Recent papers in Sunlight
The recent discovery--from a meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials--that supplemental cholecalciferol (vitamin D) significantly reduces all-cause mortality emphasizes the medical, ethical, and legal implications of promptly... more
Eighteen radiative transfer models in use for calculation of UV index are compared with respect to their results for more than 100 cloud-free atmospheres, which describe present, possible future and extreme conditions. The comparison... more
Within the sheltered creeks of Ca  diz bay, Ulva thalli form extended mat-like canopies. The effect of solar ultraviolet radiation on photosynthetic activity, the composition of photosynthetic and xanthophyll cycle pigments, and the... more
The optical properties of four currently ysed and two recently introduced maxillofacial prosthetic materials were evaluated after the materials were subjected to the following seven environmental variables: natural weathering; normal... more
Despite the widespread use of ambient ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a proxy measure of personal exposure to UVR, the relationship between the two is not well-defined. This paper examines the effects of season and latitude on the... more
Characterization and treatment of a real pharmaceutical wastewater containing 775 mg dissolved organic carbon per liter by a solar photo-Fenton/biotreatment were studied. There were also many inorganic compounds present in the matrix. The... more
Background Erythropoietic protoporphyria is a severe photodermatosis that is associated with acute phototoxicity. Patients with this condition have excruciating pain and a markedly reduced quality of life. We evaluated the safety and... more
Less than 20 of the hundreds of carotenoids found in nature are found in the human body. These carotenoids are present in the body from the foods or dietary supplements that humans consume. The body does not synthesize them. Among the... more
Solar energy applications require readily available, site-oriented, and long-term solar data. However, the frequent unavailability of diffuse irradiation, in contrast to its need, has led to the evolution of various regression models to... more
The aim of this study was to compare the photoprotective effect of carotenoids in phylogentically related bacteria, which synthesize structurally different pigments. Two organisms were isolated from the same environment. Their 16S rDNA... more
Objective: To measure the impact of the introduction of daylight saving in Western Australia in December 2006 on when during the day adults engaged in physical activity.Methods: In early December 2006, 1,300 Western Australian adults were... more
Although sunlight is known to cause melanoma, there has been considerable controversy as to the importance of short (UVB) and long (UVA) ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths in causing melanoma, leading to uncertainty in how best to prevent this... more
Variations in terrestrial spectral irradiance on photovoltaic devices can be an important consideration in photovoltaic device design and performance. This paper describes three available atmospheric transmission models, MODTRAN, SMARTS2,... more
Nutrition plays a role in the etiology of osteoporosis. Two of the most important nutrients for bone health are calcium and vitamin D. Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25-(OH) D] is the most sensitive clinical index of vitamin D status and has... more
It is well established that ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight damages skin cells' DNA. Wavelengths in the UVB range are absorbed by DNA and can induce mutagenic lesions such as pyrimidine dimers. On the other hand, genotoxic... more
Nanocomposites based on poly(vinyl alcohol) and silver nanoparticles were efficiently prepared by sun-and thermal-promoted reduction processes. Uniaxial drawing of the Ag/PVA nanocomposites favoured the anisotropic distribution of silver... more
Chronic sun damage and the perception of age, health and attractiveness, P. J. Matts and B. Fink, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 421 Knowledge, motivation, and behavior patterns of the general public towards sun protection, J. M.... more
It has been recognized that people who live at higher latitudes and who are vitamin D deficient are at higher risk of dying from many common cancers including colon cancer. To evaluate the role of vitamin D deficiency on colon tumor... more
Figure 4. (a) UV/Vis absorption spectra for Au nanoparticles, Fe 2 O 3, Au-Fe 2 O 3 nanoflakes, respectively; (b) IPCE, (c) band gap determination from a (i ph hu) 1/2 vs. photon energy (hu) plot, (d) photocurrent at 360 nm at applied... more
Humans obtain most of their vitamin D through the exposure of skin to sunlight. The immunoregulatory properties of vitamin D have been demonstrated in studies showing that vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor immune function and... more
Background: Severe neonatal jaundice and its progression to kernicterus is a leading cause of death and disability among newborns in poorly-resourced countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The standard treatment for jaundice using... more
HPLC-DAD, HPLC-MS/MS, GC-MS and spectrophotometric methods are employed to investigate the degradation process of sodium 1-amino-5-naphthalene sulfonate (1A5NS) aqueous solutions, when exposed to sunlight and UV-lamp (254 nm) irradiations.
