de fomentar el... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSelf and IdentitySecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
Learning style research has been a significant field within language teaching and learning. There have been very few attempts, however, to seek possible links between independent learning and learning style preferences. This paper aims to... more
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      Learner AutonomyLearning StylesSelf-AccessSelf Access Language Learning
In the literature on self-access centers (SACs), learners are implicitly considered to be learning only one language, and thus one aspect of learners can be analyzed. But in reality, SACs are generally multilingual and learners may engage... more
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      MultilingualismMotivation (Psychology)Learner AutonomyPlurilingualism
Self-access centers (SACs), social learning spaces which combine support for language learning with a strong focus on fostering learner autonomy, are becoming popular in tertiary institutions in Japan. While they have much in common with... more
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      Self-AccessSelf Access Language Learning
This is the third part of an autoethnography about trying to enrich my vocabulary and improve my listening skills as a self-directed learner through French language songs. I followed the same Study Use Review Evaluate (SURE) learning... more
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      AutoethnographySelf-directed learningNarrative InquiryFrench
This is an introduction to the Special Issue of SiSAL Journal on JASAL 2017 by the co-editors of this volume. JASAL 2017 was the biggest ever conference for JASAL ( since its inauguration with 149 participants from 63... more
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      Self Access Language LearningLearner autonomy in language learning
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language Learning
Paper-based tools such as self-evaluation activities, learning plans, reflective journals and learning logs are commonplace for managing Self-Directed Language Learning (SDLL). Such tools not only promote ownership over learning and... more
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      Action ResearchLearner AutonomyMobile application developmentSelf-Access
Catalan pronunciation, essential to achieving effective communication in several manifestations of oral language, has been the object of self-regulated and autonomous work by several students studying for Education and Communication at... more
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      Catalan LanguageSelf-regulated LearningICT in EducationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
In this article, we report on an investigation into how the design of self-access center (SAC) environments affect student use at a university in Japan. After a description of the context, we review relevant literature on self- access... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language Learning
In the Self-Access Learning Center (SALC) at a university in Japan, language learners create and implement individual learning plans. Strategies to facilitate reflective dialogue are used by learning advisors to encourage these learners... more
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      TESOLLearner AutonomySelf Access Language Learning
In the fourth installment of the column following the self-directed learning curriculum development project at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan, Satoko Watkins, Neil Curry and Jo Mynard detail the process of conducting a... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf Access Language LearningCurriculum Design and Evaluation