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In this essay, the Czech avant-gardist Karel Teige's dual program of Constructivism/Poetism is interrogated in the context of his own claim that architectural historicism was degraded by the rupture into a duality of structure and... more
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The avant-gardes have had their history. Since that time, their heroic past has been now relived in accounts in which the course of time is overturned and they re-emerge to “enliven their time” and accomplish history. Those today who... more
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      Cultural StudiesAvant-GardeTheory of Avant-Garde
Второй авангард: к вопросу о терминологии // И после авангарда – авангард: [сборник статей] / сост. К. Ичин. – Белград, 2017. – С. 91–104.
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      Neo-Avant-GardeSoviet nonconformist artTheory of Avant-GardeUnofficial Soviet Art
Важнейшая проблема левого искусства в эпоху исторического и нео-авангарда – отношение между методом и материалом, флагрантность которого необходимо было сохранить, организовав его с помощью конструктивного принципа. Если в Советской... more
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      Marcel DuchampExperimental PragmaticsReady MadeTheory of Avant-Garde
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      TotalitarianismTheory of Avant-GardeNikolay Punin
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      Art TheoryAvant-GardeFranz MarcTheory of Avant-Garde
В истории искусства ХХ века наиболее смелые и радикальные художественные эксперименты принято обозначать понятием «авангард», происходящим, как известно, из военного словаря. При этом теоретики авангарда, как правило, указывают, что это... more
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      Filippo Tommaso MarinettiAvant-GardeItalian FuturismTheory of Avant-Garde
Let us take a short walk first, and then try to map it in theory and in politics of avant-garde respectively. Central Europe is a space which is in no way the centre of Europe. It is an in-between; under avant-garde terms it is a space... more
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      Theory of Avant-Gardecentral & Eastern European avant-gardes
In avant-garde rhetoric, as appropriated by contemporary art, the ideas of social engagement and artistic achievement have been almost identical: after art’s self-sublation, its principal goal has supposedly been social engagement. Yet... more
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      Political PhilosophyArt TheoryContemporary ArtPhilosophy of Art