Speculative Philosophy
Recent papers in Speculative Philosophy
Este texto foi elaborado para a discussão do (Neo)Hegelianismo aqui exposto no III Congresso Hegel em Diálogo: O Próprio Tempo Apreendido em Pensamento, realizado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, de 29 a 31 de agosto de... more
Pour comprendre ce que peut être une approche spéculative de la vie, il faut redéfinir une fonction et une forme de la philosophie autour du terme « spéculation ». La « vie » manifeste des qualités (nouveauté, innovation, continuité) qui... more
La qualité d'une postface se mesure le plus souvent à sa capacité à épouser à la fois deux mouvements bien distincts mais réconciliables : en même temps qu'elle doit éviter de trahir le propos de l'auteur pour ne pas verser dans la... more
unpublished reflections by Gillian Rose (1947-1995)
The present catalogue text discerns between two kinds of eco-centric works the Austrian artist Herwig Scherabon presented in his latest solo exhibition “Against Nature“ (July 2021, Berlin Neukölln): landscapist and objectivist. Whereas... more
This short intervention explains the problem of 'robot gender' and the potential of the 'fourth sex' lost in naturalizing design and negligent academic criticism.
The article analyzes the new philosophy of nature proposed by Rocco Ronchi in his recent book, Il canone minore. The philosophy of nature which Ronchi upholds is meant to finally free us from the predominant anthropocentric assumptions... more
Black Mirror's "Hang the DJ:" On Love in Algorithmic Embodiment. My paper discusses the episode titled "Hang the DJ" (2017) of Netflix-produced show Black Mirror, which tackles the highly computed experiences of romantic love. Rather than... more
Este artículo examina el concepto del concepto en Kant y en Hegel. El modo de relación entre el principio de la apercepción y el concepto puro permite pensar a la filosofía de la forma transcendental como una metafísica crítica. La... more
Argues for value of responsible speculative thinking in the context of crisis • Investigates intersections between Gilles Deleuze and Alfred North Whitehead • Situates the development of process ontologies in the lineage of radical... more
Ok, Children of the Corn was true classic from the days when Stephen King was the King of horror. However its true glory lies in marking an era where the Green Revolution has shown its true face as the unlikely Terminator. High-yield... more
"A partir de que momento se tornou dominante referir a educação como investimento, amor como contrato, família como parceria, amizade como rede, futuro como dividendo? Quando se naturalizou este tipo de linguagem que mantém com o mundo... more
Death, decay, and transcendence are transformed if interpreted from a microbial perspective. This paper constructs a non-anthropocentric approach on a microbial scale through the concept of microbiopolitics, an expanded notion of... more
Ad assicurare alla mistica il carattere di ideale normativo per la filosofia è la noncuranza per i problemi angoscianti della metafisica. Grazie ad essa, la mistica indica implicitamente al filosofo cosa dovrebbe fare per essere filosofo:... more
An extract from a new book in the Object Lessons Series (Bloomsbury).
The creation of the class of speculative philosophy at the Berlin Academy in the 1740s is remarkable for at least two reasons: on the one hand, it is the only major academy at the time to include the study of disciplines like metaphysics,... more
Critical Black Futures imagines worlds, afrofutures, cities, bodies, art and eras that are simultaneously distant, parallel, present, counter, and perpetually materializing. From an exploration of W. E. B. Du Bois’ own afrofuturistic... more
In Azul Profundo Sebastian Wiedemann plunges into the transorganic space of Blue, a cinematic state of complete communion with the depths of Nature’s cosmological memory. Blue as guideline into a cinema of receptive profusion and total... more
See the world through the eyes of a search engine, if only for a millisecond; throw the workings of power into sharper relief by any media necessary; reveal access points to other worlds within our own. In the anthology Fiction as Method,... more
While Hegel’s discussion of the “speculative sentence” occurs in the “Preface” to the Phenomenology of Spirit, commentators rarely link it to the larger program of this text. Instead, this discussion has typically been received as a guide... more
This article reorients archaeology's approach to things by acknowledging the moment of the encounter with the past as one of speculation. Years of scientific claim, research design and methodology place the agentive nature of research in... more
In The Prince and the Wolf, Latour explained that three years after the publication of Irreductions, he embarked on a multifaceted exploration of regimes of enunciation that, more than 15 years later, culminated in a book that appears... more
Перед вами исследование оригинального философского течения середины XX в., значительно повлиявшего на современные дискуссии о статусе философского высказывания, о предмете и методе философии и о судьбе гегелевского наследия. Представлен... more
"At what point did we begin referring to education predominantly as an investment, love as a contract, family as a partnership, friendship as a network, and the future as a dividend? When did the naturalisation of this language occur,... more
ABSTRACT Meta-Philosophy and Philosophy’s rationale, aims, subject-matter and methods. https://web.facebook.com/metaphilosophyMPRC/ What is philosophy for the creative-, original-thinking philosopher? Why is he doing philosophy? Where... more
This article strives to continue the lure of Whitehead's call: that " Philosophy cannot exclude anything ". Thus speculative philosophy extends William James's radical empiricism. Its task is to locate itself on the ground of experience... more
Speculative philosophers who seek to revive the classical opposition between empiricism and rationalism maintain a tormented relation to Gilles Deleuze. On the one hand, they are themselves the bastard children of a Deleuze reception... more
The tools employed might appear appropriate, the reasoning sound and argumentation valid, but the subject-matter, well one wonders what that has to do with philosophy, if anything at all? Viewing some of the topics one really wonders... more
The third instalment of a series of novellas evoking post-artificial, post-sexual worlds in an imaginary version of the Solar System. In this metaphysical melodrama, the transformation of the Solar System brings about a synthesis of... more
"Alan Van Wyk and Michel Weber (eds.), Creativity and Its Discontents. The Response to Whitehead's Process and Reality, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought VIII, 2008. (240 p. ; ISBN 978-3-86838-018-7 ; 89 €) “I do not... more
"John B. Cobb, Jr., Lexique whiteheadien. Les catégories de Procès et réalité [2008]. Traduction de Henri Vaillant, relue par Emeline Deroo, éditée et préfacée par Michel Weber, Louvain-la-Neuve, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2010.... more
The exercise of philosophy is never limited to the scholastic and doctrinal exercise of reason to which it is too often reduced. On the contrary, it requires that we conceive it as a training of ecstasy, grandeur and astonishment.... more
An interview with Isabelle Stengers
This paper distinguishes between three meanings of “identity”: logical identity, identity of self-consciousness, and personal identity. It raises the question of how these three meanings are related to one another and reconstructs Kant’s,... more
La philosophie de Whitehead se présente comme une vaste entreprise de refondation de la philosophie de la nature. Ce projet est annoncé dès les premières œuvres philosophiques de Whitehead, notamment Les Principes de la connaissance... more
My project for the past 10 weeks has been the study of the philosophical movements of Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology as developed by a few prominent philosophers: Graham Harman, Bruno Latour, Levi Bryant, Ian Bogost, and... more
My main objective in this paper is to analyse the concept of self-referentiality as it is developed in the autopoietic systems theory. Autopoietic theory considers this kind of self-relation as a minimal form of life. Apart from the... more