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    • Torah/Pentateuch
Scholars have commonly located the source of Paul’s analogy for the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:39–49 in the enumerated creatures of Genesis 1. Some interpreters have suggested Sir 43:1–10 lies behind the reference to the variegated... more
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      New TestamentPauline LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismSecond Temple Judaism
Throughout the Pentateuch, God and Moses have done, before anyone else, what the scribes have always done: they have updated, amended, and supplemented. Through the projection of such characters in the narrated story, characters endowed... more
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      Old Testament TheologyNarrative TheologyOld TestamentPentateuchal Theory
This chapter examines some of the assumptions that are typically employed when dealing with the development of the Hebrew Bible. The first part of the chapter is a critique of the very term "Jewish Bible." It points out some of the... more
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      TheologyHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleTextual Criticism
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesTorah/PentateuchLeviticus
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      Pentateuchal TheoryTorah/Pentateuch
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      Biblical StudiesBook of GenesisNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyPentateuchal Theory
The Torah's censuses of the tribal tallies in Exodus and Numbers, suggesting the flight that some three million Hebrews fled ancient Egypt in ca. 1450 BCE, is one of the major targets of scorn by deniers of Torah tradition. Meanwhile,... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld TestamentHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonBiblical Theology
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      FaithTorah/PentateuchBiblical CovenantsPentateuco
An enormous amount of research and the synthesization of historical events and archaeological artifacts has led the author to verify Israelite residence in Egypt from 1876–1446 BC. This research is connected to the unexpected discovery of... more
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      EgyptologyHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleBiblical Studies
The key issues within this essay are maintaining purity in one’s life and thus being holy as a reflection of one’s salvation in Jesus Christ. I do not believe a homosexual lifestyle constitutes living a pure life or makes one holy and... more
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      Old TestamentBiblical TheologyJewish Ritual Purity LawTorah/Pentateuch
For about 150 years, scholars have attempted to identify the language of the world’s first alphabetic script, and to translate some of the inscriptions that use it. Until now, their attempts have accomplished little more than identifying... more
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      EgyptologyHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleBiblical Studies
O Israel antigo teve por fundamentação a religião de Yahweh. A crença no Deus da Confederação e na Aliança deu origem ao povo que hoje conhecemos como judeus. A religião de Yahweh trouxe para a sociedade de então uma grande revolução, o... more
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Detailed arguments for dating Genesis 1-11 to the exilic era. 1. There is no reference to Moses writing any of Genesis, Exodus 1-14, 15:20-19:23; 24:1-18; 32:1-34:35; 35:30-40:37, or Leviticus 24:10-23, and only Numbers 33:3-49 is... more
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      Ancient Near EastBook of GenesisPentateuchal TheoryHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
La recherche récente sur le Pentateuque souligne que l'essentiel de l'histoire d'Abraham en Gn 12–25 est d'origine soit sacerdotale, soit post-sacerdotale. Néanmoins, quelques traditions pré-sacerdotales peuvent être identifiées,... more
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      Torah/PentateuchAbrahamArcheology and the BIbleHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Messiah in Judaism is mystery, or is it?
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      Jewish MessianismTorah/PentateuchMessiah Figuresmessianic prophecy, Jewish messiahs' history, end time isuues
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionComputer ScienceIslamic Law
An updated version, with the addition of one paragraph. I also recommend that you read the Tree of Life (1st and 2nd Part), which is now also published here in Academia. This is a post on my blog, and also a supplement to my last book... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesHebrew BibleJewish Mysticism
Discussions of 4QMMT have often focused on whether the epilogue refers to a tripartite canon comprising the Books of Moses, the prophets, and David. Recent scholarship has tended to doubt the possible reference to a Davidic corpus but has... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Second Temple JudaismHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonDeuteronomy
(A d'var Torah based on a talk by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe)
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEgyptology
Winner – 2021 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise. Reviewed in: Vetus Testamentum, 72, no. 2 (2022): 348–350. Review of Biblical Literature (05/2022):... more
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      RitualIsraelite ReligionTorah/PentateuchLeviticus
Argues parts of Exod 19; 20; 24 to comprise together a new ritual configuration that rallies Israelite nationhood around divine kingship, and circumvents and obviates human kingship.
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      RitualHebrew BibleBiblical StudiesBiblical Archaeology
Abraham Joshua Heschel tarafından yazılmış olan " God, Torah and Israel" makalesini Türkçe'ye çevirdim. Bu makale ilk kez Türkçe olarak sunuluyor.
