Social Informatics
Recent papers in Social Informatics
Background: The magnitude of the HIV epidemic and the prevailing lack of sexual health interventions targeting young people in sub-Saharan Africa calls for a wider awareness and strategic approach-based advocacy. Although adolescents are... more
Although the World Wide Web (or web) is a decentralized network of interconnected documents, highly centralized ecosystem dominated by a few supranational companies has developed on top of these foundations. These companies create their... more
In connection with the development of mobile devices and more frequent computer-mediated communication, most often in the form of text messages, there is a need to simply communicate the emotions associated with the communicated messages.... more
Cite as: Farinosi, M. & Treré, E. (2014). Social Movements, Social Media and Post-Disaster Resilience. Towards an Integrated System of Local Protest. In T. Denison, M. Sarrica, L. Stillman (Eds.), Theories, Practices and Examples for... more
In their initial articulation of the direction of the CSCW field scholars advanced -and continue to advance -an open-ended agenda. However, trawling through the major CSCW outlets, this is not what one finds in practice. Rather the field... more
Social informatics is the body of research that examines the design, uses, and consequences of information and communication technologies in ways that take into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts. This... more
Simon, J. (2016): Values in Design. In: Heesen, J., Handbuch Medien- und Informationsethik, Stuttgart: Metzler.
Despite the number of developed theories, it still remains a difficult task for some established and emerging scholars in various academic fields to clearly articulate new theories from research studies. This paper reviews and collates... more
Background: Healthcare system in Nigeria is moving towards digitalization especially in the management of patients’ health information, with a view to harmonizing medical care practice for improved healthcare quality. Information and... more
Tertiary educational institutes have had many Information Systems (IS) developed and implemented for the use of end-users. The problem is that more often than not, the impacts of IS on social communities of organisations have not been... more
The papers of this book comprise the proceedings of the conference mentioned on the title and the cover page. They reflect the authors' opinions and, with the purpose of timely disseminations, are published as presented and without... more
The papers of this book comprise the proceedings of the conference mentioned on the title and the cover page. They reflect the authors' opinions and, with the purpose of timely disseminations, are published as presented and without... more
Background: The notion of preoperative visiting has been in existence since the 1960s and its value and worth in relation to healthcare delivery has been debated consistently since the term preoperative-visit is often confusing. However,... more
Sexuality influences a number of the motives of people's behavior, e.g. at work, at school, or in free time, and it affects their values and everyday needs. The paper presents exploratory pre-research focused on the sociotechnical aspects... more
Following various information and communications technology (ICT) or information system design efforts, the issue of ICT acceptance and use by a selected social category is an important theme for a number of academic fields dealing with... more
Our purpose in the 17 th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2013) is to provide, in these increasingly related areas, a multi-disciplinary forum, to foster interdisciplinary communication among the... more
Background: The notion of preoperative visiting has been in existence since the 1960s and its value and worth in relation to healthcare delivery has been debated consistently since the term preoperative-visit is often confusing. However,... more
The social sciences have mostly focused on the formation of social opinions from a semantic point of view: given a certain semantic field, interviews, statistics, and other analytical instruments are commonly deployed in order to map the... more
Published by the IEEE Computer Society T r e n d s & C o n t r o v e r s i e s changes, computing technology and applications have evolved quickly over the past decade. They now go beyond personal computing, facilitating collaboration and... more
Co-Authored with Rachel Lyon and David Harris
Models of public governance are changing profoundly due to global and digital transformations and various context-specific societal pressures. One direction of development is the increased utilisation of ICTs (Information and... more
Many local ICT initiatives have been implemented in North America, Europe and in Japan, and the impact of local ICT initiatives is a well-researched area in the literature of social informatics and sociology. Previous research programs... more
Big data challenges have stimulated national and international initiatives in building inter-connected data repositories and integrated data resources as well as long-term data management and data stewardship to support cross-disciplinary... more
The use of Information Technology applications in almost all the sections of the society became one of the common practices in the society. Education, health, government, business, commerce, environment, and other areas, IT and Computing... more
The cybernetic organism, or cyborg, is a recognized but often misunderstood concept in anthropology. However, the cyborg concept has the capacity to holistically cross-cut a wide swath of anthropological investigations and effectively... more
The purpose of this literature review is to compare two separate but related fields of study, Social Informatics and Virtual Communities, and to acknowledge bridges between them with the intention of establishing common grounds and areas... more
Many unintended and undesired consequences of Healthcare Information Technologies (HIT) flow from interactions between the HIT and the healthcare organization's sociotechnical system-its workflows, culture, social interactions, and... more
Interest has been revived in the creation of a "bill of rights" for Internet users. This paper analyzes users' rights into ten broad principles, as a basis for assessing what users regard as important and for comparing different... more
Using Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) the authors assay to show that the natural constraints of human cognitive structure, complexity inherent in contents, and intrusion of external inference into learning process are chiefly responsible for... more
The performance of computational methods has been proven many times over. However, special efforts may be needed to ensure access to the research results achieved by means of these methods within specialized social science disciplines.... more
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine registered nurses’ perception of continuing formal education (CFE). Methods: A quota sampling was used to recruit 100 registered nurses who attended a mandatory continuing professional... more
The paper describes the first stage of a comprehensive study of the academic social network The objectives are to formulate a theoretical basis for the research of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNS) and to analyze... more
The authors present a framework for e-government research that draws heavily on Iacono and Kling's work on computerization movements. They build on this work by appropriating cognate studies of organizational informatics by Kling and his... more
Background: The notion of preoperative visiting has been in existence since the 1960s and its value and worth in relation to healthcare delivery has been debated consistently since the term preoperative-visit is often confusing. However,... more
Social networking sites (SNSs) are extremely popular web-based technologies designed to build online communities for individuals who have something in common. These technologies have been widely accepted by students of tertiary... more
Many unintended and undesired consequences of Healthcare Information Technologies (HIT) flow from interactions between the HIT and the healthcare organization's sociotechnical system-its workflows, culture, social interactions, and... more
Background: The notion of preoperative visiting has been in existence since the 1960s and its value and worth in relation to healthcare delivery has been debated consistently since the term preoperative-visit is often confusing. However,... more