Social Competence
Most downloaded papers in Social Competence
Attachment style differences in psychological symptomatology, self-concept, and risky or problem behaviors were examined in a community sample (N = 1,989) of Black and White adolescents, 13 to 19 years old. Overall, secure adolescents... more
Background. Empathy plays a key role in social understanding, but its empirical measurement has proved difficult. The Empathy Quotient (EQ) is a self-report scale designed to do just that. This series of four studies examined the... more
Two studies investigated the hypothesis that the higher entrepreneurs' social competence (their ability to interact effectively with others as based on discrete social skills), the greater their financial success. Entrepreneurs working in... more
This study explored links between emotional intelligence, measured as a set of abilities, and personality traits, as well as the contribution of both to the perceived quality of one's interpersonal relationships. In a sample of 103... more
Two studies found positive relationships between the ability to manage emotions and the quality of social interactions, supporting the predictive and incremental validity of an ability measure of emotional intelligence, the... more
In this longitudinal study, the authors tested a developmental hypothesis derived from attachment theory and recent empirical findings. Target participants were 78 individuals who have been studied intensively from infancy into their... more
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
A theoretical model for affective social competence is described. Affective social com- petence (ASC) is comprised of three integrated and dynamic components: sending affective messages, receiving affective messages, and experiencing... more
The ability of young children to manage their emotions and behaviors and to make meaningful friendships is an important prerequisite for school readiness and academic success. Socially competent children are also more academically... more
The effectiveness of a social skills training group for adolescents with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism (AS/HFA) was evaluated. Parents of six groups of adolescents (n = 46, 61% male, mean age 14.6) completed questionnaires... more
The development, reliability, and validity of a new instrument, the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C), is described. The results indicate that the SPAI-C has high test-retest reliability and internal consistency.... more
In this survey study of 430 undergraduates, elements of the social competencies and interpersonal processes model were tested. Two social competencies were hypothesized to mediate the direct effects of 2 independent variables, attachment... more
We report the results of a quasi-experimental study evaluating the effectiveness of the Mindfulness Education (ME) program. ME is a theoretically derived, teacher-taught universal preventive intervention that focuses on facilitating the... more
The literature on participant roles in bullying lacks empirical studies that seek to explain what differentiates defenders from outsiders (or passive bystanders). The present study tested a conceptual model in which two personal... more
Purpose -Continued research on the assessment and development of emotional and social intelligence competencies represents an opportunity to further both theoretical and applied applications of behavioral science to the management of... more
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Self-esteem Resilience Risky behavior Adolescence
The Early Development Instrument (EDI), a teacher-completed measure of children's school readiness at entry to grade 1 was designed to provide communities with an informative, inexpensive and psychometrically sound tool to assess outcomes... more
The quality of the home environment is widely recognized as a strong contributor to young children's emergent literacy and social competence and to their subsequent educational success. The present study examined the relationships between... more
This study examined results of a comprehensive, multifaceted longitudinal school-based prevention program called Raising Healthy Children (RHC). RHC focuses on enhancing protective factors with the goal of promoting positive youth... more
We assessed the effects of teaching sociodramatic play to three children with autism. The training was conducted using a variation of Pivotal Response Training (PRT), a program traditionally used to teach language to children with autism.... more
An intervention was developed to promote parent involvement with ethnic minority families of children attending Head Start preschool programs. Two hundred eighty-eight predominantly African American families from a small southern city... more
Background. Tr ait emotional intelligence ( trait EI or trait emotional self-efficacy )i sa constellation of emotion-related self-perceptions and dispositions located at the lower levels of personality hierarchies. This paper examines the... more
Two studies found positive relationships between the ability to manage emotions and the quality of social interactions, supporting the predictive and incremental validity of an ability measure of emotional intelligence, the... more
The aim of this article is to investigate how often adolescents engage in internet-based identity experiments, with what motives they engage in such experiments and which self-presentational strategies they use while experimenting with... more
This work presents an analysis of the existing relationship between the emotional and the social competence among university students from Teaching Education (Pre-school and Primary School), Social Education, Pedagogy Education and... more
Researchers working fairly independently of each other have created numerous measures of social and emotional competence (SEC). These measures tend to correlate (sometimes highly) with each other and with measures of stressful events,... more
This chapter presents the SSI-Del-Prette, a social skills assessment instrument produced in Brazil in 2001, with satisfactory psychometric properties and online scoring, recommended by the Federal Council of Psychology. Besides its... more
The development, reliability, and validity of a new instrument, the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C), is described. The results indicate that the SPAI-C has high test-retest reliability and internal consistency.... more
The concept of competence gives rise to a large number of contributions, focusing inter alia on the need to clearly define the concept, which is so commonly used that it would run the risk of be emptied of its substance. The term... more
Political skill is a construct that was introduced more than two decades ago as a necessary competency to possess to be effective in organizations. Unfortunately, despite appeals by organizational scientists to further develop this... more
This study investigated family and classroom characteristics associated with parents' and teachers' ratings of 183 preschool children's social competence. Results of multilevel modeling indicated that teachers' negative ratings of the... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas desain, inovasi produk, kompetensi sosial, kompetensi teknis, kualitas produk, kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dengan mengembangkan sebuah model penelitian dan 6... more
Although issues pertinent to psychotherapy with ethnic minorities have been attended to increasingly over the past two decades, the issue of skin color has more or less been neglected in the psychotherapy literature. The idealization of... more
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the published teacher version of the preschool Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) for Head Start children. Three major questions were addressed. First,... more
This study was a randomized control trial (RCT) of Parent Management Training-The Oregon Model (PMTO) in Norway. A sample representing all health regions of Norway and consisting of 112 children with conduct problems and their families... more
... Funderburk Sheila M. Eyberg Katharine Newcomb Cheryl B. McNeil Toni Hembree-Kigin Laura Capage ABSTRACT. Followup school assessments were conducted 12 months and 18 months following completion of Parent-Child Inter-action Therapy... more
Few investigations have examined directly the psychosocial functioning of depressed children. In the present study, 20 depressed and 20 nondepressed fourth-and fifth-grade children were observed in free play during their recess period at... more