Recent papers in Sundials
From Sundials to Sun Compasses. The theory which allowed the reconversion of the Horizontal Analemmatic Sundials to Universal Sun Compasses, that were used to substitute the Magnetic Compasses in locations where they are unusable..
Pliant despre cadranele solare din oraş cu ocazia Zilei Astronomiei din Alba Iulia (25 aprilie 2015).
The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a... more
Exactly 500 years ago, Nicolaus Copernicus drew a lattice of lines on a panel above the doorway to his rooms at Olsztyn Castle, then in the Bishopric of Warmia. Although its design has long been regarded as some kind of reflecting... more
Over 940 Latin sundial inscriptions with translations, most re-translated and some corrected, from Margaret Gatty's collection. Available as an ebook. Thoroughly corrected for the 2018 edition. Available at... more
Şablon realizat cu ocazia Zilei Astronomiei din Alba Iulia (25 aprilie 2015).
Today's 3D modeling programs offer methods for representing gnomonic geometry, the apparent astronomical geometry used in dialing, such that this geometry can be directly applied to modeled objects to quickly create unique dial designs.... more
2011 Axis Mundi belongs to a category of sun dials known as scaphes. Scaphe dials take their name from the Greek word for ship-scaphos. Typically these dials are shallow bowls, unlike hemispheriums, which possess the full depth of a half... more
The desire to orient human civilization within the universe is evident in the most ancient structures of the world, including Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza and the Pantheon. The baroque architect, priest and polymath, Guarino Guarini... more
In medieval Hungary surely many different sundials were in use to indicate the passing time, but for today only a few remained which can be still studied. There are especially not many of them which came to the light from archaeological... more
Hors Collection 16 x 24 cm ; 448 pages Index ; bibliographie 110 illustrations 978-2-251-44509-0 35 € Diffusion -Distribution : BLDD L'Antiquité est rarement regardée comme une période d'utilisation massive des instruments de mesure du... more
Reloj de sol polar. Puerto de Bueu. Detalle del cuadrante del reloj de sol polar. También se llama en "escocia", que es el nombre del arco. Sobre el cuadrante se extienden las horas distribuidas entre horas de la mañana a la izquierda o... more
Αρχαία ελληνικά ηλιακά ρολόγια από τη ρωμαϊκή, την ελληνιστική εποχή, καθώς και την περίοδο της ύστερης αρχαιότητας φυλάσσονται στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αθηνών. Από τα επτά συνολικά ηλιακά ρολόγια, τα έξι φυλάσσονται στην Αποθήκη της... more
Questo breve articolo ha lo scopo di presentare e divulgare il contenuto dell'opera "Perspectiva Horaria" di Emanuele Maignan, pubblicata nel 1648 in seguito alla realizzazione di alcune tra le più celebri meridiane a riflessione di tutti... more
El arte público es aquel que sale al encuentro de los ciudadanos en las calles, plazas y parques de nuestras ciudades o en otros lugares públicos. Su presencia allí sirve de referente visual de ese entorno, de todo un barrio, y en algunos... more
ON THE ACCURACY OF WRISTWATCH DETERMINATION OF CARDINAL POINTS The well-known method for finding cardinal directions with an analogue watch implies holding the timepiece horizontally and pointing the hour hand towards the projection of... more
Researher of the University of Warsaw spotted eight previously unknown depictions of sundials in ancient mosaics, bringing the total number of such images up to 15. Sundials on mosaics known before the last identifications: Torre... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
Among the sporadic Old Syriac inscriptions, some including dates are even fewer. An unpublished inscription will be presented in this paper. Although inscriptions from Hatra have been lost, some of them were recorded during the... more
Analema Solar a partir de los datos del reloj solar de la iglesia con-catedral de Santa María de Vigo
The spear established itself as a unit of time measurement in Romania, becoming a synonym for the temporary hours used in antiquity. Thus, a spear would refer to one twelfth of the Sun’s solar arc while having a variable duration... more
Premessa 4 Il globo andante 7 L’orologio solare di Glauco de Mottoni 13 Il tracciato della linea meridiana in un documento Di Silvestro II Papa 17 In ricordo di uno gnomonista: Giusto Bellavitis 27 Modo di fare con facilità grandissima... more
Per la prima volta nella storia viene esaminata l'opera gnomonica del grande gesuita Athanasius Kircher.
Roccasecca, febbraio 2016 La misura del tempo nella Praeneste romana, raccontata attraverso il mito dell'Horologium di Varrone e le meridiane di epoca romana di grande importanza tra le quali due recentemente ritrovate in scavi... more
INDICE La storia della gnomonica di Montucla 7 Gli strumenti orari di Giulio Capilupi 19 Vincent e John Wing, The art of surveyiing 34 Edmund Gunter, la gnomonica inglese nel XVII secolo 56 Gaspar Schott, erede di Kircher 91 Thaumalemma... more
It is demonstrated that the Greco-Roman zodiac sundials that flourished in Greece and Italy from about the early second century BCE to the second century CE were related to the zodiac calendar in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the Aramaic... more
Like a number of other prologues of the early modern period, the prologue to Romeo and Juliet is clear about the length of time its play will take in performance. Two hours. But how literal is that claim? A tendency to take the prologue... more
Sowohl die Gewichts- als auch die Zeitmessung erlangten im Laufe des Mittelalters dank Effizienzsteigerung und Internationalisierung in Handel und Handwerk zunehmende Bedeutung. Aus archäologischer Sicht lässt sich dieser Prozess... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
Something new under the sun. A 15th-century time keeping device of European significance This paper presents a handy universal device of the following makeup: a closable box containing a compass, a retractable equatorial sundial and a... more
ABSTRACT: The Tall Gnomon at Gaocheng, Dengfeng Township, Henan Province, China (34°24’8.73”N, 113°8’26.23”E) is described in scholarly literature as tracking changes in the gnomon’s shadow at noon (meridian transit) between midsummer and... more
Premessa Quando devo scrivere un articolo su un argomento che mi sembra piuttosto nuovo, almeno nel senso di poco approfondito nella letteratura gnomonica, cerco di attingere informazioni innanzitutto da ciò che sembra essere considerata... more
This is a scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the sundials already known (Torre Anunzaiata, Sarsina, Trier,... more
INDICE DEGLI ARTICOLI -Che ore sono sulla tua mano? -Cinque meridiane all’eremo di Montevirginio -Due misteriose lastre marmoree nel convento dei Cappuccini Di Bracciano -Dal tuscolo la prima pietra del tempo -Importanti scoperte di N.... more
The Rotonda is a small circular chapel in Geoagiu (central Romania) which appears to be the oldest of its kind in the country (11th-12th centuries AD). Some say it was built by the Templars, others that it was erected by a local nobleman... more
Sundials were the first instruments constructed by the ancient Greek astronomers for the measurement of time. The two ancient sundials described in this work are marble ones of the cylindrical type; they are currently kept in the... more
I give notice of the finding of a new sundial at the site of the greek-roman city of Kale Akte - Calacte, on the hill of Caronia (Sicily, province of Messina). It is in limestone, hemicycle-type, dating to Late Hellenistic period,... more
The linear astrolabe was invented by Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (fl. c. 1180) and although several Arabic monographs on the subject have reached us, none have received sufficient scholarly attention. As a result, one of the most important... more
Fragmented copy of a sundial diptych in the form of an oval ivory platen comes from the castle of the Khotyn Fortress. The inner plane of the upper sheet of the appliance is marked with a vertical sundial for 51° northern latitude. The... more