Recent papers in Sparta
The empire that the Athenians established in the years after 478 BC was an entirely new phenomenon in the history of Greece, and the basis of much of the brilliant development of Athenian culture in the fifth century. Its growth and... more
The expansion of Sparta (Lacedaimon) (с. 750—550 В. С.), having influenced the process of the Spartan polis formation, was a determinant historical factor. The necessity to carry out a wide territorial aggression that was an analogue of... more
A brief look at the role and position of women in Spartan society in the Classical period.
This research strives to analyze the reasons behind the discrepancies in gender equality between classical Athens and Sparta. I do so by analyzing the values and beliefs in these societies, and have come to the conclusion that the... more
De Tirteu, poeta espartano arcaico do século VII a.C., restaram-nos apenas poemas elegíacos fragmentários. Seus fragmentos dividem-se entre aqueles que narravam a história e os preceitos espartanos, instituídos por reis descendentes dos... more
Les manumissions dont il est question chez Thucydide concernent essentiellement des hilotes. Ce sont des promotions sociales liées au temps de la guerre et à ses nouvelles nécessités, donc des manumissions militaires, dictées entre autres... more
Resumen: La conquista de la vecina región de Mesenia, después de dos durísimas guerras, permitió a Esparta poner las bases de su hegemonía política y militar en la Hélade ya desde el Arcaísmo. En este trabajo se ofrece una reconstrucción... more
In the opinion of some researchers, the family was not highly valued in Sparta. Nevertheless, certain pieces of evidence confirm that the Spartans appreciated their families more than we previously thought. The author who most influenced... more
Link to download: This article makes three arguments regarding the Battle of Thermopylae. First, that the discovery of the Anopaea path was not dependent upon Ephialtes, but that the Persians were... more
Counselors, councilors and ambassadors are often complementary figures, but from Homeric Greece to classical Sparta we know of certain characters like the hero Odysseus or the Spartiate Lichas who perform all of these tasks (i.e.... more
This paper assesses Thucydides' thoughts on the causes and inevitability of conflict in the Peloponnese by incorporating realist theories of interstate relations in addition to a sound analysis of Athenian imperial policy and the role of... more
The paper seeks to examine in depth all the epigraphical (mainly some passages of the Law Code of Gortyn) and narrative (chiefly some passages of the Aristotleʼs „Politics“) sources in order to establish an inventory with respect to the... more
¡ Hola a todos! Aquí seguimos, en la brecha, con vosotros y presentando nuestro séptimo número de la revista. Pues sí, los problemas superados y con muchas ganas de continuar, juntando fi las y cargando sobre el enemigo, todo por el bien... more
Im Peloponnesischen Krieg (431 bis 404 v. Chr.) standen sich die Machtblöcke des Ersten Attischen Seebundes unter Führung Athens und des Peloponnesischen Bundes unter seinem Hegemon Sparta gegenüber. Dank Thukydides sind wir über den... more
One of the most romanticized, idealized and thought about Ancient Greek city seems to have been the legendary Sparta, with its ‘flawless’ military system due to a central focus by the society on combat. The wonderful and most interesting... more
L’avventura di Cleonimo. A Venezia prima di Venezia di Lorenzo Braccesi [recensione], in, 26/10/2021: L’avventura di Cleonimo. A Venezia prima di Venezia - Lorenzo Braccesi - Recensione libro (
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
Sparta’s naval victory in the Peloponnesian War depended on ship contributions from Peloponnesian and central Greek allies and funding from the Persian empire. At the end of the war, Lysander’s acquisition of captured enemy triremes... more
Materiały dydaktyczne dla studentów kierunku "historia" Studia pierwszego stopnia (licencjat) Wykład tematyczny: "Starożytni Grecy jako wspólnota społeczna i polityczna" (15 godz.
This is the 3rd volume from the International Sparta Seminar, in the series begun in 1989 by Anton Powell with Stephen Hodkinson. Crucial to the understanding of Athenian literature and the political history of numerous Greek states, the... more
This paper attempts to define, more precisely than has previously been attempted, the ways in which prolonged foreign warfare and the experience of empire precipitated the crisis of Spartiate society in the early fourth century. It... more
Im 6. Kapitel seiner Vita des Lykurg überliefert und kommentiert Plutarch zwei der interessantesten und umstrittensten Verfassungstexte: die sog. Rhetra des legendären spartanischen Gesetzgebers und einen späteren Zusatz. Beide Dokumente... more
The standard image of Sparta is of an egalitarian, military society which disdained material possessions. Yet property and wealth played a critical role in its history. Classical Sparta's success rested upon a compromise between rich and... more
A batalha das Termópilas, travada em Agosto de 480 a.C. entre Persas e seus aliados contra um pequeno punhado de Gregos, tem sido apresentada, nas representações historiográficas dos últimos vinte e cinco séculos, como um símbolo da velha... more
En el presente trabajo ampliaré un ámbito de la educación espartana poco tratado en la recopilación de fuentes sobre la educación griega y en el seminario en el que estuve presente el 20 de septiembre de este mismo año; la llamada... more
This paper examines the various types of governments that existed in the numerous city-states of Ancient Greece. It explains what each type of government was/is, and what city-states held the particular philosophies. It is a perfect paper... more
de (NEA/UERJ) O homem, na visão aristotélica, pode ser compreendido enquanto um "animal político" (πολιτικόν ζ ον), que devido a sua essência, encontra-se apto a viver em uma comunidade politicamente organizada (ARISTÓTELES, I, 1253a). No... more
The study of the Spartans is now pursued more widely and intensively than ever. Indeed, no longer is Sparta the 'second city' of ancient Greece. This volume, the fourth in the established series on which Powell and Hodkinson have... more
An analysis on land-reform and wealth amongst the Spartiates of Ancient Lacedaemon
La bataille d'Amphipolis (421 av. J.-C.) oppose les deux grands États-cité de Grèce continentale, Athènes et Sparte, en plein cœur de la guerre du Péloponnèse. Amphipolis est le théâtre de la lutte entre deux personnalités brillantes.... more