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      EngineeringTransport EngineeringIncident Managementexpert System
Under the prevailing financial constraints and rapid infrastructure deterioration, funding decisions for renewal (rehabilitation) projects have become large challenges for engineers and economists alike. However, existing prioritization... more
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      Civil EngineeringEconomicsMicroeconomicsCost-Benefit Analysis
Managers require measures spanning multiple enterprises to increase supply chain competitiveness and to increase the value delivered to the end-customer. Despite the need for supply chain metrics, there is little evidence that any firms... more
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      BusinessEconomicsIndustrial OrganizationSupply Chain Management
While the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) conducts an annual survey of business school faculty and administrative salaries, the data do not include salary figures for logistics (and related... more
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      BusinessTransportationTransportation ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management
16. ABSTRACT Roadway Weather Information System and Automatic Vehicle Location Coordination involves the development of an Inclement Weather Console that provides a new capability for the state of Oklahoma to monitor weather-related... more
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      EngineeringComputer Science
Beginning this year, U.S. cargo and passenger airlines will have an opportunity to compete for a bigger share of freight trade and traffic between the U.S. and Mexico. This opportunity will occur as a result of the new Air Services... more
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      BusinessTransportationTransportation ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management
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    • Computer Science
I declare that this project is my original work and has never been presented for academic purposes in any other University. CANDIDATE: ISAAC MUNGAI NJOROGE This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the... more
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      BusinessKenyaCompetitive advantageCorporation
Today, overcrowded public transport demand, resulting in huge costs in an urban area. Similarly, there are a lot of people who use public transport in Hawassa city. This study aimed to develop public transport users' trip production... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransport EngineeringPublic TransportTransportation Management
As the world is giving climate change a higher priority, several Coalitions are working on meeting a clean and green environment (SDG 13), focusing on new streets' design in total urban development. A previous study discussed the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Urban EnvironmentsSustainable Cities
Over the last two years blockchain technology has presented itself as a potential digital transformation that could disrupt and revitalize many business models. However, this digital transformation is still new and many companies grapple... more
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      BusinessMarketingTransportation ManagementDigital Transformation
Over the last two years blockchain technology has presented itself as a potential digital transformation that could disrupt and revitalize many business models. However, this digital transformation is still new and many companies grapple... more
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      BusinessMarketingTransportation ManagementDigital Transformation
Transportation network, especially highways, is considered a national or international asset, and by proper maintenance system, public and private organizations can prioritize the budgeting of repair and reconstruction. The problem is to... more
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      Statistical AnalysisCivil Infrastructure Asset ManagementTransportation ManagementAsphalt Pavements
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the State of... more
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      EngineeringTransport EngineeringDocumentationRamp Metering
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof.
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    • Computer Science
Vehicle routing is a key instrument to manage and control animal disease outbreaks. This paper focuses on an efficient, user-friendly and automatic procedure to manage transportation logistics to and between farms in the case of an... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithmsTransportation Management
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      Environmental ScienceTransport EngineeringVisibility
The study adopted the pretest-posttest, quasi-experimental design to examine the extent to which self-efficacy and psychological distress predicted alcohol addiction among the National Union of Road Transport Workers in Lagos State,... more
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    • Child and adolescent mental health
This study investigated the assertiveness and substance abuse as predictors of aggressive driving behaviour among private car owners in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design for data collection. A... more
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Traffic volume data, especially average annual daily traffic (AADT), are important in transportation engineering. They are required in managing and maintaining existing facilities and in planning and designing new facilities. Many state... more
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      Civil EngineeringComputer ScienceStatistical AnalysisTraffic Engineering
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial AccountingPolitical Science
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSophistication
The dynamic development of urban areas poses increasingly more challenges for the provision of transport services for the population. The concentration of the economic potential and population in the metropolitan areas results in the... more
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      Computer ScienceTransport EngineeringUrbanizationPopulation
Abstract:The quality of a professional driver's work is increasingly coming into focus, both from the professional and from the scientific public, because the demands of the transport market are increasing, and the consequences are... more
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      Transportation StudiesPublic TransportTransportation Management
Road is an infrastructure that built to support the movement of the vehicle from one place to another for different purposes. Today, it is often found damage to road infrastructure, both local roads, and arterial roads. Therefore, to keep... more
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    • International roughness index
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      BusinessApplied MathematicsEconomicsIndustrial Organization
