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In this work we investigate force-induced desorption of linear polymers in good solvents in non-homogeneous environment, by applying the model of self-avoiding walk on two- and three-dimensional fractal lattices, obtained as... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesRenormalization Group
A sectoral Sierpinski Gasket fractal (SSGF) antenna is proposed for dualband operation with wide-bandwidth covering GPS, DCS-1800, PCS-1800, UMTS, IMT-2000, Wireless broadband Internet Services (WiBro), Bluetooth, and WLAN bands. The SSGF... more
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      Microstrip AntennaRFElectrical And Electronic EngineeringSierpinski gasket
We study the problem of polymer adsorption in a good solvent when the container of the polymer-solvent system is taken to be a member of the Sierpinski gasket (SG) family of fractals. Members of the SG family are enumerated by an integer... more
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      Statistical MechanicsStatistical PhysicsFractalsMathematical Sciences
A brief historical perspective is first given concerning financial crashes, -from the 17th till the 20th century. In modern times, it seems that log periodic oscillations are found before crashes in several financial indices. The same is... more
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      Statistical MechanicsOscillationsIndexationSierpinski gasket
We prove for the Sierpinski Gasket (SG) an analogue of the fractal interpolation theorem of Barnsley. Let V 0 = {p 1 , p 2 , p 3 } be the set of vertices of SG and u i (x) = 1 2 (x + p i ) the three contractions of the plane, of which the... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsMathematical AnalysisElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Shortest PathSierpinski gasket
The Sierpinski fractal or Sierpinski gasket § is a familiar object stud- ied by specialists in dynamical systems and probability. In this paper, we consider a graph Sn derived from the first n iterations of the pro- cess that leads to §,... more
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      Dynamic SystemDomination numberSierpinski gasket
We prove there exist exponentially decaying generalized eigenfunctions on a blow-up of the Sierpinski gasket with boundary. These are used to show a Borel-type theorem, specifically that for a prescribed jet at the boundary point there is... more
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      Pure MathematicsBlow UpSierpinski gasket
This paper introduces a new approach to represent logic functions in the form of Sierpinski Gaskets. The structure of the gasket allows to manipulate with the corresponding logic expression using recursive essence of fractals. Thus, the... more
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      Discrete MathematicsMultiple Valued LogicGraphical RepresentationSierpinski gasket
This paper continues the study of fundamental properties of elementary functions on the Sierpinski gasket (SG) related to the Laplacian defined by Kigami: harmonic functions, multiharmonic functions, and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian.... more
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      Blow UpHarmonic FunctionHeat KernelSierpinski gasket
A well-known result of Arratia shows that one can make rigorous the notion of starting an independent Brownian motion at every point of an arbitrary closed subset of the real line and then building a set-valued process by requiring... more
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      StatisticsState SpaceBrownian MotionIndexation
Irregular objects are often modeled by fractals sets. In order to formulate partial differential equations on these nowhere differentiable sets the development of a "new analysis" is necessary. With the help of the model case of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONInterdisciplinary EngineeringMeccanica
We determine the distribution of Euclidean and interior distances in the Sierpinski gasket and the detailed structure of shortest paths in the Sierpinski carpet.
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      Shortest PathSierpinski gasket
We consider the iterated function systems (IFSs) that consist of three general similitudes in the plane with centres at three non-collinear points, and with a common contraction factor λ ∈ (0, 1).
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      Algebraic Number TheoryApplied MathematicsAttractor TheoryFractals
We refute the claims made by Riera and Chalub [Phys. Rev. E 58, 4001 (1998)] by demonstrating that they have not provided enough data (requisite in their series expansion method) to draw reliable conclusions about criticality of... more
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      Self Avoiding WalkSierpinski gasketGenerating Function
2014 Nous donnons les relations de récurrence exactes pour les fonctions génératrices décrivant les marches aléatoires sans recoupement et avec volume exclu sur la famille des tamis de Sierpinski. Leur étude révèle que la moyenne des... more
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      Stochastic ProcessNetworkRandom ProcessesSelf Avoiding Walk
A stacked configuration of Sierpinski microstrip antenna, with the patches on each layer complementing each other, shows prominent reflection coefficient (⌫) in lower and upper frequency bands; and better performance with respect to... more
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      Optical physicsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringSierpinski gasket
Graph transformation is concerned with the manipulation of graphs by means of rules. Graph grammars have been traditionally studied using techniques from category theory. In previous works, we introduced Matrix Graph Grammars (MGGs) as a... more
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      Computational ComplexityCategory TheoryDiscrete MathematicsGraph Transformation
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsHigh FrequencyUncertainty Principle
We review our scaling results for the diffusion-limited reactions A + A ~ 0 and A + B ~ 0 on Euclidean and fractal geometries. These scaling results embody the anomalies that are observed in these reactions in low dimensions; we collect... more
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      MathematicsFractal GeometryPhysicsComputational Modeling
We investigate the spectral zeta function of a self-similar Sturm-Liouville operator associated with a fractal self-similar measure on the half-line and C. Sabot's work connecting the spectrum of this operator with the iteration of a... more
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      Several Complex VariablesMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesSpectrum
We establish an analogue of WeyΓs classical theorem for the asymptotics of eigenvalues of Laplacians on a finitely ramified (i.e., p.c.f.) self-similar fractal K, such as, for example, the Sierpinski gasket. We consider both Dirichlet and... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsEigenvalues
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      Algebraic Number TheoryApplied MathematicsAttractor TheoryFractals
We propose families of infinitely ramified fractals, which we call the m-sheet Sierpinski gasket with side b [(mSG)b], on which the q-state Potts model can be exactly solvable through a real-space renormalization-group (RSRG) technique... more
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      Power LawIsing ModelPhase transitionRenormalization Group
We prove that the free energy per spin of the nearest-neighbour classical n-vector spin model situated on the Sierpinski gasket (SG) family of fractals tends to the free energy per spin of the same model situated on the standard... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsThermodynamicsFree Energy
