Statistical Methodology
Recent papers in Statistical Methodology
In this article, we consider Bayesian inference procedures to test for a unit root in Stochastic Volatility (SV) models. Unit-root tests for the persistence parameter of the SV models, based on the Bayes Factor (BF), have been recently... more
Improved point estimation and interval estimation Scale parameter of an exponential distribution a b s t r a c t
This is a comparative study of various clustering and classification algorithms as applied to differentiate cancer and non-cancer protein samples using mass spectrometry data. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of a feature selection... more
Several models for longitudinal data with nonrandom missingness are available. The selection model of Diggle and Kenward is one of these models. It has been mentioned by many authors that this model depends on untested modelling... more
The failure rate function commonly has a bathtub shape in practice. In this paper we discuss a regression model considering new Weibull extended distribution developed by that can be used to model this type of failure rate function.... more
Thurstone scaling is a widely used tool in marketing research, as well as in areas of applied psychology. The positions of the compared items, or stimuli on a Thurstone scale are estimated by averaging the quantiles corresponding to... more
Tests of homogeneity for partially matched-pair data are investigated. Different methods of combining tests of homogeneity based on Pearson chi-square test and McNemar chi-squared test are investigated. Numerical and simulation studies... more
In this paper we describe an exterior product method for computing the Jacobian of a transformation. This alternative procedure is often simpler than the conventional determinant approach. We illustrate the proposed method via commonly... more
Linear regression models where the response variable is censored are often considered in statistical analysis. A parametric relationship between the response variable and covariates and normality of random errors are assumptions typically... more
We present the old-but-new problem of data quality from a statistical perspective, in part with the goal of attracting more statisticians, especially academics, to become engaged in research on a rich set of exciting challenges. The data... more
A number of criteria, test statistics and diagnostic plots have been developed in order to test the adapted distribution assumption. Usually, a simpler distribution is tested against a more complicated one (by adding an extra parameter),... more
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The exponential type is characterized in terms of the regression of a (possibly non-linear) function of a record value with its adjacent record values as covariates. Monotone transformations extend this result to more general settings,... more
In this paper, we present growth curve models with an auxiliary variable which contains an uncertain data distribution based on mixtures of standard components, such as normal distributions. The multimodality of the auxiliary random... more
When subjects are monitored for a recurrent event over a period of time, each individual behaves like an experimental unit within which measurements may be correlated. The subject-specific observation window (i.e. monitoring period)... more
Missing data, such as non-response, is often problematic in social network analysis since what is missing may potentially alter the conclusions about what we have observed. This in the sense that individual tie-variables typically need to... more
S. Hamid et al. / Statistical Methodology 7 (2010) 552-573 553 finds the county-wise loss and the total loss for the entire state of Florida. The computer team then compiles all information from atmospheric science, engineering and... more
In this paper, we consider the simple step-stress model for a twoparameter exponential distribution, when both the parameters are unknown and the data are Type-II censored. It is assumed that under two different stress levels, the scale... more
We propose applying the multiparametric spatiotemporal autoregressive (m-STAR) model as a simple approach to estimating jointly the pattern of connectivity and the strength of contagion by that pattern, including the case where... more
When identifying the best model for representing the behavior of rainfall distribution based on a sequence of dry (wet) days, focus is usually given on the fitted model with the least number of estimated parameters. If the model with... more
Using the classical estimation method of moments, we propose a new semiparametric estimation procedure for multi-parameter copula models. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the obtained estimators are established. By considering an... more
A stationarity test on Markov chain models is proposed in this paper. Most of the previous test procedures for Markov chain models have been done based on conditional probabilities of transition matrix. The likelihood ratio test and... more
This work describes a Bayesian approach for model selection in Gaussian conditional autoregressive models and Gaussian simultaneous autoregressive models which are commonly used to describe spatial lattice data.
When counting the number of chemical parts in air pollution studies or when comparing the occurrence of congenital malformations between a uranium mining town and a control population, we often assume Poisson distribution for the number... more
A new method for analyzing high-dimensional categorical data, Linear Latent Structure (LLS) analysis, is presented. LLS models belong to the family of latent structure models, which are mixture distribution models constrained to satisfy... more
This paper deals with a single server Poisson arrival queue with two phases of heterogeneous service along with a Bernoulli schedule vacation model, where after two successive phases service the server either goes for a vacation with... more
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Spatial sampling design is concerned with the optimal allocation of samples to spatial coordinates in order to improve in a welldefined sense the estimation and prediction of spatial random fields. Unfortunately, objective functions in... more
The paper deals with life distributions which are harmonic new better than renewal used in expectation (HNBRUE). The goal is to derive moment inequalities and use them for further analysis of the class HNBRUE. We establish new... more
The two-parameter generalized exponential distribution has been used recently quite extensively to analyze lifetime data. In this paper the two-parameter generalized exponential distribution has been embedded in a larger class of... more
Linear regression models where the response variable is censored are often considered in statistical analysis. A parametric relationship between the response variable and covariates and normality of random errors are assumptions typically... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This paper develops a method for estimating parameters of a vector autoregression (VAR) observed in white noise. The estimation method assumes the noise variance matrix is known and does not require any iterative process. This study... more
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In the present paper we study the properties of the left and right truncated variance of a function of a non-negative random variable, that characterize a class of continuous distributions. These properties include characterizations by... more
Estimating the parameter of a Dirichlet distribution is an interesting question since this distribution arises in many situations of applied probability. Classical procedures are based on sample of Dirichlet distribution. In this paper we... more
a b s t r a c t Mark-recapture experiments involve capturing individuals from populations of interest, marking and releasing them at an initial sample time, and recapturing individuals from the same populations on subsequent occasions.... more
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are ell known to be highly susceptible for nosocomial (i.e. hospital-acquired) infections due to their poor health and many invasive therapeutic treatments. The effects of acquiring such infections in... more
We introduce the Hinde-Demétrio (HD) regression models in order to analyze overdispersed count data. We mainly investigate the effect of the dispersion parameter. The HD distributions are discrete additive exponential dispersion models... more