Quantitative Methods
Recent papers in Quantitative Methods
Games are undoubtedly the most successful computer application yet it is not easy to attribute their success to any one particular feature. Nonetheless, when talking about games, gamers and reviewers frequently refer to the immersive... more
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
One of the most important developments in European history took place in communication. A transition is clearly visible from illiterate societies to societies in which most members are active users of the written word. This complex... more
The purpose of this quantitative data analysis was to examine the relationship between industry type and information security risk-level among businesses in the United States. This paper took into account collected business related data... more
Cette deuxième édition de Méthodes statistiques en sciences humaines a été produite dans le même esprit que la première. L’intention est à nouveau de présenter les outils statistiques dans une logique méthodologique et pratique, en les... more
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
‘The Italian Venus revisited - A topical catalogue of artworks by Italian artists and their repetitions’. Volume 1.2 counts 618 pages describing 6985 artworks of 1876 identified Italian artists depicting the Greek-Roman Goddess Venus. The... more
Street-level bureaucrats implementing public policies have a certain degree of autonomy – or discretion – in their work. Following Lipsky, discretion has received wide attention in the policy implementation literature. However, scholars... more
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
For no apparent reason, research philosophy tends to send dissertation students into a mild panic. The befuddlement caused by a range of new terminology relating to the philosophy of knowledge is unnecessary when all that you are trying... more
"1 Introduction PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH 2 Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies 3 Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects 4 Research Ethics 5 Searching, critically reviewing and using the... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
This quantitative survey described the occurring scenario among higher educational institutions having amalgamation as one of the strategies in rationalizing the Philippine higher education. The study dealt with the perceptions, issues,... more
The paper reports on the relationship between a group of pre-service mathematics teachers’ working memory and number sense. South Africa’s murky performance in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) since 1995... more
The main objectives of this research were to determine which medicinal plants are culturally most important for the native community of Vencedor as well as testing a new measure of the cultural importance of medicinal plants that can be... more
We undertake a detailed analysis of a sample of over 10,000 utterances from 18 speakers in a corpus of Bequia English and apply constrained cluster analysis to discern patterns that identify the linguistic signatures for different... more
Desde que se iniciaron los estudios cliométricos, el interés por encontrar fórmulas y modelos que nos ayuden a entender la historia, particularmente la historia económica y social, han atraído la atención de muchos investigadores. Desde... more
The paper has developed an ARMA (1,0)-ARCH (2) with non-normal errors for the saving rate of Lesotho for the period of January 1992 to July 2015. Firstly the ARMA model was proposed with the aim of capturing the linear effects and then... more
Diaporama powerpoint (1/2) du cours de méthodes quantitatives appliquées aux sciences sociales.
NB - Une partie des diapos ont été réalisées avec le support en ligne disponible sur la page du projet iramuteq: http://www.iramuteq.org/
NB - Une partie des diapos ont été réalisées avec le support en ligne disponible sur la page du projet iramuteq: http://www.iramuteq.org/
This article aims to contribute to recent debates on research methods in public administration by examining the use of quantitative methods in public administration research. We analyzed 1,605 articles published between 2001-2010 in four... more
It is increasingly accepted that academic literacies form an integral part of undergraduate learning, yet the field is dominated by qualitative research and too little attention has been paid to the postgraduate level. This paper... more
Barefoot running describes when individuals run without footwear. Minimalist running utilizes shoes aimed to mimic being barefoot. Although these forms of running have become increasingly popular, we still know little about how... more
"On the difference between significant and non-significant effects. Note: link to R and Excel resources for comparing correlations:... more
This experimental study investigates the effects of using creative writing activities on 7th grade students’ achievement in writing skill, writing dispositions and their attitude to English. One group pre and post test design was used in... more
This experimental study investigates the effects of using creative writing activities on 7th grade students’ achievement in writing skill, writing dispositions and their attitude to English. One group pre and post test design was used in... more
Introduction Anaerobic power is power used in high-intensity bouts of exercise lasting fewer than ten seconds; which is the peak amount of time for phosphocreatine reserves to empty as a primary fuel source. It is expressed in terms of... more
According to the self-organized criticality theory, the sandpile model is built to investigate the evolutionary dynamics of empires in the history of China. The methods of agent-based modeling and simulations are applied to capture... more
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects residual forces have on the predicted ground reaction forces (GRF), specifically the zero-moment point (ZMP) location, of a simulation. Additionally, we will propose a computational... more
This study evaluates customers' satisfaction of a certain public organization.
Les premières banlieues pavillonnaires nord-américaines sont problématiques pour le vieillissementà domicile. Malgré la dépendanceà l'automobile, les banlieusardsâgés aspirentà y vieillir. Plutôt que de déménager, ils adaptent leur... more
Tekst poświęcony jest omówieniu wyzwań i możliwości, jakie niesie ze sobą zastosowanie podejścia ilościowego w badaniu integracji cudzoziemców w Polsce. Prezentowane jest w nim stanowisko, że z uwagi na specyfi kę napływu cudzoziemców do... more
The paper discusses analytical applications of the business model canvas (BMC) formulated by Osterwalder & Pigneur [1]. From this model, a methodological tool was devised and used as part of an academic research project, in which the... more
Data collection for research projects often requires a team of data collectors or enumerators. Large-scale surveys at household or community levels, and qualitative research with large numbers of enumerators, require well trained and... more
Assessments of other people's emotional state are a split second, stereotypical decision based on external cues such as smiling and laughter. These decisions, whether accurate or not, can lead to treating people in particular ways based... more
This paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to explore the quantitative relative efficiency of 18 classes of freshmen students studying a course of English conversation in a university of Taiwan from the academic year 2004e2006. A... more
How well does MAM predict individual differences in physiological indicators of appetitive and aversive activation? Communication Methods and Measures, 1(2), 113-136] applies in a non-American (i.e. Asian) context, in order to provide... more
Originally published in the Keesing Journal of Documents & Identity Issue #49. Since time immemorial, cash has determined our social and economic life, with all its related risks and problems, such as enabling crime. Apart from the... more