We investigate asymptotical behavior of numbers of long Hamiltonian walks (HWs), i.e., self-avoiding random walks that visit every site of a lattice, on various fractal lattices. By applying an exact recursive technique we obtain scaling... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesFractal Dimension
We study Hamiltonian walks (HWs) on the family of three-dimensional modified Sierpinski gasket fractals, as a model for compact polymers in nonhomogeneous media in three dimensions. Each member of this fractal family is labeled with an... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsClassical PhysicsThree DimensionalSierpinski gasket
A well-known result of Arratia shows that one can make rigorous the notion of starting an independent Brownian motion at every point of an arbitrary closed subset of the real line and then building a set-valued process by requiring... more
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      StatisticsState SpaceBrownian MotionIndexation
In this paper we get a power estimate from above of the probability that Buffon's needle will land within distance 3^{-n} of Sierpinski's gasket of Hausdorff dimension 1. In comparison with the case of 1/4 corner Cantor set... more
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      Power System State EstimationPower LawFourier transformHausdorff Dimension
The problem of the decimation of a network of impedances on the threedimensional Sierpinski gasket is solved: the exact map M is given and its asymptotic behaviours are studied. The most significant invariant subspaces of M and the... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOscillationsFrequency Dependence
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      Microstrip AntennaDielectric ConstantOptimum DesignSierpinski gasket
We investigate the sandpile model on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket fractal. We find that the model displays interesting critical behavior, and we analyze the distribution functions of avalanche sizes, lifetimes, and topplings and... more
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      Numerical SimulationPower LawPhase transitionOscillations
Fractals are very often illustrated by digital images, this is a consequence of the widespread availability of electronic and computational equipment. These images are always limited by their pixel resolution. Subsequently the... more
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      Applied MathematicsFractal DimensionDigital ImageSierpinski gasket
The traditional Sierpinski gasket monopole antenna is well known for its multiband behavior, but it cannot be printed on the circuit board of a portable wireless device due to the limited space availability. In this paper a modified... more
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      AntennasWireless LanWireless DevicesHigh Efficiency
Abstract— A fractal monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket is studied in this paper. The monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket constructed through three iterations displays a multiband behaviour with three bands that... more
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      Microstrip AntennasFractal AntennasSierpinski gasketRadiation Pattern
We perform extensive simulations of the sandpile model on a Sierpinski gasket. Critical exponents for waves and avalanches are determined. We extend the existing theory of waves to the present case. This leads to an exact value for the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsFractalsSierpinski gasket
A multiband diamond-shaped Sierpinski gasket monopole antenna is described. The radiation pattern of wideband monopole antennas like the circular-disk and diamond monopole antennas degrades as frequency increases. In this paper, several... more
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      Optical physicsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringSierpinski gasketRadiation Pattern
From this relation it can be shown, using exact results and a scaling assumption, that the dissipative sandpiles' correlation length exponent \nu always equals 1/d_w, where d_w is the fractal dimension of the random walker. This leads to... more
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      EngineeringFractalsRandom WalkMathematical Sciences
The scaling properties of waves of topplings in the sandpile model on the Sierpinski gasket are investigated. The exponent describing the asymptotics of the distribution of last waves in an avalanche is found. Predictions for scaling... more
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      Statistical MechanicsNumerical SimulationSierpinski gasket
We study the problem of adsorption of self-interacting linear polymers situated in fractal containers that belong to the three-dimensional (3d) Sierpinski gasket (SG) family of fractals. Each member of the 3d SG fractal family has a... more
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      Monte CarloMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesThree Dimensional
A fractal monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket is studied in this paper. The monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket constructed through three iterations displays a multiband behaviour with three bands that are... more
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      Microstrip AntennasFractal AntennasSierpinski gasketRadiation Pattern
In this paper we prove the existence of a new type of Sierpinski curve Julia set for certain families of rational maps of the complex plane. In these families, the complementary domains consist of open sets that are preimages of the basin... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsPoint of ViewBasin of Attraction
We address the problem of evaluating the number S N (t) of distinct sites visited up to time t by N noninteracting random walkers all starting from the same origin in fractal media. For a wide class of fractals ͑of which the percolation... more
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      EngineeringRandom WalkMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We consider self-similar sets in the plane for which a cyclic group acts transitively on the pieces. Examples like n-gon Sierpiński gaskets, Gosper snowflake and terdragon are well-known, but we study the whole family. For each n our... more
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      Applied MathematicsMandelbrot SetNonlinearitySierpinski gasket
We describe a geometric approach for studying phase transitions, based upon the analysis of the "density of states" (DOS) functions (exact partition functions) for finite Ising systems. This approach presents a complementary method to the... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsMaterials ScienceQuantum Physics
Abstract— A fractal monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket is studied in this paper. The monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket constructed through three iterations displays a multiband behaviour with three bands that... more
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      MathematicsMicrostrip AntennasFractal AntennasSierpinski gasket
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      MathematicsPhysicsChemistryStatistical Physics
Abstract. In this paper we prove the existence of a new type of Sierpinski curve Julia set for certain families of rational maps of the complex plane. In these families, the complementary domains consist of open sets that are preimages of... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsSierpinski gasket
We prove that the generator of the renormalization group of Potts models on hierarchical lattices can be represented by a rational map acting on a finite-dimensional product of complex projective spaces. In this framework we can also... more
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      Statistical MechanicsSeveral Complex VariablesMagnetic fieldMathematical Sciences
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      Physical sciencesPhase transitionRenormalization GroupSierpinski gasket