Türkçe'ye Çeviren: Gökhan Duran
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTalmudSecond Temple Judaism
Tüm diller içerisinde yazılmış en iyi Tora açıklamaları arasında kabul arasında kabul edilen büyük eser MeAm Lo’ez şimdi Türkçe! Türkçe'ye Çeviren: Gökhan Duran Rabbi Yaaakov Culi tarafından yazılan MeAm Lo’ez, en büyük Yahudi kaynak... more
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Presented at SWCRS, Irving, TX, 3/11/2018. Oddities in the characterization and actions of the patriarch Isaac in the book of Genesis have long been noted by scholars, but the typical way of dealing with these oddities has been... more
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      Hebrew BibleBook of GenesisHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastTorah/Pentateuch
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      Old Testament TheologyBiblical TheologyTorah/PentateuchHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Translation StudiesBible TranslationBible TranslationsTorah/Pentateuch
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      Gender StudiesIntertextualityTorah/PentateuchLeviticus
A collection of fascinating material on the weekly parsha
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      Jewish StudiesTorah/PentateuchTorahJudiasm/Christianity
Son una secuencia que abre una posibilidad de entender mejor y más claro cómo Jesús quiso describir el carácter de Dios. Jesús mostró un Dios diferente al que tenía en vista la mayoría del mundo antiguo y lo hace hoy al mundo actual... more
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      GospelsTorah/PentateuchSERMON ON THE MOUNTPentateuco
A poem and its exegesis, or a midrash on Purim and its commentary.
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionJewish StudiesDigital Humanities
Dqs Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte frtihe vollplastische Skulptur vorhanden ist, zum anderen auch nicht klar ist, wie das Golgothakreuz wirklich aussah, d. h. ob es überhaupt mit einem Corpus Christi versehen war. Ob... more
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Deuteronomy addresses social contexts of widespread displacement, an issue affecting 65 million people today. In this book Mark R. Glanville investigates how Deuteronomy fosters the integration of the stranger as kindred into the... more
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      EthicsRefugee StudiesSocial InclusionEthnicity
n Die Weisungen über die reinen und unreinen Tiere stehen buchstäblich in der Mitte der Tora. Zählt man alle 304.805 Buchstaben der Tora, so findet man genau in der Mitte, das o im Wort gachon ("Bauch") im Satz (Lev 11,42):
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      Anthropology of FoodPaleolithic Dietary ModelFood ethicsTorah/Pentateuch
11, Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament, Freiburg i. Br.: Herder, 2018, 752 pages, hardcover, € 115.00, ISBN 978-3-451-26801-4.
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      Biblical StudiesBook of GenesisTorah/PentateuchBiblical Exegesis
PREVIEW ONLY - READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: While the Torah instructs Jews not to practice soothsaying or divination, the Talmud includes several discussions about the power of astrology with... more
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      TalmudJewish MysticismHistory of AstrologyKabbalah
In his introduction, Garrett identifies several features of his commentary. First, he attempts to give readers short introduction to Egyptian history culture language and geography. While this appears primarily in the introduction, the... more
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      Torah/PentateuchExodusBook of ExodusHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Old Testament TheologyAncient Near EastPentateuchal TheoryDeuteronomy
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleOld Testament Prophecy
Séminaire privé - février 2006/juillet 2007
Première séance
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      Émmanuel LévinasPhilo of AlexandriaTorah/PentateuchBenny Lévy
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      Deuteronomistic HistoryBooks of SamuelBook of GenesisTorah/Pentateuch
Published n: Walter Bührer (ed.), Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungs- und Auslegungsprozesse: Textarbeit im Pentateuch, in Qumran, Ägypten und Mesopotamien, FAT II/108, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019, 159–177.
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      Torah/PentateuchMosesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
an interpretation of the hermeneutics of the Temple Scroll interpreting Deuteronomy, published in: Kristin De Troyer/Armin Lange (Hg.), The Qumran Legal Texts between the Hebrew Bible and Its Interpretation, CBET 61, Peeters, Leuven... more
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      Second Temple JudaismDeuteronomyTorah/PentateuchSecond Temple Judaism and Early Christianity
«Una tradizione antica riferita da illustri sapienti informa che tutta la Toràh, i primi cinque libri della Bibbia, è composta dal nome di Dio». E’ la fascinazione proposta dallo scrittore Erri De Luca, che ci offre una prima motivazione... more
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      Torah/PentateuchTorahAntico TestamentoMishneh Torah
Acest studiu s-a născut din nevoia de a înțelege rolul important pe care sângele îl are în general în Biblia Ebraică, iar în mod special în cărțile Pentateuhului. Analiza noastră va fi făcut pe baza textului masoretic, deoarece acest text... more
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      Old TestamentTorah/PentateuchOld Testament Exegesis
PDF Flyer for my book. Sefer Tagin Fragments from the Cairo Genizah A Critical Edition, Commentary and Reconstruction. Volume 12 of the Cambridge Genizah Studies Series. In Sefer Tagin Fragments from the Cairo Genizah, Marc Michaels... more
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew BibleHebrew ManuscriptsJudaism
theological reconstruction of the spirit of biblical feasts and their history in the Hebrew Bible; publ. in:TRE XI, 1983, 96-106
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      Biblical TheologyTorah/PentateuchHebrew Bible/Old Testament
בענין דברי חז"ל על אדם הראשון שדוד היה אמור להיות נפל ולחיות אך ורק ג' שעות ותרם לו אדם ע' שנה משנותיו
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      Jewish StudiesBook of PsalmsJudaismHebrew Bible and Ancient Near East
Le récit du péché de Moïse en Nb 20,1-13 est un haut lieu de la sagacité et de l'imagination des exégètes. En dépit de l'apport de générations de commentateurs, il y a toujours -et il y aura toujours -à se demander quelle est, au vrai,... more
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      Hebrew BibleTorah/PentateuchBiblical NarrativeMoses