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      BusinessEconomicsTransportationTransportation Management
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The Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board have set forth a proposal requiring companies to capitalize operating leases and include them as assets and liabilities on their balance sheets. The... more
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      BusinessTransportationTransportation ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management
That is a public space. Most of the people spend their time to have some relax, family and friends gathering, it provided educational and recreation facilities. The existence of public space should be able to be accessible for all of the... more
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      SociologyMultidisciplinaryPublic SpaceRECREATION
An exploratory quantitative study on the relationship between profit contribution information and firm-wide internal integration is presented. Specifically, the authors examine how profit contribution information availability impacts... more
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      BusinessTransportationTransportation ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management
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In light of the decline in social acceptance of walking and biking to school, there is a critical need to examine issues impacting school transportation decisions and to identify strategies to promote healthier behavior. In urban areas... more
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      BusinessTransport EngineeringTransportationTransportation Management
Pricing services of motor carriers is a dynamic process, with continuous pressure from customers to offer competitive rates and discounts. This can lead to a profusion of special arrangements with rates that poorly reflect the services... more
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      BusinessEconomicsTransportationTransportation Management
In a global economy, competitive and dynamic environment, logistics managements is an important strategic factor for increasing competitiveness. The significance of logistics management had evolved from a more passive and cost... more
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      BusinessOperations Managementservice Business
Transportation is the lifeblood of the development of an area, if an area has a good transport system and can accommodate all mobility needs of the existing community, then the area will be developed and grew rapidly both in the field of... more
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      BusinessPublic TransportHuman ResourcesTransportation Management
Nowadays, one of the main marketing objectives of the new generation of turboprop aircrafts is the noise control to enhance the internal comfort. The propellers represent in fact the main noise source whose amplitude and frequencies... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAcousticsTransportation Management
In emerging countries, improving performance in the transportation industry is a critical concern. Bus transport companies like Anbessa, Sheger and the Public Service Employees' Transport Service play a pivotal role in Addis... more
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      BusinessTransport EngineeringPublic TransportProductivity
Traffic safety is current problem, and it is at the same time an important area for scientific research work, both on the global and from the national level. Traffic safety management is of great importance from the aspect of reducing the... more
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      BusinessTransport EngineeringTransportation StudiesTransportation Management
Rezumat Sectorul public, reprezentat mai ales de întreprinderile publice, prezintă importanţă deoarece asigură legătura dintre interesele private şi cele publice. În acelaşi timp, susţinerea de către stat a întreprinderilor publice şi a... more
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Traffic Management Centers (TMCs) acquire, process, and integrate data in a variety of ways to support real-time operations. Crowdsourcing has been identified as one of the top trends and technologies that traffic management agencies can... more
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      BusinessSocial Media
The aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that people in a typical high-transport zone are particularly vulnerable with respect to transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a new contagious disease that has rapidly... more
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      GeographySocioeconomicsAccessibilityGraph Theory
Although commercial motorcyclists are gaining acceptance by all and sundry as a means of public transport which are adapted to the contemporary Nigerian society. However, expose to all hazards including accidents are further worsened by... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental HealthBenin CityArts and Humanities
Unit Informasi pada bandar udara bertugas untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai kebandarudaraan kepada penumpang maupun non penumpang, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan informasi terhadap kepuasan... more
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      Business AdministrationPhysics
Abstrak             Unit Informasi pada bandar udara bertugas untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai kebandarudaraan kepada penumpang maupun non penumpang, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan informasi... more
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      Business AdministrationPhysics
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      BusinessTransportationTransportation ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management
While reverse logistics has gained significant interest in recent years, the research on its antecedents is still far from comprehensive. The current study utilizes data collected from China to empirically test a conceptual model that is... more
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      BusinessKnowledge ManagementStructural Equation ModelingReverse Logistics
Infrastructure components are generally divided into two major parts, namely costback and no-cost return. Infrastructure financing is not returned by involving the community financially by using a system that is often referred as... more
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      BusinessFinanceMultidisciplinaryWillingness to Pay
This research work is carried out the topic ―impact of tricycle operation on income of youth in Mubi North local government Adamawa state‖. The rate of unemployment among youth is a source of concern to the government. This has led to the... more
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Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan jumlah penumpang dan adanya tuntutan peningkatan pelayanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui adanya pengaruh kinerja petugas Terminal Service secara positif dan signifikan... more
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    • Physics