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The new technologies of today's world, applied in the perceptive and creative processes, bring the need to rediscover the role of representations in both, academic and professional, areas of architecture. Therefore, this article seeks... more
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"Die Arbeitweise Arnold Schönbergs" gibt mit Untersuchungen und Analysen eines umfangreichen und vielseitigen Werkes, das mehrere hundert Kompositionen umfasst, Einblick in die Entstehung von Schönbergs Musik. Neben einer Beschreibung und... more
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      SketchesHistory of Musical CompositionCreative ProcessSchonberg Arnold
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      SketchesDrawingArchitectural CapriccioTraditional Architecture
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      SketchesRobinson CrusoeSintraSerra De Sintra
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      SketchesArchitectural EducationDrawings (Architecture)Art and Design Education
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      AnthropologySketchesEthnic IdentityHumour
Although the Parthenon has stood on the Athenian Acropolis for nearly 2,500 years, its sculptural decorations have been scattered to museums around the world. Many of its sculptures have been damaged or lost. Fortunately, most of the... more
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    • Sketches
Doña Bárbara. Merodea por el centenario. La encontramos en el capítulo III de la primera parte como una chiquilla de unos quince años y al fin del cuento, en el capítulo XV de la tercera parte, ronda la cuarentena. Es una guaricha... more
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      SketchesResume WritingCharactersDoña Barbara
Lines are mysterious. They are drawn by the hand, they are seen by the eye, they appear in the world. Lines are what the hands draw, what the eyes see, and what the page represents. Lines form forms. Simple regular visual/spatial forms... more
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      Computer ScienceSketchesVisual CommunicationAbstraction
3. the arrangement, which answers to the question "according to which order to place information on a screen?" (or "how should IO be arranged in a PU?" by logical order, by frequency or by predefined format?). This... more
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      Computer ScienceSketchesUser InterfaceVisual Design
From the librettist’s perspective, the traditional working methods which tend to dominate in the creation of new music drama, often result in a situation where the initial intentions are lost along the way. How can we get away from a... more
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      MusicPerforming ArtsDramaturgyOpera
The new technologies of today's world, applied in the perceptive and creative processes, bring the need to rediscover the role of representations in both, academic and professional, areas of architecture. Therefore, this article seeks to... more
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      Computer VisionVisualizationHuman FactorsSketches