Theory of Avant-Garde
Recent papers in Theory of Avant-Garde
The avant-gardes have had their history. Since that time, their heroic past has been now relived in accounts in which the course of time is overturned and they re-emerge to “enliven their time” and accomplish history. Those today who... more
Второй авангард: к вопросу о терминологии // И после авангарда – авангард: [сборник статей] / сост. К. Ичин. – Белград, 2017. – С. 91–104.
Citado por Maiakovski y su grupo como maestro e inspirador y al mismo tiempo autor de una obra monumental donde la imaginación del futuro compite con la resonacia romántica de los tipos eslavos, la figura extraña, casi secreta, de Velimir... more
Tekinsizlik kavramı üzerinden kentsel mekanın deneyim ile yeniden üretimini tartışmaya açan tez çalışması; Sigmund Freud tarafından kavramsallaştırılan tekinsizliği negatif bir alfabe ile değil, kentsel mekanı anlamak, deneyimlemek ya da... more
In this essay, the Czech avant-gardist Karel Teige's dual program of Constructivism/Poetism is interrogated in the context of his own claim that architectural historicism was degraded by the rupture into a duality of structure and... more
This research studies the concept of musical experimentalism in the manifestos of musical avant-garde. It theorises the concept of musical experimentalism, clarifies the confusion between the concepts of avant-garde and modernism in music... more
Важнейшая проблема левого искусства в эпоху исторического и нео-авангарда – отношение между методом и материалом, флагрантность которого необходимо было сохранить, организовав его с помощью конструктивного принципа. Если в Советской... more 1 JOURNAL Aktualʹnye problemy teorii i istorii iskusstva : sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ =... more
Let us take a short walk first, and then try to map it in theory and in politics of avant-garde respectively. Central Europe is a space which is in no way the centre of Europe. It is an in-between; under avant-garde terms it is a space... more
В истории искусства ХХ века наиболее смелые и радикальные художественные эксперименты принято обозначать понятием «авангард», происходящим, как известно, из военного словаря. При этом теоретики авангарда, как правило, указывают, что это... more
The most experimental and radical artistic practices In the art history of the twentieth century are usually defined as “avant-garde”, the concept originally owned from the military dictionary. At the same time the theorists of the... more
"Die Kunst als Wegbereiterin der menschlichen Gesellschaft", Mitteilungen der Carl Justi Vereiningung, 13, 2001, pp. 3-21