Social Science and Political Science
Recent papers in Social Science and Political Science
"Estudio introductorio" a PERPIÑÁ RODRÍGUEZ, A. "La época de lo social y otros escritos sobre Política y Seguridad Social", Isabor, Murcia 2016, pp. 7-34. Presentación biográfica e intelectual del sociólogo español Antonio Perpiñá... more
Published in Perspectives on Anarchist Theory (Fall, 2006): 33-41.
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
The discussion of issues in political ecology has expanded greatly in recent times, above all as the result of growing concern about far-reaching ecological problems that seem to require an effective political response in the near future.... more
An incomplete draft of this text was published in Democracy and Nature; the final version was published as Ch. 10 of John P. Clark, _The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism_ (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2013).
Published as chapter 2 of The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism (Bloomsbury: New York and London: 2013). An earlier version was published in Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2010).
"The French Revolution and American Radical Democracy" (Part 1) in Mesechabe 2 (Winter 88-89): 6-12 and (Part II) in Mesechabe 3 (Spring 1989): 21-30.
El documento presenta el listado bibliográfico (con respectivos vínculos URL) de la autobiografía descriptiva del Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Los materiales están categorizados por tipo convencional de presentación de materiales... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
Originally published in Drain, Issue 11, Vol. 5, No.2., "Psychogeography" (October, 2008). Revised and published as chapter 2 of Surregional Explorations (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 2012).
This text later appeared as Chapter 7 of the book The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism. It incorporates much of the material from the articles entitled "A Letter from New Orleans" and "Postscript to a Letter from... more
This is a revised version of an earlier text written for the book Rêves et passions d’un chercheur militant: Mélanges offerts à Ronald Creagh (Lyon: Atelier de Création Libertaire, 2016), pp. 29-39.
In this article, I discuss the fact that doing “anthropology at home” involves the same core anthropological methodology as undertaking research abroad. This implies that while doing anthropology at home may have some advantages... more
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015). A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
Teenage pregnancy has been a global health issue for more than three decades. Nearly 16 million of 15-19-year-old girls give birth each year, and most are found in developing countries. The frequency of teenage pregnancy among the youth... more
Marx's conception of social revolution is an integral part of his historical materialist theoretical framework. Accordingly, in his major works he consistently depicts the class struggle as the manifestation of underlying contradictions... more
RE: Matthew Desmond’s new book, Evicted Sanford Schram has commented that “Desmond’s ethnographic skills are remarkable,” and Schram then deems the book “good Political Science research.” While I completely agree with his first comment,... more
This is a revised and expanded version of a text written for a PM Press authors session on “Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change” at the Left Forum on June 3, 2017. In it, I try to summarize, briefly and inadequately, some... more
A critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Here’s why," from the Washington Post (6/1/16). Attached is a final draft and a link to a version on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog. See also... more
ABSTRACT Despite the growing literature on populist radical-right parties (PRRP), the relationship between turnout and populist voting remains understudied, especially for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). In this article, we analyze the... more
"Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy: A Participatory Public Policy Process Highlights and Key Findings: • This chapter is an analytic narrative of how Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy was written. This empirically grounded... more
This text was written as a preface for the new edition of “Pour un municipalisme libertaire,” the French translation of “Theses on Libertarian Municipalism,” published by the Atelier de Création Libertaire in Lyon, and also appears on my... more
"Merlyn," said the king, "It makes no difference whether you are a dream or not, so long as you are here. . . . Tell me the reason for your visit. Talk. Say you have come to save us from this war."
-T H White, The Book of Merlyn
-T H White, The Book of Merlyn
Over the past generation of radical social theory, we have heard a great deal more about the "microphysics of power" than we have about the microecology of community. The popularity of the former approach is, I think, less a reflection of... more
'Stream on Marx and the Frankfurt School: New Perspectives and their Contemporary Relevance',
An analysis of the radically libertarian and communitarian dimensions of the early Black Panther program. Published on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog, Changing Suns Press, Nov. 25, 2015.
This draft for a chapter of a forthcoming book is a revised and much-expanded version of a previously unpublished text presented at a conference on “L'écologie sociale dans la cité” at the Centre Ascaso-Durruti, Montpellier, France, May... more
This is the schedule of upcoming public lectures that accompany the Department of Conflict and Development Studies doctoral seminar.
the text analyze different aspects of the tortureS practiced by policemen, military officers but also by any people having the pouvoir of discretionality and then of to shift to the arbitrariness
Book review. Kate Langdon & Vladimir Tismaneanu "Putin’s Totalitarian Democracy: Ideology, Myth, and Violence in the Twenty-First Century", Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more