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Un elemento de la doctrina marxiana que obstaculiza la realización del proyecto ecomunista es su implícito economismo. Aunque hacia el final de su vida Engels declaró que el motor del "progreso" no era la economía sino "las necesidades de... more
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      Filosofía PolíticaMarxismoFilosofía De La HistoriaAnarquismo
The complex and long genesis of the Daodejing is widely known. Whether it was originally composed by a single author, the legendary Laozi, or whether it emerged over time as a sort of collective anthology of ancient sayings, the text... more
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      MetaphysicsChinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyChinese Studies
The Wenzi is a Chinese philosophical text that enjoyed considerable prestige in the centuries following its creation, over two-thousand years ago. When questions regarding its authenticity arose, the text was branded a forgery and... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyDaoismChinese Philology
Many Daoist traditions and lineages of masters formed over its 2000 years of development as a historical community. Which of them, represented by whom, arrived in Latin Amercia when? Are there any empirical or academic studies about them?... more
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      Latin American StudiesChinese StudiesDaoismChinese Religions
Fora de contexto cultural chinês, o Daoísmo é frequentemente associado a práticas de cultivo físico, tais como qìgōng ou tàijí quán, em vez de linhagens tradicionais de Quánzhēn ou Zhèngyī e como uma religião hierarquicamente organizada.... more
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      DaoismTaoismoDaoismoDaoismo no Brasil
Daoism is a religion of Chinese origins that since the 19th century started to have contact with the Brazilian culture, beneath the Orientalism force. Since the second half of the 20th century, we see a second wave of Daoism spread,... more
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      DaoismHybridizationReligion in BrazilDecolonial Thought
My presentation at the International Conference “Topical Theoretical, Methodological, and Applied Issues of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence” (Khabarovsk, Far Eastern State Transport University, May 27-29 2021)
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      Daoist PhilosophyChinese StudiesDaoismShangqing
Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D. is an author, artist, Professor Emerita of Psychology, and an Episcopal priest. With permission from the publisher Inner Traditions,, this article quotes from her forthcoming book, The... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologySpiritualityHumanistic psychologySpirituality & Psychology
The present article discusses the aspects pertaining to the analysis of the concepts of the after-life in early Taoist religion. The focus of attention of the paper is one of the earliest Taoist codes of laws and regulations among those... more
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      Chinese StudiesDaoismChinese ReligionsTaoism (History)
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      SocratesEducaciónFilosofíaEducación Secundaria
A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal definir el origen de los fundamentos teóricos de la tradición alquímica interna taoísta. Como segundo objetivo, se pretende establecer puntos en común entre la antigua tradición... more
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      Inner AlchemyDaoist AlchemyTaoism (Philosophy)Neidan, Internal Alchemy, Alchemy
The laboratory ‘The body of relationship’ presents some Eastern mind body practices useful for physicians and introduces their philosophical background. Through Suzuki’s zen teaching we can understand how important is for medical... more
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      Zen BuddhismParmenidesTai Chi ChuanTaoismo
Neste artigo, o autor investiga elementos da Geografia da Religião na religiosidade chinesa a partir de um vislumbre do uso metafórico da água em escritos confucionistas e taoístas. O objetivo é mostrar como elementos ambientais podem ter... more
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      TaoismoGeografia da ReligiãoConfucionismo
ESPAÑOL El punto de partida de este trabajo es el objetivo general de explorar las resonancias conceptuales entre la filosofía de Deleuze y Guattari y el pensamiento oriental. Este artículo desarrolla dos series de figuras del Oriente... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyChinese PhilosophyGuattari
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      Filosofía griegaTaoismoConfucioFilosofia Comparada
En este trabajo, en base a textos originales de la tradición tibetana Bön que ha presentado al Occidente el estudioso y maestro de dzogchén Chöguîal Namkhai Norbu, se postula e investiga la tesis según la cual el daoísmo podría haber... more
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      TaoismoHistoria De Las ReligionesBön