Recent papers in Transcaucasus
Ямсков А.Н. Изменение топонимии Закавказья в XX – XXI вв. // Топонимия Ближнего Зарубежья: 100 лет переименований. Атлас-справочник / Отв. ред. В.Н. Калуцков. – М.: РГО, 2020, с. 83-152 Полный текст этой коллективной монографии в... more
This paper represents a brief overview of the materials held at the US National Archives and Records Administration and the US National Security Archive pertinent to the nationalist manifestations in three Transcaucasian republics of the... more
The chapter presents a new critical edition, a translation and a commentary of the acts of the Council of Širakawan. In 862, the Armenian Catolicos Zachary of Jagkʽ received an emissary of Photios of Constantinople, who conveyed to him... more
Translated title: "Turkic population of Caucasian Albania in Sassanian period (5th-7th centuries CE)" The article deals with the evidence of earliest emergence of Eurasian nomads in the South Caucasus and their penetration to this region.... more
Since the beginning of the 20th century, researchers have paid attention to a series of the Scythian pole-tops with flat images of birds. These findings are one of the indicators of the complexes of the second — third quarter of the 6th... more
For all its strategic importance, the South Caucasus remains relatively unknown in the 'Western' scholarship. By reconsidering the historical role of the first democratic republics of Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan in 1918-1921, this... more
Second issue of new academic journal. Studia Turkica Mongolica Tibetica Manchurica Sibirica Russica et cetera. Tartaria Magna is a peer reviewed e-journal in Russian. Editors accept papers and reviews in English and provide Russian... more
16. yüzyılda Kafkasya’ya nüfuz eden Rus Devleti’nin bölgedeki ilk idari yapıları 18. yüzyıldan itibaren burada inşa edilen kaleler ile ortaya çıktı. Bu kaleler, Rus Kazakları ile Rusya’ya bağlılık bildiren halkların yönetimini üstlendi.... more
Ardahan İli arkeolojik yüzey araştırması 2014 yılı çalışmaları, ilin merkez ilçesine bağlı yerleşim alanlarında ve bu alanların yakın çevresinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın seyri, bir önceki araştırma sezonunun sonuçları göz önünde... more
The Kurds are among the direct neighbours of the Transcaucasian republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azarbaijan, each of which has moreover a Kurdish minority among its population. The Central Asian republics of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan,... more
The motif of the church patron or founder carrying a building model was inserted in church decoration since Late Antiquity, and specifically in the main apses of sixth century churches. Later, it became common in the pictorial programmes... more
Yamskov A.N. Ethnic Conflict in the Transcaucasus: The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh // Theory and Society, 1991, vol. 20, № 5, pp. 631-660.
Bu çalışma, Ardahan İli 2013 Yılı Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırmasının kısa bir değerlendirmesidir. İlin merkez ilçesinde yeni keşfedilen bazı arkeolojik kültür varlıkları üzerine detaya inmeyen ilk gözlemler bu çalışmada yer almaktadır. 2013... more
During the survey conducted in the province of Ardahan a Medieval church and two chapels were discovered in three sites connected to the central district. This church and the chapels are the last structures added to numerous Medieval... more
For scholars of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman civilisations Armenia lies in a remote East, whereas since the Russian conquests of the Caucasus between 1783 and 1829, it has firmly occupied a place in the south of our mental map, beyond the... more
The Devil’s Fortress is 1.5-2 km north of Yıldırımtepe village located in Çıldır district of Ardahan where is located northeastern Turkey. The Devil’s Fortress is situated on a highly steep and rocky peninsula surrounded by Karaçay Valley... more
This work analyzes the Russo-Persian War of 1826-1828 and the migration of the Armenians from Persia to Transcaucasia following the Treaty of Türkmençay of 1828. This study covers the period from the forced immigrations of the Armenians... more
Turkey is still far from having reached the level of advanced representative democracies. Turkish social and political life oscillate between the two modes of modern unfreedom: tryranny of majority and soft despotism. The logic of raison... more
This book consists of five studies that explore different facets of the enduring derivation of Armenian theology from the South, i.e. the Syriac world and the Holy Land. The Armenian Church adhered only to the first three Œcumenical... more
The Formation of Sectarian Identities in the Religious Interchange between the Balkans and Caucasus and their Role in Contemporary Religio-Political Processes The settlement and presence of Georgian monastic and non-Chalcedonian... more
An archaeological survey has been conducted in Ardahan, one of the eastern Anatolian city. Although the researches in the area have begun in 1940's by Prof. İ. Kılıç Kökten, they were not continued. The archaeological survey project... more
This paper deals with the diplomatic relations between the Armenian aristocracy (as a whole and as individuals respectively) and the most important neighboring Christian monarch, the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor. The study... more
The wild Euro Asiatic grape occupies an area which extends for approximately 6000 Km squared from East to West, from central Asia to Spain, for approximately 1200 Km from South to North, from western Africa to northern Crimea.
Die Geschichte der „Zweihundert Jahre zusammen“ von Russen und Juden ist bereits geschrieben worden. Die vorliegende Monographie hat einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den zweihundert Jahren Zusammensein von Russen und Georgiern geleistet.... more
The article assesses changes in land use and their impact on rural incomes in Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. It compares developments in these countries with core CIS (Russia, Ukraine) and Central Asian states of the FSU. The author’s... more
For several years Khatchatur Mousheghian had studied in the Numismatic department of Leningrad Hermitage, under guidance of famous Russian numismatist A. A. Bikov. In 1958, brilliantly defending his thesis, referring to studies of... more
Adiaman (formely Garnahovit) -Talin region 1. Alexander the Great (336-323), Babylon, 325-323, tetradrachm
This seriation shows a selection of objects from graves of the Middle Bronze, Late Bronze, Iron I, and early Iron II from Hasanlu, Dinkha, Geoy, Hajji Firuz, and Yanik. A version of the document will appear as a foldout in Hasanlu V: The... more