Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Recent papers in Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Este es un ensayo que se enmarca dentro de la reflexión por el centenario de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, promulgada en 1917. El punto de partida, por lo tanto, es el texto constitucional en sí. Desde aquí,... more
¿Cómo pudo ocurrir que la institucionalización de los derechos de las mujeres posibilitara la violación de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres indígenas? Esta tesis empieza con el establecimiento del PNSRPF 1996-2000 (Plan de... more
El artículo “El caso peruano de esterilización forzada. Notas para una cartografía de la resistencia,” propuesto para el dossier “Género, Violencia y Política en la Historia Reciente Latinoamericana” de la presente edición, es una breve... more
Przerywanie ciąży, wiążące się z uśmierceniem płodu, jest bez wątpienia jednym z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zabiegów medycznych. Procedura ta od lat wzbudza żywe spory i dyskusje o charakterze etycznym, religijnym, politycznym i prawnym... more
Attention Press and Media: As a known legal and bioethics expert in women's health I have witnessed the reality that many women's health issues are lost in getting national coverage. It is clear that language concepts are essential in the... more
En Argentina, los activismos trans han logrado cierto reconocimiento social de que las mujeres cis no son el único sujeto del aborto ni de las luchas por el aborto. Sin embargo, las intervenciones críticas realizadas por activistas trans... more
Médecins du Monde (MdM), France, undertook a pilot project in Lahore in partnership with the Population Welfare Department (PWD) of Punjab to improve the quality of the family planning (FP) services for vulnerable communities and empower... more
In Argentina, campaigns for the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights have sparked opposition through litigation in which the dynamics of legal action have come from self-proclaimed “pro-life” NGOs, particularly since 1998, when... more
A Bill before the New South Wales Parliament attempted to re-frame harm to late-term fetuses as grievous bodily harm to the fetus itself rather than (under the existing law) grievous bodily harm to the mother. To achieve this, the Bill... more
Os estudos feministas sobre o direito têm vindo a demonstrar que aquele é guiado por um paradigma eminentemente patriarcal, razão pela qual a lei, baseada numa hierarquia de género, tende a negligenciar diversos tipos de violência... more
Москаленко К.В. к.ю.н., асистент кафедри цивільного права юридичного факультету Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка РЕПРОДУКТИВНІ ПРАВА ФІЗИЧНОЇ ОСОБИ В УКРАЇНІ ТА СВІТІ: ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ
This research examines the provision of comprehensive reproductive healthcare to women with HIV in South Africa, with a focus on the highly contested issue of abortion. It explores how the emergence and escalation of the HIV epidemic, and... more
Workshop and public discussion hosted as part of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival, December 2015.
In the chapter, Zabrzewska analyzes Polish politicians’ responses to the 2020 protests against the abortion ban through the lens of feminist philosophy. Using selected sources (e.g. the transcript of the Committee on Administration and... more
Wszystkie zachodnie społeczeństwa liberalno-demokratyczne uznają sferę prokreacji za domenę ludzkiej wolności, na której straży stoją prawa legalne (i moralne) zwane prawa-mi reprodukcyjnymi. W Polsce pojęcie praw reprodukcyjnych wciąż... more
This paper discusses some of the major themes contained in the position paper La maternità surrogata: profili etici (Surrogate Pregnancy: Ethical Profiles) drafted by the Ethics Committee of the Fondazione Veronesi. In particular, the... more
This paper draws the connection between the changes in the American perspectives on abortion in the second half of the twentieth century and shifts in the cultural, social and legal status of the society. The major change occurred in... more
This article aims to improve the understandings of safety and risk in childbirth in Morocco from a critical medical anthropological perspective. It is based upon nine weeks' of fieldwork undertaken in the town of Ifli, an oasis in Eastern... more
This paper analyzes social movements and the way they had influence in the world’s view on women’s sexual and reproductive rights within a sociological framework. It also discusses how the media contributes in the building of... more
جنسیت یکی از مهمترین ابعاد زندگی انسان است که شامل هویتها و نقشهای جنسی، گرایشهای جنسی، شهوت، لذت، صمیمیت و تولیدمثل میشود. جنسیت درحالیکه میتواند افکار، رؤیاپردازیها، امیال، باورها، دیدگاهها، ارزشها، رفتارها، رویهها، نقشها و... more
While the various recent crises, including the financial and economic crisis, Brexit and the refugee crisis exposed more than ever the power structure and the diverging interests in the Member States about the forms of integration of the... more
Rights Driven Institutionalization of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” also known as “Hamara Kal” (HK) was a four year (2009-12)2 programme funded by European Commission. Hamara Kal means "OUR FUTURE". Rutgers-WPF implemented... more
Race, Racism and Development places racism and constructions of race at the centre of an exploration of the dominant structures, discourses and practices of international development. Combining insights from race critical, postcolonial... more
There are some cases in which the government should coerce its citizens into providing care to vulnerable persons. For example, suppose that a woman and her infant are snowed in a cabin, and that the only available food for the infant is... more
A common argument for abortion involves denial of the personhood of the unborn embryo or fetus. Mary Anne Warren pioneered this type of argument in her influential 1973 article on abortion. However, her understanding of the concept of... more
Using a feminist hermeneutic, Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson attempts to set out in this article how a third or fourth-wave intersectional reading of the stories of Hagar and Sarah and Leah, Rachel, and their maids can become a source of both... more
It is frequently assumed that the quasi-judicial decisions of human rights treaty monitoring bodies do not have a significant impact on state practice. Yet if these decisions provide a political and symbolic resource in domestic and... more
A growing body of scholarship argues that by disentangling gestation from the body, artificial wombs will alter the relationship between men, women, and fetuses such that reproduction is effectively 'degendered'. Scholars have claimed... more
A tese de doutoramento tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos decorridos da emergência das pessoas com deficiência, em especial as com deficiência intelectual, em sujeitos de direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Busca também compreender os... more
The enormous problems of maternal and infant mortality in today’s world are directly linked to inadequate or nonexistent maternal health care for millions of women everywhere. This article argues that viewing the right to maternal health... more
Reproductive health rights, though an emerging rights issue, border on human rights, sexual rights, population control and development rights. Customary practices in Nigeria seem to contextualize all activities including reproductive... more
In Cameroon, sexuality education is limited to sections of HIV/AIDS sensitization and family planning programs, except in Muslim communities, which teach some form of it in Koranic schools strongly linked to religious values (Centre for... more
Handbook for facilitators of the children's groups on Gender, Violence, Self Esteem, Child Rights and Gender Equality
This chapter argues that although the legal recognition of transsexuality came early in the Czech Republic, the social and legal understanding and recognition of transgender identity and transgender people’s rights has been and continues... more
Women's reproductive autonomy has gained limited recognition at the international level. This recognition has been difficult to secure and remains contentious. This article examines the struggle for reproductive autonomy within the... more
El libro está a la venta en la librería virtual de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú, en el siguiente enlace: Los ensayos y artículos reunidos en este libro atraviesan los campos de... more
En un Estado democrático de derecho la intervención jurídica en relación con el aborto no puede ni debe reflejar sin más una visión del derecho en su forma más tradicional, caracterizada por su carácter estrictamente coercitivo y... more