To determine a) the effect of different sunglass tint colorations on traffic signal detection and recognition for color normal and color deficient observers, and b) the adequacy of coloration requirements in current sunglass standards.
Revue du Rhumatisme 2007; 74(5):915-16. 6 / Effet de l'activité physique sur le remodelage osseux chez les jeunes garçons.
Solar urticaria is a rare immunoglobulin E-mediated photodermatosis characterized by the development of a pathognomic wheal and flare within minutes of photoexposure. A 26year-old man presented with a history of sun-induced urticaria only... more
Urban Heat Island (UHI) is considered as one of the major problems in the 21st century posed to human beings as a result of urbanization and industrialization of human civilization. The large amount of heat generated from urban... more
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight is the most prominent and ubiquitous physical carcinogen in our natural environment. It is highly genotoxic but does not penetrate the body any deeper than the skin. Like all organisms regularly... more
10 male subjects, dressed only in white shorts, exercised for 120 min at 92 W on a bicycle ergometer suspended in a balance. For the first 60 min they were exposed to the sun, from 60.-90. min they were shaded, and from 90.-120. min again... more
This article describes a new powering system for implantable medical devices that could significantly increase their lifetime. The idea is based on the substitution of the usual implantable device battery for an electric accumulator... more
With the introduction of Nintendo video-games on a large scale, reports of children having seizures while playing suggested a possible specific, provocative factor. Although 50% of the photosensitive patients are also sensitive to a 50-Hz... more
High-protection sunscreens have been suspected to prompt people to increase sun exposure, and thus to increase skin cancer risk. We tested the influence of both the actual protection (sun protection factor [SPF]) and the information about... more
Background: Bright artificial light improves non-seasonal depression. Preliminary observations suggest that sunlight could share this effect. Methods: Length of hospitalization was recorded for a sample of 415 unipolar and 187 bipolar... more
Background: Sun exposure and skin phototype are the most relevant risk factors for skin cancer. Colombia has high levels of ultraviolet radiation during the whole year, therefore, both, high UVI's and outdoor worker's daily activities, in... more
Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses such as the one isolated from the celery looper, Anagrapha falcifera (Kirby) (AjMNPV), have the potential to be successful bioinsecticides if improved formulations can prevent rapid loss of insecticidal... more
possibly acts as an alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) antagonist, thus inhibiting melaninogenesis. It achieved a significant lightening of the lesions with minimal side-effects. The majority of patients were satisfied with... more
Relato de Caso | Case RepoRt INTRODUCTION Solar retinopathy, also known as photomaculopathy, eclipse re tinopathy and foveomacular retinitis, is retinal damage resulting from direct or indirect solar observations during a solar eclipse or... more
The present study discusses the influence of sunlight on the photostability of levomepromazine (LV) and olanzapine (OLA) hydrochlorides in river water. Four samples of water from different rivers were used in the research. In their... more
Melasma is an acquired hypermelanosis on sun-exposed areas. Its pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. Using histochemistry (Giemsa, Verhoeff–van Gieson and Fontana–Masson staining), we evaluated melasma lesions and compared them... more
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight is the most prominent and ubiquitous physical carcinogen in our natural environment. It is highly genotoxic but does not penetrate the body any deeper than the skin. Like all organisms regularly... more
The use of sunscreen products has been advocated by many health care practitioners as a means to reduce skin damage produced by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from sunlight. There is a need to better understand the efficacy and safety of... more