Timetabling Problem
Recent papers in Timetabling Problem
A school timetable is a reference document created by professionals that clearly shows how school resources, such as teachers and classrooms, fit together with student schedules and school schedules, as well as with days of the week.... more
Streszczenie: W badaniach operacyjnych zagadnienie układania rozkładów zajęć wyróżnia się ze względu na dużą komplikację modelu, problemy związane z doborem adekwatnej metody, a także czas uzyskania rozwiązania. Zagadnienie to rozwiązuje... more
Un aspecto importante en la gestión académica de las universidades es la generación de horarios y la asignación de salones de clase para los distintos cursos que se dictan. En este artículo se presenta la aplicación de un algoritmo... more
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise e projeto de um sistema para geração automática de horários docentes destinados à Faculdade de Balsas, propondo no projeto um algoritmo para solucionar o problema da tabela de... more
The timetabling problems is the most prominent problem in combinatorial optimization. University Examination Timetabling Problem (UETP) is considered as one of the common university timetabling problems. It involves assigning a set of... more
School timetabling is a classic optimization problem that has been extensively studied due to its practical and theoretical importance. It consists in scheduling a set of class-teacher meetings in a predetermined period of time,... more
The timetabling problems is the most prominent problem in combinatorial optimization. University Examination Timetabling Problem (UETP) is considered as one of the common university timetabling problems. It involves assigning a set of... more
This paper presents interval synchronization as a decision making support tool used for planning and managing urban public transportation (UTP) systems. In municipal agglomerations long radial network segments connect residential areas... more
The school timetabling problem can be described as scheduling a set of lessons (combination of classes, teachers, subjects and rooms) in a weekly timetable. This paper presents a novel way to generate timetables for high schools. The... more
There is a growing need to automatically timetable viva presentations for postgraduate candidates due to the increasing number of students enrolled each year, and hence, requiring additional personnel effort. The automatic timetabling... more