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Background: Sets of Giemsa-stained, blood smear slides with systematically verified composite diagnoses would contribute substantially to development of externally validated quality assurance systems for the microscopic diagnosis of... more
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      ParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyMalariaPlasmodium
The aim of this paper is to examine the cognitive processes through which operators make decisions when dealing with microincidents during their actual work, and to determine whether they use a naturalistic or normative decision making... more
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      Tacit KnowledgeDecision MakingNaturalistic Decision MakingPattern Recognition
The Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority piloted the use of Minilab kits, a thin-layer-chromatographic based drug quality testing technique, in a two-tier quality assurance program. The program is intended to improve testing capacity with... more
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      Program EvaluationService QualityHealth PolicyTanzania
A multiagent-based Distribution Automation System (DAS) is developed for service restoration of distribution systems after a fault contingency. In this system, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) agents, Main Transformer (MTR) agents, Feeder... more
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      Multiagent SystemsFault DetectionDistributed SystemApplications
Download Ebook SOP Restoran SOP Resto SOP kafe SOP Coffee Shop PDF SOP, Flowchart dan Penjelasan Apakah Anda ingin merintis ataupun sudah punya bisnis resto/cafe tapi kebingungan akan SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) nya? Apakah anda... more
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      Hotel and Restaurant ManagementStandard Operating ProcedureStandard Operational ProcedureCafetaria
A consistent concern when implementing a quality system for clinical research is the level of standardization and organization to impose within each department. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and operational guidelines (OGs),... more
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      DocumentationQuality AssuranceClinical researchStandard Operating Procedure
Molecular epidemiology uses biomarkers and advanced technology to refine the investigation of the relationship between environmental exposures and diseases in humans. It requires careful handling and storage of precious biological samples... more
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      GeneticsResearch DesignBiomarkersEnvironmental Health
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), through its Technical Co-operation Programme, has supported the establishment of many nuclear analytical and complementary laboratories in Member States. This included the development of... more
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      Analytical ChemistryAccreditation and Quality AssuranceQuality AssuranceNeutron Activation Analysis
CONTOH SOP MINI MARKET BESERTA DENGAN FLOWCHART, JOB DESCRIPTION DAN PANDUAN STANDARDISASI MENJADI TOKO MODERN (Seperti ALFAMART INDOMARET) Apakah DeadLine untuk merancang SOP-SOP sudah sangat mendesak dan Anda membutuhkan berbagai contoh... more
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      StandardizationRetail Store Interior DesignStandard Operating ProcedureSupermarket Shopping Behavior
Secara umum SOP adalah suatu dokumen berisi prosedur kerja yang harus dilakuakan secara kronologis dan sistematis dalam menyelesaikan suatu perkejaan tertentu dengna tujuan agar memperoleh hasil kerja paling efektif.
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      Standard Operating ProcedureAgroteknologiPengenalan Alat Laboratorium Dan Beberapa Teknik LaboratoriumFakultas Pertanian
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to determine the job characteristics or key success factors of current multi-unit managers (MUMs) in a large casual dining restaurant organization. Design/methodology/approach -The paper is a case... more
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      ManagementMarketingStrategic PlanningOrganization Design
Menerangkan dengan terperinci operasi Pengurusan Peraturan Akademik KV KPM di KVDSAZI
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    • Standard Operating Procedure
Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) ketentuan tentang jenis dan mutu pelayanan dasar yang merupakan urusan wajib daerah yang berhak diperoleh setiap warga secara minimal. SPM disusun oleh kementerian dan lembaga di tingkat pusat selanjutnya... more
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      Standard Operating ProcedureStandar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM)
The course instructor will provide a set of objectives and will ask to design an experiment that will achieve those objectives. The purpose of this manual is to provide outlines of some experiment and equipment calibration procedures... more
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      NeurosurgeryCell therapyClinical SciencesStandard Operating Procedure
Enforcing the Shariah criminal offences enactment is the prime duty of the religious enforcement officers. In doing so, a standard operating procedure (SOP) is needed apart from the existing Shariah criminal procedure enactment. Without... more
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      SyariahStandard Operating Procedure
Genetic testing in a clinical diagnostic environment must be subject to rigorous quality control procedures, in order to ensure consistency and accuracy of results. Denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has become a... more
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      GeneticsResearch DesignMedical GeneticsQuality Control
Many prescriptions offered in the literature for enhancing creativity and innovation in organizations raise ethical concerns, yet creativity researchers rarely discuss ethics. We identify four categories of behavior proffered as a means... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsEthicsApplied Ethics
Purpose  To provide recommendations and standard operating procedures for intensive care units and hospital preparedness for an influenza pandemic. Methods  Based on a literature review and expert opinion, a Delphi process was used to... more
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      Occupational HealthLiterature ReviewDisease OutbreaksInfection Control
We report on the development of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for extraction and handling of intra- and extracellular protein fractions of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 for reproducible high quality two-dimensional gel... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyProteomicsUltrafiltration
There are relatively many small-scale companies that do not apply Standard Operating Procedures in carrying out their work activities. In fact, SOPs themselves play an important role in the success of an organization. Therefore, the... more
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      Standard Operating ProcedureEmployees Performance
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      Standard Operating Procedure2004
The suitability and reliability of urea IEF and SDS-PAGE for the identification of cooked fish flesh was tested by a collaborative study among nine laboratories. Urea IEF was performed with CleanGels as well as with ImmobilineGels, and... more
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      Food ChemistryMultidisciplinarySpecies identificationStandard Operating Procedure
A vital part of the development of any standardized protocol for the extraction of plant-derived crude extracts to be used in herbal medicine or nutritional supplementation is proper documentation of the original botanical source of the... more
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      EngineeringHerbal MedicineBiological SciencesAnalytical
The use of human biological specimens in scientific research is the focus of current international public and professional concern and a major issue in bioethics in general. Brain/Tissue/Bio banks (BTB-banks) are a rapid developing... more
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      BioethicsInformed ConsentInternational CooperationPublic Health
Multi-centre studies Tissue bank Bio-repository Quality assurance A B S T R A C T Studies using fresh-frozen tissue samples originating from different centres, as is often the case in EORTC related translational research, can show... more
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      CryopreservationTranslational ResearchTissue BanksQuality Assurance
The thrust of early drug discovery in recent years has been toward the configuration of homogeneous miniaturized assays. This has allowed organizations to contain costs in the face of exponential increases in the number of screening... more
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      Drug DiscoveryQuality ControlHigh throughput screeningStainless Steel
The muscular dystrophies are inherited disorders characterised by progressive muscle wasting and weakness. Stem cell therapy is considered to be one of the most promising strategies for treating muscular dystrophies. In this review, we... more
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      Stem CellsInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells (I Psc)Stem CellStem cell Therapy
Changing system from conventional to self-service system brings many advantages for a better service. In other hand, this transition force people to adapt with the new system. This research aimed to identify usability of self-service... more
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      UsabilityErgonomicsStandard Operating ProcedureIndependent-Sample T-Test
The After Action Review (AAR) process provides a powerful methodology that in the context of training maximizes the benefits of exercises by enabling a unit to learn from experience by systematically reflecting on their strengths and... more
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      Voice over IPStatistical machine learningCommand and ControlLearning from experience
This paper reports on the development of a method for extracting and verifying an image of the hard drive of an iPod in a forensically sound manner via a USB2 connection, so as to create a standard operating procedure for Australian Law... more
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      Law EnforcementStandard Operating ProcedureInformation Gain
Corporate ethical values (CEVs) can be viewed outside the realm of organizational training, standard operating procedures, reward and punishment systems, formal statements, and as more representative of the real nature of the organization... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness EthicsEthics
NASA has recently developed a Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system designed to increase taxi safety and efficiency in low- visibility surface operations. A series of focus groups was conducted to solicit opinions,... more
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      Situation awarenessSystem DesignFocus GroupStandard Operating Procedure
Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) merupakan panduan dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan suatu organisasi untuk memperoleh suatu hasil yang optimal. Menurut Permenpan-RB No.35 Tahun 2012, SOP adalah “serangkaian instruksi tertulis yang... more
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      Sistem InformasiStandard Operating ProcedureTUGAS AKHIR SKRIPSI
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to determine the job characteristics or key success factors of current multi-unit managers (MUMs) in a large casual dining restaurant organization. Design/methodology/approach -The paper is a case... more
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      MarketingStrategic PlanningOrganization DesignTourism
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringCoping StrategiesContent Analysis
This paper reports on the development of a method for extracting and verifying an image of the hard drive of an iPod in a forensically sound manner via a USB2 connection, so as to create a standard operating procedure for Australian Law... more
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      Law EnforcementStandard Operating ProcedureInformation Gain
Large institutions are a common sight in the urban picture and the waste generated from these are almost never managed onsite. This waste ends up in landfills completely oblivious of its impacts and missed opportunities to derive energy.... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeRenewable EnergySustainable Development
Paradigma baru manajemen pendidikan tinggi menekankan pentingnya otonomi institusi yang berlandaskan pada akuntabilitas, evaluasi, dan akreditasi yang bermuara pada tujuan akhir peningkatan kualitas secara berkelanjutan. Di pihak lain,... more
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      Quality assurance in Higher EducationStandard Operating ProcedureSTIE Mulia Pratama
Perkembangan zaman saat ini melalui revolusi industry 4.0 sudah menuntut manusia untuk dapat bekerja lebih cepat, tepat, efektif dan efisien. Revolusi industry 4.0 merubah semua aspek baik perubahan pola pada konsumen sebagai penikmat... more
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      Standard Operating ProcedurePelayanan PublikAdministrasi Publik
This book concentrates more on seafood safety. It described the best chromatography techniques and their accredited analytical procedures in much depth. We summarized the technical extraction methods used in identifying the marine... more
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      Food SafetyEnvironmental ToxicologyChromatographyFood Chemistry
The Process Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative of the FDA is a reaction on the increasing discrepancy between current possibilities in process supervision and control of pharmaceutical production processes and its current application... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyData AnalysisKinetics
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      Antibody EngineeringPhage displayStandard Operating ProcedureVery high throughput
Since Etrurian age, the Viterbo Province (Central Italy) is famous for its ancient towns carved out of local ignimbrite deposits which geologically represent the sedimentation of pumice-rich, volcano-related pyroclastic flows. Almost the... more
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      Electron MicroscopyScanning Electron MicroscopyDigital Image ProcessingEarth and Environmental Sciences
Background: Systems Biology research tools, such as Cytoscape, have greatly extended the reach of genomic research. By providing platforms to integrate data with molecular interaction networks, researchers can more rapidly begin... more
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      GenomicsComputational BiologySystems BiologySystem Biology
With some existing standard operating procedures (SOP) document information, users often need time to find SOPs that fit their preference, requiring a recommendation system based on user content consumption by personalised usage logs to... more
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      AlgorithmsK- nearest neighbour (KNN)Standard Operating ProcedureK-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Advances in instrument technology and automation have simplified tasks in laboratory diagnostics reducing errors during analysis thereby improving the quality of test results. However studies show that most laboratory errors occur in the... more
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      Quality ControlStandard Operating Procedure